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InvestoGain Australia


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deListed and InvestoGain acknowledge the support of ASX and ASA:


Australian Securities Exchange
Australian shareholders association

Selecting shares


Please first read Where to Start and Be Warned, then consider:


Which companies should I select from?

 If you want to select your own shares, pick them from the companies that constitute the All Ords index. The All Ords comprises the securities of the top 500 companies listed on the ASX by market capitalisation.

 There is one school of thought that goes further and says you can’t go wrong over the long-term by having a portfolio of just blue chip stocks and that is long term because these tend to be popular stocks with a lot of upside already priced in. There's often potential for disappointment in the short run. We are cautious about advocating this approach.

 You may also want to consider exchange traded funds which are essentially indexed funds traded on the market. By investing in these funds you can invest in a portfolio of Australian shares or increase your exposure to certain sectors or industries.


Shares, how should I select them?

 Start with a list of companies that are recommended by professionals. You can for example register with brokers to receive research. Look for current stock picks in investment magazines, in the Money and financial sections of the newspapers and on investment websites. Accept for further analysis only those in top 500 companies listed on the ASX.

 Depending on how much you are investing, whittle the number of stocks down so that you have a reasonably diversified, yet manageable portfolio. We suggest:


Amount Investing



Number of Stocks

< $10,000 0*
$10-$25,000 2-3
$25-$50,000 3-5
$50-$100,000 5-7
$100-$250,000 7-12

 * Keep small amounts on Term Deposit with a big bank.

 Invest only in companies that are well managed with a solid balance sheet and record of earnings.

 Look for sectors and for companies with good prospects, preferably before those prospects are factored into the price!

 Look for companies that have developed important new services or products.

 Better to invest in businesses that you understand.

 As Warren Buffett says, "try to buy stock in companies that are so wonderful that an idiot could run them. Because sooner or later one will."

Thank you for the wonderful service you provide through your website. I've had the pleasure of selling a parcel of shares: easy, efficient, and very cost-effective. And I especially like the super-easy way your site allows me to chase up companies' various name changes, and so remain up-to-date.
I Brandli, Coffs Harbour NSW

…out of all the exchanges that I do research for, your particular web site makes finding information so easy. I wish the rest of the world would follow your footsteps. Reuters

Thank you so much for assisting with this. I contacted the registry today and they did confirm there are …… shares [value: $42,000] in my sister’s name. I have put ......... in contact with them so she can update her address and will thereafter be able to claim the dividends [value: $3764] and sell her shares if she chooses. We really appreciate your help, this money will be of huge assistance to ..... What a fantastic service you provide.