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14 March 2025
Name: | PPK GROUP LIMITED (PPK) | ||||||
ISIN: | AU000000PPK8 | ||||||
Date of Listing: | 21 December 1994 | ||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status: (updated daily)
This entity is currently listed and quoted on the Australian Securities Exchange.Legal Status: (updated monthly)
ACN: 003 964 181ABN: 65 003 964 181
Registration Date: 03 April 1990
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status: (updated at least quarterly)
To crystallise a capital gain or capital loss on your securities in this entity, you are able to sell your securities on-market in the normal manner. If you determine that the market in your securities is illiquid and you still wish to crystallise a capital gain or loss, kindly contact deListed at for suggestions as to how you might proceed.
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FROM | TO | |
PPK GROUP LIMITED | 11/09/2006 | |
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PPK Group Limited will be reinstated to official quotation as from the commencement of trading on Wednesday, 16 August 2017 following the Company having released its financial report for the year ended 30 June 2015, and other outstanding reports for the 2015 and 2016 financial years and complying with all other ASX conditions of reinstatement. | 14/08/2017 |
The company provides a market update. | 14/08/2017 |
The company releases the results of its 2015 and 2016 AGMs. | 14/08/2017 |
The 2015 AGM will be held at The Grace Hotel, King Room, Level 1, 77 York Street, Sydney NSW Australia at 2.00pm (Sydney time) on Monday 14 August 2017. The 2016 AGM, on the other hand, will be held at 2.30 pm on the same date and place. | 10/07/2017 |
The company releases its Corporate Governance Statement - YE 30 June 2016 and the App 4G - Key to YE 2016 Corporate Governance Disclosures. | 26/06/2017 |
The company lodges its Half Yearly Report and Accounts - 31 December 2016. | 26/06/2017 |
The company lodges its Preliminary Final Report and Annual Report YE 30 June 2016. | 26/06/2017 |
The company lodges its Half Yearly Report and Accounts - 31 December 2015 | 26/06/2017 |
The company releases its App 4G - Key to YE 2015 Corporate Governance Disclosures. | 26/06/2017 |
The company releases its Corporate Governance Statement - YE 30 June 2015. | 26/06/2017 |
The company lodges its Annual Report to shareholders - Year Ended 30 June 2015. | 26/06/2017 |
The company provides an update on the following: proposed controlling share subscription and alternatives; overdue financial reports; and Quarter 3 2017 Financial Results. | 19/05/2017 |
The company provides a market update and it also lodges its Qtr 2 and Half Year 2017 Financial Results. The company is continuing negotiations with a major state owned Chinese mining equipment manufacturer in respect of subscribing for a controlling equity interest in PPK. | 02/03/2017 |
PPK Group Limited is pleased to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary, Seven Hills Property Holdings Pty Ltd has entered into an unconditional agreement for the sale of its Seven Hills property for $7.875m. The sale is due to settle on 27 January 2017. The sale proceeds will be applied to reduce debt facilities and for working capital purposes. The company is continuing to make progress with a major state owned Chinese mining equipment manufacturer in respect of subscribing for a controlling equity interest in PPK. The company will continue to provide quarterly operating updates. The next update, including half year results, will be provided on or before 28 February 2017. | 13/01/2017 |
The suspension of the Company's securities will continue until the Company lodges the overdue reports. | 24/11/2016 |
PPK Group Limited (PPK) advises that it is continuing negotiations with a number of interested parties with reference to a prospective, merger, sale or equity injection alternatives in relation to its mining services businesses and PPK itself. Also, PPK is not in a position to complete and lodge accounts for the half year ended 31 December 2015. PPK however can and does advise that it has sustained a loss of $4,276,000 before tax ($4,144,000 after tax) for the six months to 31 December 2015. | 29/02/2016 |
PPK Group Limited (PPK) advises that a final determination has not, and cannot yet be made as regards the appropriate carrying values of assets in the mining services division. PPK is in continuing negotiations in relation to prospective merger, asset sale or equity injection alternatives in relation to the mining services division and PPK. | 27/11/2015 |
The company reports the issue of shares subject to voluntary escrow. | 28/10/2015 |
The securities of PPK Group Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, pending finalisation of the Company's financial report for the year ended 30 June 2015. Security Code: PPK | 29/09/2015 |
name changed from Plaspak Group Limited | 11/09/2006 |
PPK Group Limited will be reinstated to official quotation as from the commencement of trading on Wednesday, 16 August 2017 following the Company having released its financial report for the year ended 30 June 2015, and other outstanding reports for the 2015 and 2016 financial years and complying with all other ASX conditions of reinstatement. | 14/08/2017 |
The company provides a market update. | 14/08/2017 |
The company releases the results of its 2015 and 2016 AGMs. | 14/08/2017 |
The 2015 AGM will be held at The Grace Hotel, King Room, Level 1, 77 York Street, Sydney NSW Australia at 2.00pm (Sydney time) on Monday 14 August 2017. The 2016 AGM, on the other hand, will be held at 2.30 pm on the same date and place. | 10/07/2017 |
The company releases its Corporate Governance Statement - YE 30 June 2016 and the App 4G - Key to YE 2016 Corporate Governance Disclosures. | 26/06/2017 |
The company lodges its Half Yearly Report and Accounts - 31 December 2016. | 26/06/2017 |
The company lodges its Preliminary Final Report and Annual Report YE 30 June 2016. | 26/06/2017 |
The company lodges its Half Yearly Report and Accounts - 31 December 2015 | 26/06/2017 |
The company releases its App 4G - Key to YE 2015 Corporate Governance Disclosures. | 26/06/2017 |
The company releases its Corporate Governance Statement - YE 30 June 2015. | 26/06/2017 |
The company lodges its Annual Report to shareholders - Year Ended 30 June 2015. | 26/06/2017 |
The company provides an update on the following: proposed controlling share subscription and alternatives; overdue financial reports; and Quarter 3 2017 Financial Results. | 19/05/2017 |
The company provides a market update and it also lodges its Qtr 2 and Half Year 2017 Financial Results. The company is continuing negotiations with a major state owned Chinese mining equipment manufacturer in respect of subscribing for a controlling equity interest in PPK. | 02/03/2017 |
PPK Group Limited is pleased to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary, Seven Hills Property Holdings Pty Ltd has entered into an unconditional agreement for the sale of its Seven Hills property for $7.875m. The sale is due to settle on 27 January 2017. The sale proceeds will be applied to reduce debt facilities and for working capital purposes. The company is continuing to make progress with a major state owned Chinese mining equipment manufacturer in respect of subscribing for a controlling equity interest in PPK. The company will continue to provide quarterly operating updates. The next update, including half year results, will be provided on or before 28 February 2017. | 13/01/2017 |
The suspension of the Company's securities will continue until the Company lodges the overdue reports. | 24/11/2016 |
PPK Group Limited (PPK) advises that it is continuing negotiations with a number of interested parties with reference to a prospective, merger, sale or equity injection alternatives in relation to its mining services businesses and PPK itself. Also, PPK is not in a position to complete and lodge accounts for the half year ended 31 December 2015. PPK however can and does advise that it has sustained a loss of $4,276,000 before tax ($4,144,000 after tax) for the six months to 31 December 2015. | 29/02/2016 |
PPK Group Limited (PPK) advises that a final determination has not, and cannot yet be made as regards the appropriate carrying values of assets in the mining services division. PPK is in continuing negotiations in relation to prospective merger, asset sale or equity injection alternatives in relation to the mining services division and PPK. | 27/11/2015 |
The company reports the issue of shares subject to voluntary escrow. | 28/10/2015 |
The securities of PPK Group Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, pending finalisation of the Company's financial report for the year ended 30 June 2015. Security Code: PPK | 29/09/2015 |
name changed from Plaspak Group Limited | 11/09/2006 |
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21/06/2023 | Glenn Molloy | 200,000 | $1.425 | $285,000 |
13/06/2023 | Anne-Marie Birkill | 7,400 | $1.360 | $10,064 |
10/05/2023 | Glenn Molloy | 250,000 | $1.460 | $365,000 |
04/05/2023 | Glenn Molloy | 99,470 | $1.290 | $128,316 |
28/04/2023 | Glenn Molloy | 100,000 | $1.100 | $110,000 |
Anne-Marie Birkill | Non Exec Chairman | 01/07/2022 |
Marc Fenton | Managing Director, CEO | 01/07/2022 |
Lee Finniear | CEO | 27/04/2021 |
Sarah Price | CFO | 23/05/2023 |
Rick Francis | Independent Director | 02/12/2024 |
Glenn Molloy | Executive Director | 21/12/1994 |
Will Shiel | Company Secretary | |
Liam Fairhall | Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Robin Levison | Non Exec Chairman | 22/10/2013 | 31/08/2024 |
Anthony McDonald | Independent Director | 13/09/2017 | 23/11/2023 |
Ken Hostland | CFO | 30/06/2017 | 23/05/2023 |
Dale McNamara | Executive Director | 30/04/2015 | 09/06/2022 |
Graeme Webb | Non Exec Director | 01/08/2011 | 27/01/2021 |
Jason Beddow | CFO | 30/04/2015 | 30/06/2017 |
Jury Wowk | Deputy Chairman, Independent Director | 21/12/1994 | 05/05/2017 |
Raymond Beath | Independent Director | 21/12/1994 | 07/03/2017 |
Peter Barker | CEO | 30/06/2014 | 28/02/2016 |
David Hoff | Alternate Director | 05/02/2013 | 07/07/2013 |
Colin Ryan | Non Exec Chairman | 01/11/1995 | 01/08/2011 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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