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Automic Registry Pty Ltd
Tel : +61 (2) 8072 1400 or 1300 288 664 (within Australia)
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Company details

ISIN: AU000000PIQ0
Address: Suite 13, The Atrium, 123A Colin Street, WEST PERTH, WA, AUSTRALIA, 6005
Tel:  +61 8 9389 1992Fax: +61 8 6151 1038

Date first listed: 16/04/2015

Sector: Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology Industry Group: XHJ

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The suspension of trading in the securities of Proteomics International Laboratories Ltd will be lifted immediately, following the release by PIQ of an announcement regarding an application for regulatory approval of the PromarkerD test in Australia and the reimbursement payment rate for the PromarkerD test in the United States.


Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services list PromarkerD predictive test for diabetic kidney disease and assign payment rate of US$390.75 in the United States. CMS is the single largest payer for health care in the United States, with Medicare and Medicaid collectively responsible for 42 per cent of healthcare spending and providing health coverage to more than 100 million Americans. The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration advises decision not to include the PromarkerD test in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods due primarily to change of manufacturer. TGA decision does not affect Proteomics International's activities in its primary markets of the United States and Europe. Approximately 32 million adults live with diabetes in the United States and 61 million in Europe, as compared to 1.5 million in Australia.


The Company requests an extension to the voluntary suspension of its securities pending the release of an announcement regarding the reimbursement payment rate for the PromarkerD test in the United States and the application for regulatory approval of the PromarkerD test in Australia. The Company estimates that it will be able to lodge an announcement on or before the commencement of trading on Monday, 2 October 2023.


The Company requests an extension to the voluntary suspension of its securities pending the release of an announcement regarding the application for regulatory approval of the PromarkerD test in Australia and the reimbursement payment rate for the PromarkerD test in the United States. The Company estimates that it will be able to lodge an announcement on or before the commencement of trading on Monday, 25 September 2023.


The securities of Proteomics International Laboratories Ltd will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of PIQ, pending the release of an announcement regarding an application for regulatory approval of the PromarkerD test in Australia and the reimbursement payment rate for the PromarkerD test in the United States.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Proteomics International Laboratories Ltd will be lifted immediately following the release by PIQ of an announcement regarding the licensing of the PromarkerD test in the US market.


Proteomics International and Sonic Healthcare USA sign binding and exclusive Letter of Intent regarding an exclusive licence for PromarkerD in the United States. Estimated 32 million people or eleven per cent of the American population live with diabetes - testing these patients with PromarkerD could help identify their risk of developing diabetic kidney disease.


The securities of Proteomics International Laboratories Ltd ("˜PIQ') will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of PIQ, pending the release of an announcement.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Proteomics International Laboratories Ltd will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Monday, 5 July 2021, following the release by PIQ of an announcement regarding a presentation given at the American Diabetes Association's 81st Scientific Sessions, 25-29 June 2021.


Proteomics International Laboratories Ltd refers to its ASX release of 25 June 2021 titled "Modelling shows PromarkerD could save US payers $384 billion". Following consultation with ASX, and to ensure the findings from the study are not interpreted as forecast financial information under ASIC Regulatory Guide 170, Proteomics International has agreed to retract that Announcement. In retracting that Announcement, Proteomics International notes that investors should not rely on the information as a basis for making an investment decision about its shares. Importantly, shares in Proteomics International have not traded since release of the Announcement. The economic health benefit study was undertaken to support the Company's application for a unique reimbursement code for PromarkerD in the US, and was conducted by independent consultant, Boston Healthcare Associates.


The Company requests an extension to the voluntary suspension of its securities pending the release of an announcement regarding the presentation given at the American Diabetes Association's 81st Scientific Sessions, 25-29 June 2021. The Company estimates that it will be able to lodge an announcement on or before the commencement of trading on Tuesday, 6 July 2021.


The securities of Proteomics International Laboratories Ltd will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of PIQ, pending the release of the presentation given at the American Diabetes Association's 81st Scientific Sessions, 25-29 June 2021.


listed entity carried for record purposes only



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    25/06/2020Paul House120,000$0.410$49,200
    25/06/2020Roger Moore90,000$0.409$36,819
    24/06/2020Richard Lipscombe37,500$0.410$15,375
    12/09/2017Roger Moore65,000$0.200$13,000
    30/12/2016Roger Moore12,000$0.250$3,000

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    James WilliamsChairman, Independent Director16/09/2024
    Richard LipscombeManaging Director16/04/2014
    Jacqueline GrayCFO10/06/2021
    Aaron BrinkworthIndependent Director08/11/2024
    Paul HouseNon Exec Director22/11/2017
    Neville GardinerNon Exec Director16/11/2021
    Tim LuscombeCompany Secretary31/01/2025

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Karen LoganCompany Secretary31/01/2025
    Roger MooreNon Exec Director14/10/201608/11/2024
    Robyn ElliottIndependent Director16/11/202112/08/2024
    Terry SweetNon Exec Chairman16/04/201425/11/2021
    John DunlopNon Exec Director16/04/201422/11/2018
    Bill ParkerNon Exec Director16/04/201428/06/2016
    James MosesExecutive Director16/10/201528/06/2016

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.