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04 March 2025
Name: | PURA VIDA ENERGY NL (PVD) (This company subsequently changed its name to HARTSHEAD RESOURCES NL. You should refer to that name for Status.) | |||||||||
Date of Listing: | 14 February 2012 | |||||||||
Subsequent Names: |
Stock Exchange Status: (updated daily)
This company subsequently changed its name to HARTSHEAD RESOURCES NL. You should refer to that name for Stock Exchange Status.Legal Status: (updated monthly)
This company subsequently changed its name to HARTSHEAD RESOURCES NL. You should refer to that name for Legal Status.Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status: (updated at least quarterly)
This company subsequently changed its name and is now HARTSHEAD RESOURCES NL. You should refer to that name for Capital Gains Tax Status.
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FROM | TO | |
ANSILA ENERGY NL | 16/10/2019 | 27/05/2021 |
PURA VIDA ENERGY NL | 16/10/2019 |
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name changed to Ansila Energy NL | 16/10/2019 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Pura Vida Energy NL will be lifted from the commencement of trading today, Thursday, 4 July 2019, following the release by PVD of an announcement regarding a material investment. | 04/07/2019 |
The company releases an investor presentation. | 04/07/2019 |
Binding agreement with UK based Gemini Resources Ltd to earn a 35% interest in the Nowa Sol and Gora onshore oil & gas projects in Poland by spending A$6.15m. ~A$45 1 million of recent exploration activity on projects, including 3D seismic and four wells through which two unconventional resources and numerous conventional plays identified. Fully funded work programme to commence immediately upon finalisation of acquisition to test significant oil & gas targets identified by Netherland Sewell & Associates, Inc. in a proven basin. Technical program focused on fracture stimulation and flow test of exisiting wells. 210 Bcf of additional prospective resources identified across multiple drill-ready conventional prospects on Gora Licence, adjacent to proven producing gas fields, with an average CoS of 28%, estimated completed well costs attributable of US$1.3m3. A$3.7m Placement and fully underwitten Rights Entitlement Offer to fully fund work committments. Two industry experienced UK based directors to join Pura Vida Energy board. | 04/07/2019 |
The voluntary suspension is requested until the earlier of the release of an announcement regarding the material agreement for the previously announced investment or prior to the commencement of trading on Thursday, 4 July 2019. | 02/07/2019 |
The securities of Pura Vida Energy NL will be suspended from quotation from the commencement of trade on Friday, 28 June 2019, under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of PVD, pending the release of an announcement regarding a material investment. | 27/06/2019 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Pura Vida Energy NL will be lifted immediately, following the release by PVD of an announcement regarding an update of its investment in Gabon. | 15/10/2018 |
Following meetings with the Directorate General for Hydrocarbons (DGH) of Gabon, Pura Vida has confirmed its legal advice that the Nkembe Production Sharing Contract (PSC) remains in good standing. Pura Vida Energy maintains its claim of force majeure from 1 April 2018 on the PSC, suspending all obligations. Pura Vida Energy's ability to attract the necessary funding to advance the Nkembe block has been frustrated by the DGH and Pura Vida reserves all of its rights in relation to the PSC, including the right to seek recovery of the US$9,000,000 signing bonus paid in January 2013. The Ambilobe block, offshore in north-west Madagascar has been reviewed and Pura Vida is seeking a funding partner to progress drill targeting. | 15/10/2018 |
The company releases its Corporate Governance Statement and Appendix 4G. | 11/10/2018 |
The company lodges its Annual Report to shareholders. | 11/10/2018 |
Pura Vida Energy becomes a substantial shareholder of ASX listed Jacka Resources Limited.The board of Pura Vida Energy is focused on corporate opportunities to create value for shareholders. Pura Vida Energy has a meeting with the Director General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) of Gabon, in September and will update the market accordingly. The Ambilobe block, offshore in north-west Madagascar is currently being reviewed and technical assessment in process. | 16/08/2018 |
Following a scheduled ASX internal system change affecting the Market Announcements Platform, it has been necessary to re-apply the "˜Suspend' session state. This announcement serves to re-confirm the securities of this entity remain suspended. | 06/08/2018 |
The company lodges its June 2018 Quarterly Report and Cashflow. | 31/07/2018 |
Following the most recent correspondence from the Director General of Hydrocarbons of Gabon, Pura Vida has sought legal advice following which Pura Vida Energy has reiterated its position to the DGH that the DGH has no basis to terminate the Nkembe Production Sharing Contract and that there are no outstanding obligations to the Gabonese State pursuant to the PSC. Following no response to the two submissions made to the DGH in March and April 2018, Pura Vida Energy maintains its claim of force majeure from 1 April 2018 on the Nkembe PSC, suspending all obligations. Pura Vida Energy's ability to attract the necessary funding to advance the Nkembe block has been frustrated by the impasse with the DGH and Pura Vida Energy has reserved all of its rights in relation to the Nkembe PSC, including the right to seek recovery of the US$9,000,000 signing bonus paid in January 2013. In these circumstances, the Company's securities will remain suspended until 31 August 2018 or such earlier date on which the Company has clarified its path forward in relation to its investment in Gabon. | 03/07/2018 |
Havoc Partners has issued a notice to Pura Vida, in relation to the exercise of option to acquire a 15% working interest in the Nkembe PSC. Pura Vida is awaiting communication from the Minister for Oil and Hydrocarbons and also a response from the Director General of Hydrocarbons to the Company's letter detailing future plans for the Nkembe block. Pura Vida is seeking legal advice on the status of the Nkembe PSC, following the most recent correspondence from the DGH. | 23/05/2018 |
Following the two submissions made to the Director General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) of Gabon, Pura Vida claims force majeure from 1 April 2018 on Nkembe Production Sharing Contract. The DGH maintains in their response that the start date of the Nkembe PSC is 11 January 2013 and demands payment of outstanding funds and compliance work commitments within eight 8 days failing which, the DGH will terminate the Nkembe PSC. The Company disagrees with the DGH's position, as supported by independent legal advice. The DGH is yet to respond to the Company's second submission outlining requested changes to the terms of the Nkembe PSC, therefore frustrating Pura Vida Energy's ability to attract the necessary funding to advance the block. The Company also requests for its shares to remain suspended until Havoc either exercises one of its options in relation to the Nkembe Project or the options lapse, on or before 14 May 2018. | 08/05/2018 |
The company lodges its March Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report. | 23/04/2018 |
The Director General of Hydrocarbons and Ministry of Oil and Hydrocarbons are yet to respond to Pura Vida's submissions made in March. Add Energy Group has completed the Basis of Well Design for Loba and Loba Deep. Havoc Partners and Pura Vida agree to extend the option acquire an interest in Nkembe to 14 May 2018 in order to finalise work. Pura Vida's securities will remain suspended until either receipt of a response from the DGH or 14 May 2018. | 09/04/2018 |
Pura Vida has made an additional submission to the Gabonese Director General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) and Ministry of Oil and Hydrocarbons outlining a proposed future work program for the Nkembe Project, subject to securing a funding partner . The submission seeks confirmation of 4 December 2014 as commencement date of the Nkembe PSC and also proposes a work program more suitable for the block moving forward. The Company has requested the DGH and Ministry respond by 30 March 2018. Further updates based on technical work completed by Havoc Partners and Add Energy Group are expected by month end. Pura Vida's securities will remain suspended until either receipt of a response from the DGH or 9 April 2018 . | 26/03/2018 |
The company lodges its Half Year Accounts. | 16/03/2018 |
As requested by the Director General of Hydrocarbons, the company has submitted a reconciliation work of programs and financial obligations for the Nkembe Production Sharing Contract. Pura Vida presented the reconciliations based on the Nkembe PSC commencing upon the issue of the Presidential Decree on 4 December 2014. Pura Vida has requested the DGH respond to its letter within 15 days and will engage further with the DGH to progress the Nkembe block. . | 14/03/2018 |
The company requests that its securities remain in voluntary suspension pending the release of an announcement regarding the outcome of the ongoing discussions on the status of the Company's PSC over the Nkembe Block, offshore Gabon. The company met with members from the DGH in Libreville, Gabon to discuss the Nkembe PSC, following a request from the DGH. The voluntary suspension is requested until the earlier of the release of an announcement regarding the matter or prior to the commencement of trading on Monday, 26 March 2018. | 26/02/2018 |
The company requests that its securities remain in voluntary suspension pending the release of an announcement regarding the outcome of the ongoing discussions on the status of the company's PSC over the Nkembe Block offshore Gabon. The voluntary suspension is requested until the earlier of the release of an announcement regarding the matter or prior to the commencement of trading on Monday, 26 March 2018. | 26/02/2018 |
The company requests that its securities remain in voluntary suspension pending the release of an announcement regarding the status of the company's PSC over the Nkembe Block, offshore Gabon. The company is seeking to reschedule the meeting with DGH which has been cancelled due to airline scheduling issues and flight cancellations. The voluntary suspension is requested until the earlier of the release of an announcement regarding the matter or prior to the commencement of trading on Monday, 26 February 2018. | 12/02/2018 |
The securities of Pura Vida Energy NL will be suspended from official quotation immediately, at the request of the Company pursuant to listing rule 17.2, pending the release of an announcement regarding the status of the Company's PSC over the Nkembe Block, offshore Gabon. | 05/02/2018 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Pura Vida Energy NL will be lifted at the commencement of trading of 30 March 2017 following the release of the half year accounts. | 29/03/2017 |
The company lodges its Interim Report for the Half-Year Ended 31 December 2016. | 29/03/2017 |
The securities of the company will be suspended from official quotation from the commencement of trading today 17 March 2017 following failure to lodge its half yearly accounts for the period ended 31 December 2016 in accordance with ASX Listing Rules. | 17/03/2017 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Pura Vida Energy NL will be lifted immediately following the release of an announcement. | 30/01/2017 |
All conditions for completion of the settlement agreement with a subsidiary of Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas, PXP Morocco, in relation to the second well obligation under the farmin agreement have been satisfied, including the signing of a settlement agreement with a regulator. | 30/01/2017 |
The company requests that its securities remain in voluntary suspension pending the release of an announcement regarding an update on settlement with Freeport. The voluntary suspension is requested until the earlier of the release of the announcement or prior to the commencement of trading on Monday, 30 January 2017. | 27/01/2017 |
The company requests that its securities remain in voluntary suspension pending the release of an announcement regarding an update on settlement with Freeport. The voluntary suspension is requested until the earlier of the release of the announcement or prior to the commencement of trading on Friday, 27 January 2017. | 24/01/2017 |
The company requests that its securities remain in voluntary suspension pending the release of an announcement regarding an update on settlement with Freeport. The voluntary suspension is requested until the earlier of the release of the announcement or prior to the commencement of trading on Tuesday, 24 January 2017. | 19/01/2017 |
The company is pleased to announce that it has entered into a conditional term sheet with a rig contractor to fund the costs of a three well, back to back drilling program on the Nkembe block, which will include an appraisal of the Loba Oil Field and a planned production test. | 19/01/2017 |
The securities of Pura Vida Energy NL will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. | 18/01/2017 |
The securities of Pura Vida Energy NL (the "Company") will be reinstated to official quotation immediately, following the release of an announcement regarding a capital raising. Security Code: PVD | 05/12/2013 |
The securities of Pura Vida Energy NL (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: PVD | 04/12/2013 |
listed entity carried for record purposes only | 14/02/2012 |
name changed to Ansila Energy NL | 16/10/2019 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Pura Vida Energy NL will be lifted from the commencement of trading today, Thursday, 4 July 2019, following the release by PVD of an announcement regarding a material investment. | 04/07/2019 |
The company releases an investor presentation. | 04/07/2019 |
Binding agreement with UK based Gemini Resources Ltd to earn a 35% interest in the Nowa Sol and Gora onshore oil & gas projects in Poland by spending A$6.15m. ~A$45 1 million of recent exploration activity on projects, including 3D seismic and four wells through which two unconventional resources and numerous conventional plays identified. Fully funded work programme to commence immediately upon finalisation of acquisition to test significant oil & gas targets identified by Netherland Sewell & Associates, Inc. in a proven basin. Technical program focused on fracture stimulation and flow test of exisiting wells. 210 Bcf of additional prospective resources identified across multiple drill-ready conventional prospects on Gora Licence, adjacent to proven producing gas fields, with an average CoS of 28%, estimated completed well costs attributable of US$1.3m3. A$3.7m Placement and fully underwitten Rights Entitlement Offer to fully fund work committments. Two industry experienced UK based directors to join Pura Vida Energy board. | 04/07/2019 |
The voluntary suspension is requested until the earlier of the release of an announcement regarding the material agreement for the previously announced investment or prior to the commencement of trading on Thursday, 4 July 2019. | 02/07/2019 |
The securities of Pura Vida Energy NL will be suspended from quotation from the commencement of trade on Friday, 28 June 2019, under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of PVD, pending the release of an announcement regarding a material investment. | 27/06/2019 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Pura Vida Energy NL will be lifted immediately, following the release by PVD of an announcement regarding an update of its investment in Gabon. | 15/10/2018 |
Following meetings with the Directorate General for Hydrocarbons (DGH) of Gabon, Pura Vida has confirmed its legal advice that the Nkembe Production Sharing Contract (PSC) remains in good standing. Pura Vida Energy maintains its claim of force majeure from 1 April 2018 on the PSC, suspending all obligations. Pura Vida Energy's ability to attract the necessary funding to advance the Nkembe block has been frustrated by the DGH and Pura Vida reserves all of its rights in relation to the PSC, including the right to seek recovery of the US$9,000,000 signing bonus paid in January 2013. The Ambilobe block, offshore in north-west Madagascar has been reviewed and Pura Vida is seeking a funding partner to progress drill targeting. | 15/10/2018 |
The company releases its Corporate Governance Statement and Appendix 4G. | 11/10/2018 |
The company lodges its Annual Report to shareholders. | 11/10/2018 |
Pura Vida Energy becomes a substantial shareholder of ASX listed Jacka Resources Limited.The board of Pura Vida Energy is focused on corporate opportunities to create value for shareholders. Pura Vida Energy has a meeting with the Director General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) of Gabon, in September and will update the market accordingly. The Ambilobe block, offshore in north-west Madagascar is currently being reviewed and technical assessment in process. | 16/08/2018 |
Following a scheduled ASX internal system change affecting the Market Announcements Platform, it has been necessary to re-apply the "˜Suspend' session state. This announcement serves to re-confirm the securities of this entity remain suspended. | 06/08/2018 |
The company lodges its June 2018 Quarterly Report and Cashflow. | 31/07/2018 |
Following the most recent correspondence from the Director General of Hydrocarbons of Gabon, Pura Vida has sought legal advice following which Pura Vida Energy has reiterated its position to the DGH that the DGH has no basis to terminate the Nkembe Production Sharing Contract and that there are no outstanding obligations to the Gabonese State pursuant to the PSC. Following no response to the two submissions made to the DGH in March and April 2018, Pura Vida Energy maintains its claim of force majeure from 1 April 2018 on the Nkembe PSC, suspending all obligations. Pura Vida Energy's ability to attract the necessary funding to advance the Nkembe block has been frustrated by the impasse with the DGH and Pura Vida Energy has reserved all of its rights in relation to the Nkembe PSC, including the right to seek recovery of the US$9,000,000 signing bonus paid in January 2013. In these circumstances, the Company's securities will remain suspended until 31 August 2018 or such earlier date on which the Company has clarified its path forward in relation to its investment in Gabon. | 03/07/2018 |
Havoc Partners has issued a notice to Pura Vida, in relation to the exercise of option to acquire a 15% working interest in the Nkembe PSC. Pura Vida is awaiting communication from the Minister for Oil and Hydrocarbons and also a response from the Director General of Hydrocarbons to the Company's letter detailing future plans for the Nkembe block. Pura Vida is seeking legal advice on the status of the Nkembe PSC, following the most recent correspondence from the DGH. | 23/05/2018 |
Following the two submissions made to the Director General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) of Gabon, Pura Vida claims force majeure from 1 April 2018 on Nkembe Production Sharing Contract. The DGH maintains in their response that the start date of the Nkembe PSC is 11 January 2013 and demands payment of outstanding funds and compliance work commitments within eight 8 days failing which, the DGH will terminate the Nkembe PSC. The Company disagrees with the DGH's position, as supported by independent legal advice. The DGH is yet to respond to the Company's second submission outlining requested changes to the terms of the Nkembe PSC, therefore frustrating Pura Vida Energy's ability to attract the necessary funding to advance the block. The Company also requests for its shares to remain suspended until Havoc either exercises one of its options in relation to the Nkembe Project or the options lapse, on or before 14 May 2018. | 08/05/2018 |
The company lodges its March Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report. | 23/04/2018 |
The Director General of Hydrocarbons and Ministry of Oil and Hydrocarbons are yet to respond to Pura Vida's submissions made in March. Add Energy Group has completed the Basis of Well Design for Loba and Loba Deep. Havoc Partners and Pura Vida agree to extend the option acquire an interest in Nkembe to 14 May 2018 in order to finalise work. Pura Vida's securities will remain suspended until either receipt of a response from the DGH or 14 May 2018. | 09/04/2018 |
Pura Vida has made an additional submission to the Gabonese Director General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) and Ministry of Oil and Hydrocarbons outlining a proposed future work program for the Nkembe Project, subject to securing a funding partner . The submission seeks confirmation of 4 December 2014 as commencement date of the Nkembe PSC and also proposes a work program more suitable for the block moving forward. The Company has requested the DGH and Ministry respond by 30 March 2018. Further updates based on technical work completed by Havoc Partners and Add Energy Group are expected by month end. Pura Vida's securities will remain suspended until either receipt of a response from the DGH or 9 April 2018 . | 26/03/2018 |
The company lodges its Half Year Accounts. | 16/03/2018 |
As requested by the Director General of Hydrocarbons, the company has submitted a reconciliation work of programs and financial obligations for the Nkembe Production Sharing Contract. Pura Vida presented the reconciliations based on the Nkembe PSC commencing upon the issue of the Presidential Decree on 4 December 2014. Pura Vida has requested the DGH respond to its letter within 15 days and will engage further with the DGH to progress the Nkembe block. . | 14/03/2018 |
The company requests that its securities remain in voluntary suspension pending the release of an announcement regarding the outcome of the ongoing discussions on the status of the Company's PSC over the Nkembe Block, offshore Gabon. The company met with members from the DGH in Libreville, Gabon to discuss the Nkembe PSC, following a request from the DGH. The voluntary suspension is requested until the earlier of the release of an announcement regarding the matter or prior to the commencement of trading on Monday, 26 March 2018. | 26/02/2018 |
The company requests that its securities remain in voluntary suspension pending the release of an announcement regarding the outcome of the ongoing discussions on the status of the company's PSC over the Nkembe Block offshore Gabon. The voluntary suspension is requested until the earlier of the release of an announcement regarding the matter or prior to the commencement of trading on Monday, 26 March 2018. | 26/02/2018 |
The company requests that its securities remain in voluntary suspension pending the release of an announcement regarding the status of the company's PSC over the Nkembe Block, offshore Gabon. The company is seeking to reschedule the meeting with DGH which has been cancelled due to airline scheduling issues and flight cancellations. The voluntary suspension is requested until the earlier of the release of an announcement regarding the matter or prior to the commencement of trading on Monday, 26 February 2018. | 12/02/2018 |
The securities of Pura Vida Energy NL will be suspended from official quotation immediately, at the request of the Company pursuant to listing rule 17.2, pending the release of an announcement regarding the status of the Company's PSC over the Nkembe Block, offshore Gabon. | 05/02/2018 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Pura Vida Energy NL will be lifted at the commencement of trading of 30 March 2017 following the release of the half year accounts. | 29/03/2017 |
The company lodges its Interim Report for the Half-Year Ended 31 December 2016. | 29/03/2017 |
The securities of the company will be suspended from official quotation from the commencement of trading today 17 March 2017 following failure to lodge its half yearly accounts for the period ended 31 December 2016 in accordance with ASX Listing Rules. | 17/03/2017 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Pura Vida Energy NL will be lifted immediately following the release of an announcement. | 30/01/2017 |
All conditions for completion of the settlement agreement with a subsidiary of Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas, PXP Morocco, in relation to the second well obligation under the farmin agreement have been satisfied, including the signing of a settlement agreement with a regulator. | 30/01/2017 |
The company requests that its securities remain in voluntary suspension pending the release of an announcement regarding an update on settlement with Freeport. The voluntary suspension is requested until the earlier of the release of the announcement or prior to the commencement of trading on Monday, 30 January 2017. | 27/01/2017 |
The company requests that its securities remain in voluntary suspension pending the release of an announcement regarding an update on settlement with Freeport. The voluntary suspension is requested until the earlier of the release of the announcement or prior to the commencement of trading on Friday, 27 January 2017. | 24/01/2017 |
The company requests that its securities remain in voluntary suspension pending the release of an announcement regarding an update on settlement with Freeport. The voluntary suspension is requested until the earlier of the release of the announcement or prior to the commencement of trading on Tuesday, 24 January 2017. | 19/01/2017 |
The company is pleased to announce that it has entered into a conditional term sheet with a rig contractor to fund the costs of a three well, back to back drilling program on the Nkembe block, which will include an appraisal of the Loba Oil Field and a planned production test. | 19/01/2017 |
The securities of Pura Vida Energy NL will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. | 18/01/2017 |
The securities of Pura Vida Energy NL (the "Company") will be reinstated to official quotation immediately, following the release of an announcement regarding a capital raising. Security Code: PVD | 05/12/2013 |
The securities of Pura Vida Energy NL (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: PVD | 04/12/2013 |
listed entity carried for record purposes only | 14/02/2012 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
13/06/2017 | Nathan Lude | 1,070,000 | $0.037 | $39,648 |
29/09/2015 | Ric Malcolm | 403,217 | $0.062 | $24,999 |
23/09/2015 | Jeff Dowling | 350,000 | $0.069 | $24,050 |
20/03/2014 | David Ormerod | -1,000,000 | $0.408 | $407,618 |
07/06/2012 | Bevan Tarratt | 175,000 | $0.305 | $53,375 |
Bevan Tarratt | Non Exec Chairman | 01/08/2011 |
David Sanders | Non Exec Director | 21/10/2016 |
Bruce Lane | Non Exec Director | 24/05/2018 |
Andrew Matharu | Executive Director | 24/09/2019 |
Nathan Lude | Executive Director | 17/05/2016 |
Christopher Lewis | Technical Director | 24/09/2019 |
John Kay | Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Simon Eley | Non Exec Chairman | 21/10/2016 | 24/05/2018 |
Ric Malcolm | Independent Director | 22/11/2013 | 20/04/2017 |
Damon Neaves | Managing Director, CEO | 17/08/2011 | 11/04/2017 |
Jeff Dowling | Non Exec Chairman | 22/11/2013 | 17/05/2016 |
David Ormerod | Director | 21/07/2011 | 07/05/2014 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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