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14 March 2025
Name: | VOYAGER GLOBAL GROUP LTD (VGR) (This company subsequently changed its name to CYCLIQ GROUP LTD. You should refer to that name for Status.) | |||||||||
Date of Listing: | 21 November 2007 | |||||||||
Subsequent Names: |
| |||||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status: (updated daily)
This company subsequently changed its name to CYCLIQ GROUP LTD. You should refer to that name for Stock Exchange Status.Legal Status: (updated monthly)
This company subsequently changed its name to CYCLIQ GROUP LTD. You should refer to that name for Legal Status.Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status: (updated at least quarterly)
This company subsequently changed its name and is now CYCLIQ GROUP LTD. You should refer to that name for Capital Gains Tax Status.
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FROM | TO | |
CYCLIQ GROUP LTD | 29/11/2016 | |
VOYAGER GLOBAL GROUP LTD | 31/10/2014 | 29/11/2016 |
SPRINT ENERGY LIMITED | 30/12/2011 | 31/10/2014 |
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name changed to Cycliq Group Ltd | 29/11/2016 |
The directors of Voyager Global Group Limited (to be renamed Cycliq Group Ltd) are pleased to announce that following very strong demand it has closed the public share offer made pursuant to its prospectus dated 29 September 2016. The Company hopes to have its securities reinstated to quotation in the coming weeks. Upon re-quotation, the Company's shares will trade under the new ASX ticker "CYQ". | 11/11/2016 |
The closing date for the public share offer pursuant to its prospectus has been extended to 11 November 2016. The closing date for the secondary offers under the prospectus have been extended until 2 December 2016. | 04/11/2016 |
The company's AGM will be held at 10.00am (WST) on 30 November 2016 at Suite 6, 295 Rokeby Road, Subiaco WA 6008. | 31/10/2016 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report. | 31/10/2016 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report. | 31/10/2016 |
ASIC has today lifted the interim stop order placed on the Company's prospectus dated 29 September 2016. The interim stop order was lifted following the lodgment by the Company of a replacement prospectus with ASIC today. | 26/10/2016 |
The company issues a replacement prospectus for an offer of up to 250,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.02 per Share to raise up to $5,000,000. | 26/10/2016 |
The closing date for the public share offer pursuant to its prospectus has been extended until 4 November 2016. At this stage, the closing date for the secondary offers under the Prospectus will remain at 19 November 2016. | 19/10/2016 |
There has been a very high level of interest in its public share offer pursuant to its prospectus dated 29 September 2016. To date, Voyager has received significantly more demand to the share offer than the company intends to raise. Voyager was notified by ASIC of an interim stop order which has been placed on the Company's Prospectus and has raised some concerns in relation to certain disclosures in the Prospectus. While the interim stop order remains in place, the Company will make no offers, issues, sales or transfers of shares under the Prospectus. The Company is currently working with ASIC to address their concerns with a view to resolving them as soon as possible. As previously announced, Voyager shareholders approved the Company's proposed acquisition of Federation Enterprises a technology company, on 9 September 2016. Completion of the acquisition is conditional upon completion of the Public Offer and approval from ASX to reinstate Voyager's shares to trading on ASX. | 11/10/2016 |
The company issues a prospectus for an offer of up to 250,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.02 per Share to raise up to $5,000,000. | 29/09/2016 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4G. | 19/09/2016 |
The company lodges its annual report to shareholders. | 19/09/2016 |
The company releases the results of its meeting. | 09/09/2016 |
Notice is given that the Meeting will be held at 10.00am (WST) on 9 September 2016 at: Suite 6, 295 Rokeby Road SUBIACO WA AUSTRALIA 6008. | 09/08/2016 |
Voyager Global Group Limited is pleased to advise that it has received approval from ASX for waivers to ASX Listing Rules 2.1 condition 2, 7.3.2 and 10.13.3 and a confirmation in respect of ASX Listing Rule 6.1. | 05/08/2016 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report. | 29/07/2016 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report. | 29/07/2016 |
Voyager Global Group Ltd is pleased to advise that its nonrenounceable entitlement issue to existing eligible shareholders of one (1) fully paid ordinary share in the capital of the Company for every one (1) Share held by eligible shareholders at an issue price of $0.02 per Share to raise up to $379,337 closed on 4 July 2016. | 07/07/2016 |
The company lodges its half year accounts. | 22/06/2016 |
Voyager Global Group Limited advises that the Entitlement Issue Prospectus for a nonrenounceable rights issue was dispatched to Shareholders today | 21/06/2016 |
The company releases a letter to eligible shareholders regarding the pro-rata non-renounceable rights issue. | 14/06/2016 |
The company releases a letter to ineligible shareholders regarding the pro-rata non-renounceable rights issue. | 14/06/2016 |
The company issues an entitlement issue prospectus for a non-renounceable entitlement issue of one (1) Share for every one (1) Share held by those Shareholders registered at the Record Date at an issue price of $0.02 per Share to raise up to $379,337 (based on the number of Shares on issue as at the date of this Prospectus). | 09/06/2016 |
The Board of Voyager Global Group Limited is pleased to announce it has entered into a binding terms sheet pursuant to which it has agreed, subject to satisfaction of certain conditions precedent, to acquire 100% of Perth-based lifestyle brand making HD camera/light combo accessories for cyclists - Federation Enterprises. | 10/05/2016 |
The company lodges its quarterly activities report. | 29/01/2016 |
The company lodges its quarterly cash flow report. | 29/01/2016 |
The Directors of Voyager Global Group Ltd ("Voyager" or "the Company") announce, in accordance with Section 251AA, the results of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held today. All resolutions were passed on a show of hands. | 25/11/2015 |
The company lodges its quarterly cash flow report. | 30/10/2015 |
The company lodges its quarterly activities report. | 30/10/2015 |
Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders will be held at 10:00am (WST) on Wednesday, 25 November 2015 at: Suite 6, 295 Rokeby Road Subiaco WA 6008 | 23/10/2015 |
The company lodges its annual report for the financial year ended 30 June 2015. | 26/09/2015 |
The company lodges its quarterly activities report. | 31/07/2015 |
The company lodges its quarterly cash flow report. | 31/07/2015 |
The company lodges its quarterly activities report - June 2015. | 31/07/2015 |
Voyager Global Group's (Company) proposed acquisition of Voyager Global Choice Pty Ltd (Acquisition) will not be proceeding | 18/05/2015 |
the results of the General Meeting of Shareholders held today: all resolutions were passed on a show of hands | 08/04/2015 |
releases a Prospectus | 23/03/2015 |
Notice is given that a General Meeting will be held at 10:00am (WST) on 8 April 2015 at: Level 1, 981 Wellington Street, West Perth WA 6005 | 05/03/2015 |
Voyager Global Group Ltd (formerly Sprint Energy Limited) ACN 119 749 647 refers to its prospectus dated 21 October 2014 (Prospectus) and wishes to advise that it has extended the closing date under its Prospectus until 5.00pm (WST) on 21 January 2015 | 12/12/2014 |
the results of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held today. All resolutions were passed on a show of hands | 27/11/2014 |
name changed from Sprint Energy Limited | 31/10/2014 |
name changed to Cycliq Group Ltd | 29/11/2016 |
The directors of Voyager Global Group Limited (to be renamed Cycliq Group Ltd) are pleased to announce that following very strong demand it has closed the public share offer made pursuant to its prospectus dated 29 September 2016. The Company hopes to have its securities reinstated to quotation in the coming weeks. Upon re-quotation, the Company's shares will trade under the new ASX ticker "CYQ". | 11/11/2016 |
The closing date for the public share offer pursuant to its prospectus has been extended to 11 November 2016. The closing date for the secondary offers under the prospectus have been extended until 2 December 2016. | 04/11/2016 |
The company's AGM will be held at 10.00am (WST) on 30 November 2016 at Suite 6, 295 Rokeby Road, Subiaco WA 6008. | 31/10/2016 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report. | 31/10/2016 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report. | 31/10/2016 |
ASIC has today lifted the interim stop order placed on the Company's prospectus dated 29 September 2016. The interim stop order was lifted following the lodgment by the Company of a replacement prospectus with ASIC today. | 26/10/2016 |
The company issues a replacement prospectus for an offer of up to 250,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.02 per Share to raise up to $5,000,000. | 26/10/2016 |
The closing date for the public share offer pursuant to its prospectus has been extended until 4 November 2016. At this stage, the closing date for the secondary offers under the Prospectus will remain at 19 November 2016. | 19/10/2016 |
There has been a very high level of interest in its public share offer pursuant to its prospectus dated 29 September 2016. To date, Voyager has received significantly more demand to the share offer than the company intends to raise. Voyager was notified by ASIC of an interim stop order which has been placed on the Company's Prospectus and has raised some concerns in relation to certain disclosures in the Prospectus. While the interim stop order remains in place, the Company will make no offers, issues, sales or transfers of shares under the Prospectus. The Company is currently working with ASIC to address their concerns with a view to resolving them as soon as possible. As previously announced, Voyager shareholders approved the Company's proposed acquisition of Federation Enterprises a technology company, on 9 September 2016. Completion of the acquisition is conditional upon completion of the Public Offer and approval from ASX to reinstate Voyager's shares to trading on ASX. | 11/10/2016 |
The company issues a prospectus for an offer of up to 250,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.02 per Share to raise up to $5,000,000. | 29/09/2016 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4G. | 19/09/2016 |
The company lodges its annual report to shareholders. | 19/09/2016 |
The company releases the results of its meeting. | 09/09/2016 |
Notice is given that the Meeting will be held at 10.00am (WST) on 9 September 2016 at: Suite 6, 295 Rokeby Road SUBIACO WA AUSTRALIA 6008. | 09/08/2016 |
Voyager Global Group Limited is pleased to advise that it has received approval from ASX for waivers to ASX Listing Rules 2.1 condition 2, 7.3.2 and 10.13.3 and a confirmation in respect of ASX Listing Rule 6.1. | 05/08/2016 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report. | 29/07/2016 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report. | 29/07/2016 |
Voyager Global Group Ltd is pleased to advise that its nonrenounceable entitlement issue to existing eligible shareholders of one (1) fully paid ordinary share in the capital of the Company for every one (1) Share held by eligible shareholders at an issue price of $0.02 per Share to raise up to $379,337 closed on 4 July 2016. | 07/07/2016 |
The company lodges its half year accounts. | 22/06/2016 |
Voyager Global Group Limited advises that the Entitlement Issue Prospectus for a nonrenounceable rights issue was dispatched to Shareholders today | 21/06/2016 |
The company releases a letter to eligible shareholders regarding the pro-rata non-renounceable rights issue. | 14/06/2016 |
The company releases a letter to ineligible shareholders regarding the pro-rata non-renounceable rights issue. | 14/06/2016 |
The company issues an entitlement issue prospectus for a non-renounceable entitlement issue of one (1) Share for every one (1) Share held by those Shareholders registered at the Record Date at an issue price of $0.02 per Share to raise up to $379,337 (based on the number of Shares on issue as at the date of this Prospectus). | 09/06/2016 |
The Board of Voyager Global Group Limited is pleased to announce it has entered into a binding terms sheet pursuant to which it has agreed, subject to satisfaction of certain conditions precedent, to acquire 100% of Perth-based lifestyle brand making HD camera/light combo accessories for cyclists - Federation Enterprises. | 10/05/2016 |
The company lodges its quarterly activities report. | 29/01/2016 |
The company lodges its quarterly cash flow report. | 29/01/2016 |
The Directors of Voyager Global Group Ltd ("Voyager" or "the Company") announce, in accordance with Section 251AA, the results of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held today. All resolutions were passed on a show of hands. | 25/11/2015 |
The company lodges its quarterly cash flow report. | 30/10/2015 |
The company lodges its quarterly activities report. | 30/10/2015 |
Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders will be held at 10:00am (WST) on Wednesday, 25 November 2015 at: Suite 6, 295 Rokeby Road Subiaco WA 6008 | 23/10/2015 |
The company lodges its annual report for the financial year ended 30 June 2015. | 26/09/2015 |
The company lodges its quarterly activities report. | 31/07/2015 |
The company lodges its quarterly cash flow report. | 31/07/2015 |
The company lodges its quarterly activities report - June 2015. | 31/07/2015 |
Voyager Global Group's (Company) proposed acquisition of Voyager Global Choice Pty Ltd (Acquisition) will not be proceeding | 18/05/2015 |
the results of the General Meeting of Shareholders held today: all resolutions were passed on a show of hands | 08/04/2015 |
releases a Prospectus | 23/03/2015 |
Notice is given that a General Meeting will be held at 10:00am (WST) on 8 April 2015 at: Level 1, 981 Wellington Street, West Perth WA 6005 | 05/03/2015 |
Voyager Global Group Ltd (formerly Sprint Energy Limited) ACN 119 749 647 refers to its prospectus dated 21 October 2014 (Prospectus) and wishes to advise that it has extended the closing date under its Prospectus until 5.00pm (WST) on 21 January 2015 | 12/12/2014 |
the results of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held today. All resolutions were passed on a show of hands | 27/11/2014 |
name changed from Sprint Energy Limited | 31/10/2014 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
13/05/2014 | Andrew Chapman | 1,750,000 | $0.027 | $47,406 |
19/06/2013 | Andrew Chapman | 1,250,000 | $0.006 | $7,600 |
11/04/2013 | Andrew Chapman | 1,000,000 | $0.013 | $13,110 |
22/03/2013 | Andrew Chapman | 1,000,000 | $0.012 | $11,679 |
17/12/2012 | Andrew Chapman | 2,095,000 | $0.019 | $39,350 |
Gary Roper | Non Exec Director | 24/12/2013 |
Rod Corps | Non Exec Director | 24/12/2013 |
Piers Lewis | Non Exec Director, Company Secretary | 22/02/2016 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Andrew Chapman | Non Exec Director | 09/10/2012 | 22/02/2016 |
Jon Knapp | Non Exec Director, CEO | 22/08/2013 | 17/01/2014 |
Mark Kogos | Non Exec Director | 25/10/2013 | 24/12/2013 |
Adrian Edwards | Non Exec Director | 16/10/2013 | 17/12/2013 |
Steve Flynn | Non Exec Director | 22/08/2013 | 17/12/2013 |
Ken Chad | Non Exec Director | 18/02/2013 | 30/09/2013 |
James Thompson | Non Exec Director | 30/07/2012 | 22/08/2013 |
Jaap Poll | Non Exec Chairman, Non Exec Director | 06/01/2012 | 31/07/2013 |
Jon Roestenburg | Non Exec Director | 02/10/2012 | 15/02/2013 |
Brad Boyle | Managing Director | 13/04/2012 | 09/10/2012 |
Craig Martin | Non Exec Director | 01/01/2012 | 09/08/2012 |
Andrew Mattin | CEO, Executive Director | 01/01/2012 | 07/06/2012 |
Gary Roper | Non Exec Director | 26/03/2012 | 13/04/2012 |
Cosimo Damiano | Non Exec Director | 01/01/2012 | 26/03/2012 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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