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Level 2, 477 Pitt Street , Haymarket NSW 2000
Tel : 61 2 7208 8033
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ISIN: AU0000003808
Address: Level 8 1 Eagle Street Brisbane QLD 4000
Tel:  + 61 9481 0389Fax: +61 8 9463 6103

Date first listed: 26/07/2018

Sector: Materials 
Activities: Mineral Exploration and Development

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The suspension of trading in the securities of Pivotal Metals Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by PVT of an announcement in relation to a capital raising.


The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities.


This capital raise is a milestone achievement for the Company, comprising a combination of Canadian flow-through-shares and options and private placement, that will allow Pivotal to greatly advance its Canadian portfolio. A$3.9m in commitments has been received to date, utilising the flow-through shares provision under Canadian tax law. The FT Unit will be placed at A$0.0634/unit, representing a 58.5% premium to Pivotal's last closing price of A$0.04 on 10 May 2023 and an 84.3% premium to the 15-day VWAP of A$0.0344. The FTU will be immediately sold through a block trade agreement to select sophisticated and professional investors in Australia and abroad. As of the date of this announcement, A$0.2m has also been committed through a private placement at A$0.0325/share to sophisticated and professional investors, representing an 18.8% discount to the last closing price on 10 May 2023 and a 5.5% discount to the 15-day VWAP. For every two shares issued as part of this capital raise, the Company will also issue one free attaching two-year option, subject to shareholder approval. Each option will be unlisted and have an exercise price of A$0.065. The capital raise will be used for a drill program at the flagship Horden Lake coppernickel-PGM project, for which all necessary drilling permits have been received. Furthermore, an extensive metallurgical test programme has been planned. Post drill program and metallurgical testing, the Company also intends to: update the current pit constrained JORC (2012) Inferred Resource of 27.8Mt @ 1.49% CuEq and allow for inclusion of further by-product metals in to the CuEq grade1; accurately estimate metal recoveries and concentrate payabilities; and complete a maiden pre-feasibility study (PFS) for Horden Lake. Additional exploration work at BAGB is also scheduled, in order to progress this exciting high-grade Ni-Cu-PGM exploration project.


The securities of Pivotal Metals Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of PVT, pending the release of an announcement in relation to a capital raising


name changed from Rafaella Resources Ltd



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    05/07/2024Robert Wrixon500,000$0.024$11,975
    19/12/2023Ivan Fairhall60,000$0.017$1,044
    05/12/2023Simon Gray500,000$0.017$8,500
    04/12/2023Ivan Fairhall200,000$0.018$3,570
    30/11/2023Daniel Rose953,192$0.017$16,204

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Simon GrayNon Exec Chairman01/08/2023
    Ivan FairhallManaging Director, CEO19/09/2023
    Robert WrixonExecutive Director27/08/2019
    Daniel RoseDirector10/10/2022
    Amanda Wilton-HealdCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Steven TurnerNon Exec Director27/08/201903/10/2024
    Peter HatfullNon Exec Chairman26/07/201801/08/2023
    Royston DenysschenDirector19/05/202003/03/2022
    Graham DurtanovichNon Exec Chairman, Independent Director26/07/201827/08/2019

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.