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Former (or subsequent) names

CRA LIMITED07/09/198004/06/1997

Shareholder links

Our website ranking of RIO: rating 5
(5 out of 5)



Computershare Melbourne
Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details

ISIN: AU000000RIO1
Address: o Level 43, 120 Collins Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000
Tel:  (03) 9283 3333Fax: (03) 9283 3707

Date first listed: 19/09/1962

Sector: Materials Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: Finding, mining and processing mineral resources, major products include aluminium, copper, diamonds, energy products (coal and uranium), gold, industrial minerals (borax, titanium dioxide, salt, talc and zircon), and iron ore - the Group's activities spa

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many shareholders in this company have unclaimed money due to them - deListed provides a tracing service for a small administration fee that identifies where people can find unclaimed monies arising from compulsory acquisitions and also from dividend distributions, super contributions, inoperative bank, building society or credit union accounts, bequests and other sources - please click here for access to our Lost shares, Lost money?? service


shareholders who took part in the company's buy-back, received $36.70 per share, which included a fully franked dividend of $32.70 per share - for capital gains tax purposes, they are taken to have received $6.44 per share - the date the shares were sold under the buy-back was 9 May 2005 - if the capital proceeds of $6.44 were more than the cost base of the share, the difference is a capital gain to the shareholder in 2004-05 - if $6.44 was less than the share's reduced cost base, the difference is a capital loss


name changed from CRA Limited



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    ASX, Legal & CGT Status

    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    28/02/2025Susan Lloyd-Hurwitz653$114.668$74,878
    27/02/2025Dominic Barton800$116.654$93,323
    27/02/2025Dominic Barton800$116.654$93,323
    26/02/2025Dean Dalla Valle424$117.160$49,676
    25/02/2025Dean Dalla Valle420$119.000$49,980

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Dominic BartonChairman04/04/2022
    Arnaud SoiratCOO01/03/2021
    Jennifer NasonIndependent Director01/03/2020
    Sam LaidlawIndependent Director10/02/2017
    Ngaire WoodsIndependent Director01/09/2020
    Simon Peter HenryIndependent Director01/04/2017
    James O'RourkeNon Exec Director25/10/2023
    Kaisa HietalaNon Exec Director01/03/2023
    Martina MerzNon Exec Director01/02/2024
    Dean Dalla ValleNon Exec Director01/06/2023
    Sharon ThorneNon Exec Director01/07/2024
    Ben WyattNon Exec Director01/09/2021
    Susan Lloyd-HurwitzNon Exec Director01/06/2023
    Peter CunninghamExecutive Director, CFO01/01/2021
    Jakob StausholmExecutive Director, CEO03/09/2018
    Andy HodgesCompany Secretary
    Tim PaineCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Simon McKeonIndependent Director01/01/201902/05/2024
    Megan ClarkNon Exec Director20/11/201415/12/2023
    Simon ThompsonChairman01/04/201405/05/2022
    Hinda GharbiIndependent Director01/03/202008/04/2022
    Michael L'EstrangeNon Exec Director01/09/201409/04/2021
    Jean-Sebastien JacquesExecutive Director, CEO17/03/201601/01/2021
    David Edward ConstableIndependent Director10/02/201731/12/2020
    Moya GreeneIndependent Director17/09/201827/06/2019
    Ann GodbehereIndependent Director09/02/201011/05/2019
    Chris LynchExecutive Director, CFO18/04/201330/09/2018
    Paul TellierNon Exec Director25/10/200702/05/2018
    Jean Du-PlessisNon Exec Chairman01/09/200805/03/2018
    John VarleyIndependent Director08/02/201221/06/2017
    Anne LauvergeonNon Exec Director15/03/201404/05/2017
    Robert BrownNon Exec Director01/04/201004/05/2017
    Samuel WalshExecutive Director, CEO05/06/200901/07/2016
    Richard GoodmansonNon Exec Director01/12/200405/05/2016
    Michael FitzpatrickNon Exec Director06/06/200607/05/2015
    John KerrNon Exec Director14/10/200307/05/2015
    Vivienne CoxNon Exec Director01/02/200515/04/2014
    Guy ElliottExecutive Director, CFO01/01/200202/01/2014
    Tom AlbaneseCEO, Executive Director07/03/200617/01/2013
    Andrew GouldNon Exec Director04/12/200210/05/2012
    Rod EddingtonNon Exec Director01/09/200505/05/2011
    Yves FortierNon Exec Director25/10/200705/05/2011
    David ClementiDirector28/01/200322/04/2010
    David MayhewDirector01/01/200022/04/2010
    Dick EvansCEO25/10/200720/04/2009
    Paul SkinnerNon Exec Chairman01/01/200119/04/2009
    James LengDirector14/01/200909/02/2009
    Richard SykesNon Exec Director01/01/199724/04/2008
    Ashton CalvertNon Exec Director01/02/200508/11/2007
    Leigh CliffordCEO01/01/199530/04/2007
    Richard GiordanoDeputy Chairman, Non Exec Director21/12/199529/04/2005
    Leonard DavisDeputy Chairman07/06/199429/04/2005
    John MorschelNon Exec Director01/01/199829/04/2005
    Bob AdamsExecutive Director31/01/199527/01/2005
    Oscar GroeneveldDirector01/01/197501/10/2004
    Christopher TugendhatNon Exec Director01/01/199722/04/2004
    Robert WilsonExecutive Chairman01/01/199030/10/2003
    Raymond SeitzNon Exec Director01/01/199601/05/2003
    Jonathan LeslieNon Exec Director01/01/197731/03/2003
    Christopher BullFinance Director01/01/195518/04/2002
    Garry PembertonNon Exec Director01/01/199630/08/2001

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.