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Computershare Sydney
6 Hope St Ermington NSW 2115
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 2 8235 8150
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details

ISIN: AU000000STO6
Address: Ground Floor Santos Centre, 60 Flinders Street, ADELAIDE, SA, AUSTRALIA, 5000
Tel:  (08) 8116 5000Fax: (08) 8116 5050

Date first listed: 01/10/1954

Sector: Energy Industry Group: XEJ
Activities: Oil and gas exploration and production with interests and operations in every major Australian petroleum province and in the United States, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam, Kyrgyzstan and Egypt

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shareholders in the following companies should be aware that Santos Limited has apparently never accounted to ASIC for the unclaimed consideration arising from the acquisition of their shares - if you were shareholder and you never received your entitlement, you will not find your name in the ASIC Unclaimed Monies database, as is normal, but will need to take the issue up with the company directly - we suggest with the company's registry, email address: - AUSTRALIAN HYDROCARBONS LIMITED, BRIDGE OIL LIMITED, NATIONAL OIL NL, OILMIN NL, PETROMIN NL, TRANSOIL NL, NATURAL GAS AUSTRALIA LIMITED - there may be others



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    ASX, Legal & CGT Status

    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    10/03/2025Keith Spence16,480$6.056$99,797
    10/03/2025Vickki McFadden12,000$6.080$72,960
    21/02/2025Keith Spence29,720$6.730$200,003
    20/02/2025Musje Werror14,727$6.580$96,904
    20/02/2025Vickki McFadden24,000$6.580$157,920

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Keith SpenceChairman01/01/2018
    Kevin GallagherManaging Director, CEO01/02/2016
    Sherry DuheCFO14/10/2024
    Michael UtslerIndependent Director01/01/2021
    Yasmin AllenIndependent Director22/10/2014
    Musje WerrorIndependent Director17/12/2021
    Janine McArdleIndependent Director23/10/2019
    Peter HearlIndependent Director10/05/2016
    Eileen DoyleIndependent Director17/12/2021
    John LydonIndependent Director11/04/2024
    Vanessa GuthrieIndependent Director01/07/2017
    Vickki McFaddenNon Exec Director16/10/2024
    Amelia SenneckCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Guy CowanIndependent Director10/05/201601/10/2024
    Anthea McKinnellCFO01/01/202205/09/2024
    Hock GohIndependent Director22/10/201205/05/2022
    Anthony NeilsonCFO01/12/201601/01/2022
    Eugene ShiNon Exec Director26/06/201708/03/2021
    Guan YuNon Exec Director02/05/201931/12/2020
    Peter CoatesExecutive Chairman18/03/200819/02/2018
    Roy FranklinIndependent Director28/09/200630/09/2017
    Greg MartinIndependent Director29/10/200925/08/2017
    Scott SheffieldIndependent Director24/02/201404/05/2017
    Andrew SeatonCFO31/12/201001/12/2016
    Jane HemstritchIndependent Director16/02/201006/05/2016
    Kenneth DeanNon Exec Chairman23/02/200504/05/2016
    David KnoxManaging Director, CEO06/08/200821/08/2015
    Kenneth BordaNon Exec Chairman, Independent Director14/02/200730/04/2015
    Michael HardingNon Exec Director01/03/200416/05/2014
    Stephen GerlachNon Exec Chairman05/09/198901/01/2010
    Judith SloanNon Exec Director05/09/199406/05/2009
    John Ellice-FlintManaging Director, CEO19/12/200025/03/2008
    Michael O'LearyNon Exec Director15/10/199615/12/2006
    Christopher RecnyNon Exec Director23/02/200506/06/2006
    Peter BarnettNon Exec Director31/10/199528/02/2006
    Graeme McGregorNon Exec Director03/09/199930/09/2005
    Frank ConroyNon Exec Director19/10/199914/12/2004
    Ian WebberNon Exec Director16/02/199331/10/2003

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.