Any AUS or NZ company
Find any Australian or New Zealand company or fund (dead or alive) by using SEARCH above or go directly to the site:
Before buying a managed fund we urge you to read the preceding webpages of this series:
Where do I go to buy a managed fund?
Buying a fund is not as easy as buying shares, but here are a number of the options for you to consider:
CommSec Direct Funds offers over 1000 investment funds, super funds and allocated pensions accessing many different asset classes. You "receive up to 100% rebate on entry fees."
E*Trade offers over 500 funds (including wholesale not readily available to retail customers) and you can buy and sell funds online. "no entry and exit fees".
Rabo Direct promotes about 60 preselected funds to individuals, joint applicants, businesses and DIY super funds. You need to open an account and the brokerage in most cases is 0.75%.
Most fund managers will also accept contributions to their funds (see how at their websites) and so also will financial advisers, banks and direct brokers.
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