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15 March 2025
Name: | WINDIMURRA VANADIUM LIMITED (WVL) (This company subsequently changed its name to TITANIUM SANDS LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Status.) | ||||||
Date of Listing: | 22 December 1988 | ||||||
Subsequent Names: |
| ||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status: (updated daily)
This company subsequently changed its name to TITANIUM SANDS LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Stock Exchange Status.Legal Status: (updated monthly)
This company subsequently changed its name to TITANIUM SANDS LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Legal Status.Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status: (updated at least quarterly)
This company subsequently changed its name and is now TITANIUM SANDS LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Capital Gains Tax Status.
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Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
Disclaimer: The information provided above is to the best of our knowledge accurate as of today. But you should bear in mind that it is of a general nature and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Investogain Pty Limited accepts no liability for any loss arising from reliance on this information, including reliance on information that is no longer current.
FROM | TO | |
WINDIMURRA VANADIUM LIMITED | 24/12/2007 | 06/12/2016 |
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name changed to Titanium Sands Limited | 06/12/2016 |
The securities of Windimurra Vanadium Limited (the "Company") will be reinstated to official quotation at the commencement of trading on 4 July 2014 following effectuation of the deed of company arrangement and completion of a capital raising. Security Code: WVL | 02/07/2014 |
the final tranche of funds have been paid in accordance with the terms of the Deed of Company Arrangement - the DOCA was wholly effectuated on 26 June 2014 | 01/07/2014 |
on 6 June 2014, the Deed Administrators have, as requested by Trident Capital Pty Ltd (Trident), extended the outstanding conditions precedent in the Reconstruction Deed from 6 June 2014 to 30 June 2014, to allow Trident further time to complete | 10/06/2014 |
DOCA is extended to 6 June 2014 | 02/06/2014 |
DOCA is extended to 30 May 2014 | 01/05/2014 |
issues a Prospectus | 05/04/2014 |
releases Half Yearly Accounts | 17/03/2014 |
DOCA is extended to 30 April 2014 | 06/01/2014 |
Windimurra Vanadium Limited (Subject to Deed of Company Arrangement) (the "Company") advises that ASX Limited ("ASX") has granted the Company a waiver from ASX listing rule 14.7 | 09/10/2013 |
DOCA is extended to 31 Dec 2013 | 27/09/2013 |
DOCA is extended to 30 June 2013 | 30/05/2013 |
Consolidation of the issued capital of the Company on a 1 for 8 basis. This consolidation was approved by Shareholders on 26 February 2013 and effected on 12 March 2013 | 12/03/2013 |
DOCA is extended to 30 June 2012 | 02/04/2012 |
DOCA is extended to 31 March 2012 | 28/12/2011 |
DOCA is extended to 31 December 2011 | 01/08/2011 |
DOCA is extended to 31 July 2011 | 28/03/2011 |
DOCA is extended to 31 March 2011 | 24/12/2010 |
a restructure of consortium arrangements with Atlantic Limited has been agreed | 06/08/2010 |
DOCA is extended to 16 August 2010 | 01/07/2010 |
a varied DOCA is executed | 27/05/2010 |
a variation to the DOCA is approved | 06/05/2010 |
a meeting of creditors is to be held on 6 May 2010 to consider consider a variation to the DOCA at the offices of Ferrier Hodgson, Level 26, 108 St Georges Terrace, Perth at 10.30am AWST | 28/04/2010 |
receivers announce a binding agreement has been entered into to recapitalise the company | 07/04/2010 |
company executes a deed of company arrangement | 31/12/2009 |
Mineral Resources Limited (ASX:MIN) (MRL) has entered into a heads of agreement with Brian McMaster and Martin Madden, the Receiver and Managers of Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd, to lead a consortium to recapitalise the Windimurra vanadium project in Western Australia. Under the proposal, the MRL consortium will take a substantial majority shareholding in Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd (Midwest) with the original, secured lenders taking a minor equity role | 25/11/2009 |
Iain Scott resigns as a director | 29/10/2009 |
Garry Korte resigns as a director and secretary | 29/10/2009 |
Guy David Greville and Wolf Martinick resign as directors | 02/10/2009 |
ASIC has granted the Company a deferral of its reporting requirements in respect of the half year ended 31 December 2008 and the full year ended 30 June 2009 until 30 October 2009. The need for the deferral arose in order to reduce costs during the external administration process | 19/08/2009 |
convening of the second meeting of creditors has been extended by the Court to 30 September 2009 | 30/06/2009 |
ASIC has granted the Company a deferral of its reporting requirements in respect of the half year ended 31 December 2008 until 18 August 2009 | 11/05/2009 |
Matthew Lilly resigns as Company Secretary of the Company | 31/03/2009 |
convening of the second meeting of creditors has been extended by the Court to 30 June 2009 | 26/03/2009 |
Martin Jones, Darren Weaver and Andrew Saker have been appointed as Joint and Several Administrators of the Company and its 90% owned subsidiary, MidWest Vanadium Pty Ltd | 18/02/2009 |
securities suspended pending outcome of negotiations over a possible capital raising | 10/02/2009 |
securities suspended from quotation pending an announcement about a placement | 28/03/2008 |
securities reinstated to quotation following an announcement about a placement | 28/03/2008 |
name changed from Precious Metals Australia Limited | 24/12/2007 |
name changed to Titanium Sands Limited | 06/12/2016 |
The securities of Windimurra Vanadium Limited (the "Company") will be reinstated to official quotation at the commencement of trading on 4 July 2014 following effectuation of the deed of company arrangement and completion of a capital raising. Security Code: WVL | 02/07/2014 |
the final tranche of funds have been paid in accordance with the terms of the Deed of Company Arrangement - the DOCA was wholly effectuated on 26 June 2014 | 01/07/2014 |
on 6 June 2014, the Deed Administrators have, as requested by Trident Capital Pty Ltd (Trident), extended the outstanding conditions precedent in the Reconstruction Deed from 6 June 2014 to 30 June 2014, to allow Trident further time to complete | 10/06/2014 |
DOCA is extended to 6 June 2014 | 02/06/2014 |
DOCA is extended to 30 May 2014 | 01/05/2014 |
issues a Prospectus | 05/04/2014 |
releases Half Yearly Accounts | 17/03/2014 |
DOCA is extended to 30 April 2014 | 06/01/2014 |
Windimurra Vanadium Limited (Subject to Deed of Company Arrangement) (the "Company") advises that ASX Limited ("ASX") has granted the Company a waiver from ASX listing rule 14.7 | 09/10/2013 |
DOCA is extended to 31 Dec 2013 | 27/09/2013 |
DOCA is extended to 30 June 2013 | 30/05/2013 |
Consolidation of the issued capital of the Company on a 1 for 8 basis. This consolidation was approved by Shareholders on 26 February 2013 and effected on 12 March 2013 | 12/03/2013 |
DOCA is extended to 30 June 2012 | 02/04/2012 |
DOCA is extended to 31 March 2012 | 28/12/2011 |
DOCA is extended to 31 December 2011 | 01/08/2011 |
DOCA is extended to 31 July 2011 | 28/03/2011 |
DOCA is extended to 31 March 2011 | 24/12/2010 |
a restructure of consortium arrangements with Atlantic Limited has been agreed | 06/08/2010 |
DOCA is extended to 16 August 2010 | 01/07/2010 |
a varied DOCA is executed | 27/05/2010 |
a variation to the DOCA is approved | 06/05/2010 |
a meeting of creditors is to be held on 6 May 2010 to consider consider a variation to the DOCA at the offices of Ferrier Hodgson, Level 26, 108 St Georges Terrace, Perth at 10.30am AWST | 28/04/2010 |
receivers announce a binding agreement has been entered into to recapitalise the company | 07/04/2010 |
company executes a deed of company arrangement | 31/12/2009 |
Mineral Resources Limited (ASX:MIN) (MRL) has entered into a heads of agreement with Brian McMaster and Martin Madden, the Receiver and Managers of Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd, to lead a consortium to recapitalise the Windimurra vanadium project in Western Australia. Under the proposal, the MRL consortium will take a substantial majority shareholding in Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd (Midwest) with the original, secured lenders taking a minor equity role | 25/11/2009 |
Iain Scott resigns as a director | 29/10/2009 |
Garry Korte resigns as a director and secretary | 29/10/2009 |
Guy David Greville and Wolf Martinick resign as directors | 02/10/2009 |
ASIC has granted the Company a deferral of its reporting requirements in respect of the half year ended 31 December 2008 and the full year ended 30 June 2009 until 30 October 2009. The need for the deferral arose in order to reduce costs during the external administration process | 19/08/2009 |
convening of the second meeting of creditors has been extended by the Court to 30 September 2009 | 30/06/2009 |
ASIC has granted the Company a deferral of its reporting requirements in respect of the half year ended 31 December 2008 until 18 August 2009 | 11/05/2009 |
Matthew Lilly resigns as Company Secretary of the Company | 31/03/2009 |
convening of the second meeting of creditors has been extended by the Court to 30 June 2009 | 26/03/2009 |
Martin Jones, Darren Weaver and Andrew Saker have been appointed as Joint and Several Administrators of the Company and its 90% owned subsidiary, MidWest Vanadium Pty Ltd | 18/02/2009 |
securities suspended pending outcome of negotiations over a possible capital raising | 10/02/2009 |
securities suspended from quotation pending an announcement about a placement | 28/03/2008 |
securities reinstated to quotation following an announcement about a placement | 28/03/2008 |
name changed from Precious Metals Australia Limited | 24/12/2007 |
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James Searle | 03/03/2016 | |
Lee Christensen | Chairman | 16/04/2015 |
Jason Ferris | Director | 31/07/2014 |
Nicki Farley | Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Graham Chapman | Non Exec Director | 21/01/2015 | 17/11/2016 |
Ryan Rockwood | Non Exec Director | 21/01/2015 | 24/11/2015 |
Paul Price | Chairman | 30/07/2012 | 16/04/2015 |
Dennis Ong | Director | 30/07/2012 | 21/01/2015 |
Paula Cowan | Director | 30/07/2012 | 01/08/2014 |
Iain Scott | Managing Director | 19/04/2007 | 20/10/2009 |
Guy Warwick | Non Exec Director | 14/05/1991 | 02/10/2009 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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