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Automic Registry Pty Ltd
Tel : +61 (2) 8072 1400 or 1300 288 664 (within Australia)
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Company details

Address: Level 28, AMP Tower, 140 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000
Tel:  08 9288 1870

Date first listed: 11/04/2018

Sector: Software & Services 
Activities: The construction of data centre modules and sale to third-party data centre owners

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name changed to DXN Limited


The suspension of trading in the securities of The Data Exchange Network Limited will be lifted immediately following the release by DXN of an announcement regarding a capital raising.


The company has resolved to proceed with a non-renounceable pro-rata entitlement issue on the basis of eight and a half (8.5) new shares for every ten (10) shares held by eligible shareholders on the record date at an issue price of $0.05 per new share to raise up to approximately $8.3 million. There will be a free attaching option for every two (2) shares subscribed for and issued under the offer. Funds raised will enable DXN-SYD01 to be ready for service (RFS) in July 2019, progress DXN-MEL01 towards RFS in Q1 CY2020, working capital and offer costs. Certain Directors and both CEO's have agreed to act as priority sub-underwriters for $360,000.


The securities of The Data Exchange Network Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of DXN, pending the release of an announcement regarding a capital raising.


The suspension of trading in the securities of The Data Exchange Network Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by DXN of an announcement regarding an update on the Sydney and Melbourne Data Centres.


The company provides a review of its operations andadjusted its 2019 strategy to cater for increased cash outflows because of delays in the completion of the data centres, additional investment in capital equipment and strategic investment in experienced personnel. It also details its updated Sydney and Melbourne data centre Capex and delivery timetable. An Opex review is also included. Regarding its capital raising and share purchase plan, shareholder was received at a general meeting of shareholders held on 21 January 2019, and it is anticipated that these funds will be received by the end of the week. The Share Purchase Plan remains open until Friday 8 February 2019, with the Company having 3 months to place any shortfall.


The company lodges its Appendix 4C - quarterly.


The securities of The Data Exchange Network Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of DXN, pending the release of an announcement regarding an update on the Sydney and Melbourne Data Centres.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Data Exchange Network Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by DXN of an announcement regarding a capital raising


The company has successfully secured a placement of 12,748,383 ordinary shares in the Company to a number of sophisticated and institutional investors at a price of $0.155 per share, and 224,129 ordinary shares under a private placement by way of personal offers raising in total $2,010,739. The new shares to be issued under the Placement will rank equally with existing DXN fully paid ordinary shares on issue. The issue of 1,451,613 ordinary shares totaling $225,000 under the Placement relates to Director participation, and as such will be subject to shareholder approval at a general meeting to be held in late January 2019. The expected date of issue of the ordinary shares is Wednesday, 19 December 2018. DXN will now invite existing shareholders to invest in the Company through a Share Purchase Plan at a purchase price of $0.155 per share. The timetable below is indicative only and subject to change. Funds raised from the Placement and SPP will be primarily used to increase the power capacity to 1MW at both Homebush, Sydney and Port Melbourne.


The securities of The Data Exchange Network Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of DXN, pending the release of an announcement regarding a capital raising.


listed entity carried for record purposes only



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)


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    Directors & Executives (current)

    Douglas LohExecutive Chairman16/04/2018
    Richard WhitingCEO04/02/2019
    Simon ForthCEO04/02/2019
    Matthew MaddenCEO16/07/2019
    George LazarouCFO, Company Secretary11/04/2018
    John DuffinIndependent Director01/10/2018
    Richard CardenNon Exec Director11/04/2018
    Terry SmartNon Exec Director11/04/2018
    Timothy DesmondDirector01/10/2018
    John BaillieDirector23/05/2019

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Peter ChristieManaging Director, CEO11/04/201804/02/2019

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.