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22 December 2024
ISIN: | AU000000PIL1 | ||||||
Date of Listing: | 29 May 2008 | ||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status: (updated daily)
This entity is currently listed and quoted on the Australian Securities Exchange.Legal Status: (updated monthly)
ACN: 125 931 964ABN: 56 125 931 964
Registration Date: 13 June 2007
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status: (updated at least quarterly)
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The suspension of trading in the securities of Peppermint Innovation Limited will be lifted immediately following lodgement of its Appendix 4D and Half Year Report and the release by PIL of an announcement regarding a capital raising. | 05/03/2024 |
The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities. | 05/03/2024 |
A$1.102 million placed at 1.5 cents per share with strong support from sophisticated and professional investors. Funds will progress Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Customer Experience focus and bizmoLoan growth. Placement managed by CPS Capital Group. | 05/03/2024 |
The company lodges its Half Yearly Report and Accounts. | 04/03/2024 |
The securities of the company will be suspended from quotation under Listing Rule 17.5 from the commencement of trading today, Friday, 1 March 2024, for not lodging the relevant periodic report by the due date. If the report is lodged between the closure of the market announcements office on Thursday, 29 February 2024, and the imposition of the suspension, the entity's securities will normally be reinstated to quotation on the next trading day after the suspension is imposed. | 01/03/2024 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Peppermint Innovation Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Monday, 13 March 2023 following lodgement of its Appendix 4D and Half Year Report. | 10/03/2023 |
The company lodges its Half Yearly Report and Accounts. | 10/03/2023 |
The entity's securities will be suspended from quotation under Listing Rule 17.5 from the commencement of trading today, Wednesday, 1 March 2023, for not lodging the relevant periodic report by the due date. If the report is lodged between the closure of the market announcements office yesterday and the imposition of the suspension, the entity's securities will normally be reinstated to quotation on the next trading day after the suspension is imposed. | 01/03/2023 |
The company wishes to advise: The completion of the Australian Audit review of the half year report for the six month period ended 31 December 2022 has been delayed. The reason for this was a delay in the provision of some financial information from the Company's overseas Philippines subsidiaries. Now all the outstanding financial Information has been provided and the Company expects to release its Half Yearly as soon as the audit review is completed in the coming days. | 28/02/2023 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Peppermint Innovation Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Thursday, 25 February 2021, following completion of PIL's recapitalisation. | 24/02/2021 |
The company's securities will be reinstated to official quotation on the ASX on 25 February 2021. The prospectus to raise funds to continue bizmoto's targets sales and marketing campaign and provide additional working capital has closed substantially oversubscribed. A prospectus to raise A$2 million to support the company's reinstatement to the ASX was issued on 29 January. It closed heavily oversubscribed, with the company accecpting an additional $500,000, taking the total placement to A$2.5 million. | 24/02/2021 |
The company releases the following: Distribution Schedule, Top 20 Shareholders, Pre-instatement Disclosure. | 24/02/2021 |
The securities of Peppermint Innovation Limited are expected to be reinstated to Official Quotation at the commencement of trading at 10:06:45 am AEDT on Thursday, 25 February 2021. PIL raised AUD$2,500,000 pursuant to the offer under its prospectus dated 29 January 2021 ("˜Prospectus') by the issue of 250,000,000 shares at an issue price of S0.01 per share. | 23/02/2021 |
The company releases an Appendix 2A. | 18/02/2021 |
The company releases a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - PIL. | 05/02/2021 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Report to Dec 2020 and 4C. | 01/02/2021 |
The company issues a prospectus for an offer of 200,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.01 per Share to raise $2,000,000 with the ability to accept oversubscriptions of up to a maximum of 50,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.01 per Share to raise up to an additional $500,000. | 29/01/2021 |
The company releases the results of its meeting. | 25/01/2021 |
The company has received confirmation from ASX that its securities will be reinstated to official quotation upon satisfaction of a series of conditions precedent. As previously advised, the AGM to ratify the capital raising will be held on 25 January 2021. PIL has signed a mandate with Sydney-based Clee Capital Pty Ltd to raise $2 million to continue bizmoto's targeted sales and marketing campaign and to provide additional working capital. | 05/01/2021 |
The company releases a supplement to its September 2020 Quarterly Activities Report. Payments to related parties totaling $168k in the Appendix 4C for the quarter ended 30 September 2020 were paid for directors' fees, executive remuneration, and pension / superannuation benefits. | 30/12/2020 |
The company will hold its AGM on 25 January 2021 at 10am at 1/18 Olive Street, Subiaco WA 6008. | 24/12/2020 |
The company releases an Appendix 2A. | 14/12/2020 |
The company releases a supplementary prospectus. | 10/12/2020 |
The company releases a prospectus for an offer of up to 200,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.01 per Share to raise up to $2,000,000. This also contains offerse of: up to 40,500,000 New Options to participants in the August Placement and 40,000,000 Broker Options to Clee Capital Pty Ltd. | 08/12/2020 |
40,000,000 options to acquire fully paid shares in Peppermint at various prices expired on 27 August 2020. | 08/12/2020 |
The company releases a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - PIL. | 27/11/2020 |
The company has signed a mandate with Clee Capital to raise $2 million from the issue of shares at $0.01 each. Funds raised from the $2 million placement will be used to continue bizmoto's targeted sales and marketing campaign and provide additional working capital to the company. Shareholders will be asked to consider and approve the $2 million placement at the company's upcoming 2020 AGM. | 27/11/2020 |
The company releases its Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statement. | 26/11/2020 |
The company lodges its Annual Report to shareholders. | 26/11/2020 |
The company lodges its Half Yearly Report and Accounts. | 19/11/2020 |
The company releases a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - PIL. | 19/11/2020 |
Interim Funding of $500,000 raised to continue expansion of Peppermint's operations in Philippines. | 19/11/2020 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4C - quarterly. | 30/10/2020 |
The company intends to hold its AGM for 2020 on or after 30 November 2020. | 22/10/2020 |
The company is in the process of completing a prospectus for the purpose of ensuring that certain past issues of fully paid ordinary shares will be entitled to be traded on ASX when the securities of the company are reinstated to quotation on ASX. The company withdraws the cleansing notice last 11 December 2019 which was invalid due to the fact that the securities of PIL had been suspended for more than 5 trading days. No ordinary shares have been traded. | 19/08/2020 |
The company releases an Appendix 2A. | 19/08/2020 |
The company releases a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - PIL. | 19/08/2020 |
The company lodges its 30 June 2020 Quarterly Activities and Cash Flow Report. | 12/08/2020 |
The company releases a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - PIL. | 01/07/2020 |
The company has placed further shares and options under its first-stage $750,000 capital raise with sophisticated and professional investors at 1 cent per share, with an attaching option to buy a further share at 1 cent within 12 months which was referred to in its most recent Quarterly Activity statement. | 12/06/2020 |
The company releases a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - PIL. | 12/06/2020 |
The company releases a notice of Interest Payment - MVTHA. | 10/06/2020 |
The company lodges its March Quarter Activity Report and Cashflow. | 10/06/2020 |
Funds received on sale of Zambian copper exploration licenses for $650,000. Outstanding $1.5M Caason Group Convertible Note re-negotiated, with 90% of notes being adjusted to a 1cps conversion price and April 2022 maturity date. | 10/06/2020 |
The company provides an update on its operations. | 03/04/2020 |
The company releases an Appendix 2A. | 13/03/2020 |
The company issues a notification of Proposed issue of Securities - PIL. | 10/03/2020 |
The company lodges its Quarterly update - strong growth - Appendix 4C. | 03/02/2020 |
12,500,000 ordinary shares have been issued to sophisticated and professional investors at $0.01 per share to raise $125,000 before costs. This is the first closing of a $1,500,000 / 150,000,000 ordinary share placement at $0.01 cent per share which Peppermint is seeking to close. $150,000 of convertible notes and accrued interest have been converted into 16,422,00 fully paid ordinary shares at $0.01 per share. The maturity date of $1,500,000 of convertible notes has been extended from 30 April 2020 to 30 April 2021 in consideration for the issue of 35,000,000 unlisted options to acquire ordinary shares at $0.01 per ordinary share on or before 30 May 2021. | 11/12/2019 |
The company releases the results of its meeting. | 03/12/2019 |
The company releases its Shareholder Presentation 2019 AGM. | 02/12/2019 |
The company's AGM will be held on Friday, 29 November 2019 at 1.00 pm (WST) at Level 2 East The Wentworth Building, 300 Murray Street, Off Raine Lane, Perth WA 6000. | 01/11/2019 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4C - quarterly. | 31/10/2019 |
The company issues a response to ASX Query. | 18/10/2019 |
$1.5m convertible note fully subscribed. $2m placement to PEGG Capital Limited to be completed. Next phase of business plan forecast to deliver increased revenues and strong business growth. | 18/10/2019 |
The securities of Peppermint Innovation Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.3, due to a disclaimer of opinion in PIL's annual financial report for the year ended 30 June 2019. | 11/10/2019 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Peppermint Innovation Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading today, 17 March 2016 following the lodgement of the Company's half yearly reports. | 17/03/2016 |
The company lodges its half yearly report and accounts. | 16/03/2016 |
The company provides a shareholder update regarding the delay to the lodgement of the Company's Appendix 4D half year financial results. The Company reports the unavoidable delay is due to the complexities of complying with the IFRS regulations with respect to the completion of the Chrysalis Resources RTO transaction across multijurisdictional business operations. | 01/03/2016 |
The securities of Peppermint Innovation Limited will be suspended from Official Quotation from the commencement of trading today 1 March 2016 following failure to lodge its Half Yearly Reports/Accounts for the period ended 31 December 2015 in accordance with ASX Listing Rules. | 01/03/2016 |
Peppermint Innovation Limited (previously, Chrysalis Resources Limited) ("Company") will be reinstated to official quotation as from 10am AEDT on Friday, 4 December 2015 following the Company's compliance with listing rule 11.1.3 and chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules. 581,194,838 ordinary shares fully paid Security Code: PIL | 02/12/2015 |
name changed from Chrysalis Resources Limited | 27/11/2015 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Peppermint Innovation Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Monday, 13 March 2023 following lodgement of its Appendix 4D and Half Year Report. | 10/03/1999 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Peppermint Innovation Limited will be lifted immediately following lodgement of its Appendix 4D and Half Year Report and the release by PIL of an announcement regarding a capital raising. | 05/03/2024 |
The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities. | 05/03/2024 |
A$1.102 million placed at 1.5 cents per share with strong support from sophisticated and professional investors. Funds will progress Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Customer Experience focus and bizmoLoan growth. Placement managed by CPS Capital Group. | 05/03/2024 |
The company lodges its Half Yearly Report and Accounts. | 04/03/2024 |
The securities of the company will be suspended from quotation under Listing Rule 17.5 from the commencement of trading today, Friday, 1 March 2024, for not lodging the relevant periodic report by the due date. If the report is lodged between the closure of the market announcements office on Thursday, 29 February 2024, and the imposition of the suspension, the entity's securities will normally be reinstated to quotation on the next trading day after the suspension is imposed. | 01/03/2024 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Peppermint Innovation Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Monday, 13 March 2023 following lodgement of its Appendix 4D and Half Year Report. | 10/03/2023 |
The company lodges its Half Yearly Report and Accounts. | 10/03/2023 |
The entity's securities will be suspended from quotation under Listing Rule 17.5 from the commencement of trading today, Wednesday, 1 March 2023, for not lodging the relevant periodic report by the due date. If the report is lodged between the closure of the market announcements office yesterday and the imposition of the suspension, the entity's securities will normally be reinstated to quotation on the next trading day after the suspension is imposed. | 01/03/2023 |
The company wishes to advise: The completion of the Australian Audit review of the half year report for the six month period ended 31 December 2022 has been delayed. The reason for this was a delay in the provision of some financial information from the Company's overseas Philippines subsidiaries. Now all the outstanding financial Information has been provided and the Company expects to release its Half Yearly as soon as the audit review is completed in the coming days. | 28/02/2023 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Peppermint Innovation Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Thursday, 25 February 2021, following completion of PIL's recapitalisation. | 24/02/2021 |
The company's securities will be reinstated to official quotation on the ASX on 25 February 2021. The prospectus to raise funds to continue bizmoto's targets sales and marketing campaign and provide additional working capital has closed substantially oversubscribed. A prospectus to raise A$2 million to support the company's reinstatement to the ASX was issued on 29 January. It closed heavily oversubscribed, with the company accecpting an additional $500,000, taking the total placement to A$2.5 million. | 24/02/2021 |
The company releases the following: Distribution Schedule, Top 20 Shareholders, Pre-instatement Disclosure. | 24/02/2021 |
The securities of Peppermint Innovation Limited are expected to be reinstated to Official Quotation at the commencement of trading at 10:06:45 am AEDT on Thursday, 25 February 2021. PIL raised AUD$2,500,000 pursuant to the offer under its prospectus dated 29 January 2021 ("˜Prospectus') by the issue of 250,000,000 shares at an issue price of S0.01 per share. | 23/02/2021 |
The company releases an Appendix 2A. | 18/02/2021 |
The company releases a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - PIL. | 05/02/2021 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Report to Dec 2020 and 4C. | 01/02/2021 |
The company issues a prospectus for an offer of 200,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.01 per Share to raise $2,000,000 with the ability to accept oversubscriptions of up to a maximum of 50,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.01 per Share to raise up to an additional $500,000. | 29/01/2021 |
The company releases the results of its meeting. | 25/01/2021 |
The company has received confirmation from ASX that its securities will be reinstated to official quotation upon satisfaction of a series of conditions precedent. As previously advised, the AGM to ratify the capital raising will be held on 25 January 2021. PIL has signed a mandate with Sydney-based Clee Capital Pty Ltd to raise $2 million to continue bizmoto's targeted sales and marketing campaign and to provide additional working capital. | 05/01/2021 |
The company releases a supplement to its September 2020 Quarterly Activities Report. Payments to related parties totaling $168k in the Appendix 4C for the quarter ended 30 September 2020 were paid for directors' fees, executive remuneration, and pension / superannuation benefits. | 30/12/2020 |
The company will hold its AGM on 25 January 2021 at 10am at 1/18 Olive Street, Subiaco WA 6008. | 24/12/2020 |
The company releases an Appendix 2A. | 14/12/2020 |
The company releases a supplementary prospectus. | 10/12/2020 |
The company releases a prospectus for an offer of up to 200,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.01 per Share to raise up to $2,000,000. This also contains offerse of: up to 40,500,000 New Options to participants in the August Placement and 40,000,000 Broker Options to Clee Capital Pty Ltd. | 08/12/2020 |
40,000,000 options to acquire fully paid shares in Peppermint at various prices expired on 27 August 2020. | 08/12/2020 |
The company releases a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - PIL. | 27/11/2020 |
The company has signed a mandate with Clee Capital to raise $2 million from the issue of shares at $0.01 each. Funds raised from the $2 million placement will be used to continue bizmoto's targeted sales and marketing campaign and provide additional working capital to the company. Shareholders will be asked to consider and approve the $2 million placement at the company's upcoming 2020 AGM. | 27/11/2020 |
The company releases its Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statement. | 26/11/2020 |
The company lodges its Annual Report to shareholders. | 26/11/2020 |
The company lodges its Half Yearly Report and Accounts. | 19/11/2020 |
The company releases a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - PIL. | 19/11/2020 |
Interim Funding of $500,000 raised to continue expansion of Peppermint's operations in Philippines. | 19/11/2020 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4C - quarterly. | 30/10/2020 |
The company intends to hold its AGM for 2020 on or after 30 November 2020. | 22/10/2020 |
The company is in the process of completing a prospectus for the purpose of ensuring that certain past issues of fully paid ordinary shares will be entitled to be traded on ASX when the securities of the company are reinstated to quotation on ASX. The company withdraws the cleansing notice last 11 December 2019 which was invalid due to the fact that the securities of PIL had been suspended for more than 5 trading days. No ordinary shares have been traded. | 19/08/2020 |
The company releases an Appendix 2A. | 19/08/2020 |
The company releases a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - PIL. | 19/08/2020 |
The company lodges its 30 June 2020 Quarterly Activities and Cash Flow Report. | 12/08/2020 |
The company releases a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - PIL. | 01/07/2020 |
The company has placed further shares and options under its first-stage $750,000 capital raise with sophisticated and professional investors at 1 cent per share, with an attaching option to buy a further share at 1 cent within 12 months which was referred to in its most recent Quarterly Activity statement. | 12/06/2020 |
The company releases a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - PIL. | 12/06/2020 |
The company releases a notice of Interest Payment - MVTHA. | 10/06/2020 |
The company lodges its March Quarter Activity Report and Cashflow. | 10/06/2020 |
Funds received on sale of Zambian copper exploration licenses for $650,000. Outstanding $1.5M Caason Group Convertible Note re-negotiated, with 90% of notes being adjusted to a 1cps conversion price and April 2022 maturity date. | 10/06/2020 |
The company provides an update on its operations. | 03/04/2020 |
The company releases an Appendix 2A. | 13/03/2020 |
The company issues a notification of Proposed issue of Securities - PIL. | 10/03/2020 |
The company lodges its Quarterly update - strong growth - Appendix 4C. | 03/02/2020 |
12,500,000 ordinary shares have been issued to sophisticated and professional investors at $0.01 per share to raise $125,000 before costs. This is the first closing of a $1,500,000 / 150,000,000 ordinary share placement at $0.01 cent per share which Peppermint is seeking to close. $150,000 of convertible notes and accrued interest have been converted into 16,422,00 fully paid ordinary shares at $0.01 per share. The maturity date of $1,500,000 of convertible notes has been extended from 30 April 2020 to 30 April 2021 in consideration for the issue of 35,000,000 unlisted options to acquire ordinary shares at $0.01 per ordinary share on or before 30 May 2021. | 11/12/2019 |
The company releases the results of its meeting. | 03/12/2019 |
The company releases its Shareholder Presentation 2019 AGM. | 02/12/2019 |
The company's AGM will be held on Friday, 29 November 2019 at 1.00 pm (WST) at Level 2 East The Wentworth Building, 300 Murray Street, Off Raine Lane, Perth WA 6000. | 01/11/2019 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4C - quarterly. | 31/10/2019 |
The company issues a response to ASX Query. | 18/10/2019 |
$1.5m convertible note fully subscribed. $2m placement to PEGG Capital Limited to be completed. Next phase of business plan forecast to deliver increased revenues and strong business growth. | 18/10/2019 |
The securities of Peppermint Innovation Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.3, due to a disclaimer of opinion in PIL's annual financial report for the year ended 30 June 2019. | 11/10/2019 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Peppermint Innovation Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading today, 17 March 2016 following the lodgement of the Company's half yearly reports. | 17/03/2016 |
The company lodges its half yearly report and accounts. | 16/03/2016 |
The company provides a shareholder update regarding the delay to the lodgement of the Company's Appendix 4D half year financial results. The Company reports the unavoidable delay is due to the complexities of complying with the IFRS regulations with respect to the completion of the Chrysalis Resources RTO transaction across multijurisdictional business operations. | 01/03/2016 |
The securities of Peppermint Innovation Limited will be suspended from Official Quotation from the commencement of trading today 1 March 2016 following failure to lodge its Half Yearly Reports/Accounts for the period ended 31 December 2015 in accordance with ASX Listing Rules. | 01/03/2016 |
Peppermint Innovation Limited (previously, Chrysalis Resources Limited) ("Company") will be reinstated to official quotation as from 10am AEDT on Friday, 4 December 2015 following the Company's compliance with listing rule 11.1.3 and chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules. 581,194,838 ordinary shares fully paid Security Code: PIL | 02/12/2015 |
name changed from Chrysalis Resources Limited | 27/11/2015 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Peppermint Innovation Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Monday, 13 March 2023 following lodgement of its Appendix 4D and Half Year Report. | 10/03/1999 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
05/01/2023 | Anthony Kain | -10,000,000 | $0.008 | $80,000 |
02/11/2011 | Adrian Paul | 800,000 | $0.047 | $37,345 |
Anthony Kain | Chairman, Executive Director, Company Secretary | 30/11/2015 |
Christopher Kain | Managing Director, CEO | 30/11/2015 |
Neal Cross | Non Exec Director | 24/03/2022 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Matthew Cahill | Non Exec Director | 30/11/2015 | 24/03/2022 |
Mark Reid | Non Exec Director | 02/04/2020 | 09/07/2020 |
Leigh Ryan | Non Exec Director | 02/12/2013 | 09/07/2020 |
Albert Cheok | Non Exec Director | 29/04/2019 | 01/04/2020 |
Rod Tasker | Non Exec Director | 28/09/2016 | 02/12/2018 |
Vincent Power | Non Exec Director | 04/12/2015 | 22/09/2016 |
Jianhua Sang | Non Exec Director | 05/07/2013 | 01/12/2015 |
Neale Fong | Non Exec Chairman | 28/02/2008 | 30/11/2015 |
Michael Griffiths | Non Exec Director | 05/04/2013 | 23/09/2014 |
Jing Wang | Executive Director | 15/11/2013 | 23/09/2014 |
Adrian Paul | Non Exec Director | 13/06/2007 | 29/11/2013 |
Trevor Benson | Non Exec Director | 24/09/2012 | 29/11/2013 |
Grant Kidner | Non Exec Director | 31/08/2008 | 29/11/2013 |
Bradley Marwood | Non Exec Director | 24/09/2012 | 29/07/2013 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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