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Former (or subsequent) names

WEBJET LIMITED15/06/200002/10/2024
WEBJET NL18/04/200015/06/2000
ROPER RIVER RESOURCES NL02/03/199818/04/2000

Shareholder links

Our website ranking of WEB: rating 4
(4 out of 5)



Computershare Adelaide
Level 5, 115 Grenfell Street, Adelaide SA 5000
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 8 9473 2408 or 1300 534 987
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details

ISIN: AU000000WEB7
Address: Level 9, 492 St Kilda Road, MELBOURNE, VIC, AUSTRALIA, 3004
Tel:  03 9820 9214Fax: 03 9820 9258

Date first listed: 19/11/1997

Sector: Retailing Industry Group: XDJ
Activities: Online travel service

News & Events

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name changed to Web Travel Group Limited


The suspension of trading in the securities of Webjet Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by WEB of an announcement regarding its capital raising.


Institutional component of the Entitlement Offer and Institutional Placement successfully raised $231 million. 90% of eligible institutional shareholders elected to take up their rights in the Institutional Entitlement Offer. Institutional Placement upsized by $14 million and was significantly oversubscribed, with the Equity Raising now fully underwritten following strong demand from existing and new investors. Bain Capital Credit LP to become a new shareholder, subscribing for $25 million of Webjet shares and agreeing to a potential economic commitment of up to an additional $65 million. Entitlement Offer now fully underwritten with the retail component of the Entitlement Offer expected to raise $115 million and together with the Institutional Placement and Entitlement Offer, the Equity Raising is now expected to raise a total of approximately $346 million of gross proceeds. Retail Entitlement Offer opens on Wednesday 8 April 2020.


The company releases a Cleansing Notice.


The company releases its Equity Raise Investor Presentation.


Webjet is undertaking an institutional placement and accelerated pro-rata, non-renounceable entitlement offer to raise a minimum of $275 million. Proceeds will be used to strengthen the balance sheet in light of the continued impact of COVID-19 and associated government restrictions impacting travel globally. Proceeds expected to be sufficient to provide for operating costs and capital expenditure through to the end of 2020, even assuming severe travel restrictions continue. Webjet is also pursuing capital strength to be optimally positioned to benefit from likely changes in the competitive landscape due to severe financial pressure. Current focus is on mitigating the short-term impact to earnings. Webjet remains intent on maintaining its leadership positions in its global WebBeds business and Australian Webjet OTA. Management believes Webjet's diversity of global source markets and product lines will position it to perform well when market conditions normalise.


The company provides an update on its dividend distribution. Webjet believes it is prudent at this time to defer the interim dividend previously scheduled for payment on 16 April 2020 to 15 October 2020, subject to further review should the need arise for further deferral.


Work on its proposed capital raising remains ongoing. Because the company has not yet reached an outcome, the voluntary suspension of its securities has been extended. At this stage, Webjet expects to be in a position to announce the outcome of the proposed raising within five business days.


The company is currently working on a proposed raising which has not yet been concluded. Webjet requests that the voluntary suspension remain in place until Webjet releases an announcement in relation to the outcome of the proposed raising. At this stage, the length of the suspension is not expected to exceed five business days.


The securities of Webjet Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of WEB, pending the release of an announcement regarding the outcome of a proposed raising.


we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 4


name changed from Webjet NL



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    19/09/2023Brad Holman10,936$6.850$74,912
    01/09/2023Denise McComish10,000$6.990$69,900
    08/12/2022Roger Sharp-40,000$6.310$252,400
    07/12/2022Brad Holman-9,000$6.430$57,870
    05/01/2022Denise McComish5,000$5.390$26,950

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Roger SharpNon Exec Chairman, Independent Director01/01/2013
    Don ClarkeDeputy Chairman, Non Exec Director10/01/2008
    John GuscicManaging Director25/01/2006
    Shelley BeasleyCOO21/02/2011
    Tony RistevskiCFO, Company Secretary21/05/2018
    Katrina BarryIndependent Director17/10/2022
    Brad HolmanIndependent Director19/03/2014
    Denise McComishNon Exec Director01/03/2021
    Ella ZhaoCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Meaghan SimpsonCompany Secretary02/08/2024
    Shelley RobertsIndependent Director30/04/201622/11/2023
    Toni KorsanosIndependent Director01/06/201824/03/2021
    Rajiv RamanathanIndependent Director21/06/201721/11/2018
    Michael SheehyCFO29/08/201321/05/2018
    David ClarkeNon Exec Chairman22/03/200021/06/2017
    Steven ScheuerDirector22/03/200025/11/2016
    Allan NahumNon Exec Director01/04/201128/11/2014
    Robert TurnerCFO23/07/201229/08/2013
    David TurnerInvestor Relations05/03/200726/08/2013
    Christopher NewmanDirector01/12/200614/11/2012
    Richard NoonCEO12/04/200731/08/2012
    John LemishExecutive04/03/2010
    Bernard LochtenbergDeputy Chairman28/11/2007
    Timothy DoddsNon Exec Director09/02/2006
    Norman FrickerNon Exec Director29/07/200405/10/2005

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.