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26 March 2025
ISIN: | AU0000153082 |
Date of Listing: | 21 July 2021 |
Stock Exchange Status: (updated daily)
This entity is currently suspended from quotation on the Australian Securities Exchange and its securities cannot be traded on-market.Legal Status: (updated monthly)
This is a current registered entity, not in any form of external administration to our knowledge.Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status: (updated at least quarterly)
The securities in this entity, in our opinion, are of little or no value. We have made that assessment by reference to the circumstances leading to a suspension and/or delisting, the length of a suspension, share trading history and last on-market share price, most recent financial and cash flow statements, prospects (including likelihood of re-financing), and other factors including in particular whether the entity is in external administration. If you are seeking to crystallise a capital loss on your securities, that process can be easily and quickly initiated at our online Worthless Shares facility here:
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Further information: deListed and InvestoGain are operated by Investogain Pty Limited which is licensed by ASIC as an Australian Financial Services Licensee (AFSL 334036). deListed acquires only securities that it deems to be of little or no value, in circumstances where the holder is unable to sell their securities on-market in the normal manner. This service has been provided online via the company’s website since 2004.
Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
Disclaimer: The information provided above is to the best of our knowledge accurate as of today. But you should bear in mind that it is of a general nature and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Investogain Pty Limited accepts no liability for any loss arising from reliance on this information, including reliance on information that is no longer current.
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The company lodges its application for quotation of securities. | 04/02/2025 |
The company has clarified the post-consolidation exercise price for both listed and unlisted options, with the listed option expiring on 15-Jun-2025 at 295,191 A$10 and the unlisted option expiring on 20-Jan-2025 at 29,345 A$24. | 30/01/2025 |
The company has completed the consolidation of its issued capital, based on one security for every 100 securities held. The new capital consists of listed securities (OPN 11,291,501), option expiring securities (OPNOA 295,191), and unlisted securities (OPNAC $0.24). New holding statements have been sent to security holders post-consolidation. | 30/01/2025 |
The company lodges its updated notice of security consolidation or split. | 30/01/2025 |
The entities suspended for over three months failed periodic reports, the oldest outstanding report deadline, and their 2 year deadline for trading plans. If not met, they will be removed from the official list, usually after the first trading day. | 22/01/2025 |
The company releases its notice of cessation of securities. | 20/01/2025 |
The Deed Administrators of the company, Richard Tucker and John Bumbak from KordaMentha have retired. | 20/01/2025 |
The company announces that the conditions precedent have been satisfied and the DOCA was effectuated on 17 January 2025. The company have now exited from external administration and control has been returned to the directors. | 17/01/2025 |
The company releases the results of its general meeting. | 17/01/2025 |
The company releases a new timetable for its general meeting. | 06/01/2025 |
The company releases its notice of security consolidation or split. | 03/01/2025 |
The company releases its appendix 3H. | 03/01/2025 |
The company lodges its Independent Expert's Report. | 13/12/2024 |
Shareholders are invited to a General Meeting on 17 January 2025 at 12:00 noon (AEDT) at Level 2, 350 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000. Hard copies of the Notice of Meeting will not be sent unless requested. Access to Meeting Materials is available online or via ASX announcements. | 13/12/2024 |
ASX releases a notice regarding long-term suspended entities. The company's securities have been suspended for more than 3 months. If an entity does not meet the 1 or 2 year deadlines, it will be removed from the official list. The removal will usually take effect from the open of trading on the first trading day after the deadline date. | 18/10/2024 |
The company's creditors resolved to execute the DOCA proposed by BenelongCapital Partners Pty Ltd. The DOCA was executed on September 9, 2024, and further information will be issued soon. | 14/10/2024 |
Shareholders in this company should consider crystallising a capital loss in 2024/25 by selling their shares. This process is now much easier and quicker. It can be achieved online by entering transaction details here. While, this usually makes good economic sense we recommend you seek professional advice before buying or selling securities, your accountant is probably the best person. | 04/08/2024 |
The company announces that the Administrators have secured funding to continue to trade the Group's operations on a business-as-usual basis. | 21/05/2024 |
The securities of Openn Negotiation Limited were suspended at OPN's request on 3 May 2024. OPN's securities will now be suspended from quotation under Listing Rule 17.3.1. The securities will remain suspended until such time as ASX is satisfied with OPN's compliance with the Listing Rules, including Listing Rule 12.2 and that it is otherwise appropriate for OPN's securities to be reinstated to quotation. | 14/05/2024 |
Richard Tucker and John Bumbak of KordaMenths were appointed as Joint and Several Administrators. | 13/05/2024 |
The company seeks an extension to the Voluntary Suspension granted by the Australian Securities Exchange for its securities. The request is made as the company has not yet completed its proposed capital raising and anticipates the suspension will remain until normal trading commences on 13 May 2024 or until the Announcement's release. | 10/05/2024 |
The company is requesting an extension to the Voluntary Suspension granted by the Australian Securities Exchange for its securities. The request is made as the company has not completed its proposed capital raising announcement. The suspension will remain in place until normal trading commences on 10 May 2024 or until the Announcement is released. | 08/05/2024 |
Openn has signed a binding business sale and purchase agreement to acquire Proffer Group Pty Ltd, a property technology business designed to combat chronic under supply issues in the ANZ marketplace by seamlessly connecting buyers, agents and potential vendors to transact unlisted properties. $2.5 million private share placement (with capacity to accept additional funding via oversubscription) to be conducted to fund expenses of the Acquisition and operations of the combined group post completion. The Acquisition will result in an integrated product suite that will deliver Australia's only end-toend on and off market transaction capability thereby ensuring a meaningful and unique value proposition to accelerate combined platform adoption. Openn's platform and customer base to swiftly facilitate adoption of Proffer via integration and cross-sell initiatives - including direct promotion of Proffer's value proposition to Openn's 146,000+ users. Opportunity to unlock revenue from unlisted properties whilst enhancing the overall agent proposition to include vendor appraisal generation. | 06/05/2024 |
The securities of Openn Negotiation Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of OPN, pending the release of an announcement regarding a material acquisition and capital raising. | 03/05/2024 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Openn Negotiation Limited will be lifted immediately following the release by OPN of an announcement regarding a capital raising. | 16/06/2023 |
The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities. | 16/06/2023 |
The company releases a prospectus for: a renounceable pro rata offer of 5 New Shares for every 2 Shares held by Eligible Shareholders registered at the Record Date, at an issue price of $0.004 per New Share, to raise up to approximately $3.19 million before costs. The Entitlement Offer is fully underwritten by Axiom Properties Limited. The Entitlement Offer opens on Monday, 26 June 2023 and closes at 5:00pm (WST) on Monday, 10 July 2023, unless extended; for an offer to the public (including Eligible Shareholders) to subscribe for the New Shares comprising the Shortfall to the Entitlement Offer, at $0.004 per New Share; and for an offer of 1,000 New Options at an issue price of $0.001 each to raise up to $1.00 before costs. | 16/06/2023 |
5 for 2 Entitlement Offer at $0.004 to raise $3.19 million, fully underwritten by Axiom Properties Limited. Openn Board and Management to participate in the Entitlement Offer. Openn to focus on strategic partnering model to reduce cash outflows and generate near term revenue. New capital, combined with operational and management reorganisation, expected to accelerate growth opportunities and pursuit of strategic partnerships. Reorganisation to include board restructure, reduced board remuneration, and reduced overheads. Recapitalisation through introduction of new major shareholder provides launching pad to capitalise on Openn technology platform and drive new opportunities. | 16/06/2023 |
The company releases a notice of application for quotation of securities. | 01/06/2023 |
The company has completed a share placement to Axiom Properties Limited, raising $166,461 before costs. | 01/06/2023 |
Axiom Properties Limited has acquired a substantial shareholding in ASX-listed Openn Negotiation Limited by way of 15% share placement, being 41.6m shares at $0.004 per share for a capital injection of $166,461. Refer to Form 603 Notice of initial substantial shareholder below for further information. Axiom has entered into a binding term sheet to fully underwrite an entitlement offer. The proposed Axiom underwritten renounceable entitlement offer to Openn shareholders will be at an issue price of $0.004 per share and raise approximately $3.2m. | 31/05/2023 |
the Company anticipates that the voluntary suspension will remain in place until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Tuesday, 30 May 2023 or until the release of the Announcement in relation to the proposed capital raising. | 29/05/2023 |
The voluntary suspension is requested as the company is not yet in a position to make an announcement regarding the proposed capital raising. The voluntary suspension is anticipated to remain in place unitl the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 29 May 2023 or until the release of an announcement. | 24/05/2023 |
The securities of Openn Negotiation Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of OPN, pending the release of an announcement regarding a capital raising. | 24/05/2023 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Openn Negotiation Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Tuesday, 2 May 2023 following lodgement of its quarterly activity report and Appendix 4C. | 02/05/2023 |
The securities of the entity will be suspended from quotation under Listing Rule 17.5 from the commencement of trading today, Monday, 1 May 2023, for not lodging the relevant periodic report by the due date. If the report is lodged between the closure of the market announcements office on Friday, 28 April 2023, and the imposition of the suspension, the entity's securities will normally be reinstated to quotation on the next trading day after the suspension is imposed. | 01/05/2023 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report. | 01/05/2023 |
listed entity carried for record purposes only | 21/07/2021 |
The company lodges its application for quotation of securities. | 04/02/2025 |
The company has clarified the post-consolidation exercise price for both listed and unlisted options, with the listed option expiring on 15-Jun-2025 at 295,191 A$10 and the unlisted option expiring on 20-Jan-2025 at 29,345 A$24. | 30/01/2025 |
The company has completed the consolidation of its issued capital, based on one security for every 100 securities held. The new capital consists of listed securities (OPN 11,291,501), option expiring securities (OPNOA 295,191), and unlisted securities (OPNAC $0.24). New holding statements have been sent to security holders post-consolidation. | 30/01/2025 |
The company lodges its updated notice of security consolidation or split. | 30/01/2025 |
The entities suspended for over three months failed periodic reports, the oldest outstanding report deadline, and their 2 year deadline for trading plans. If not met, they will be removed from the official list, usually after the first trading day. | 22/01/2025 |
The company releases its notice of cessation of securities. | 20/01/2025 |
The Deed Administrators of the company, Richard Tucker and John Bumbak from KordaMentha have retired. | 20/01/2025 |
The company announces that the conditions precedent have been satisfied and the DOCA was effectuated on 17 January 2025. The company have now exited from external administration and control has been returned to the directors. | 17/01/2025 |
The company releases the results of its general meeting. | 17/01/2025 |
The company releases a new timetable for its general meeting. | 06/01/2025 |
The company releases its notice of security consolidation or split. | 03/01/2025 |
The company releases its appendix 3H. | 03/01/2025 |
The company lodges its Independent Expert's Report. | 13/12/2024 |
Shareholders are invited to a General Meeting on 17 January 2025 at 12:00 noon (AEDT) at Level 2, 350 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000. Hard copies of the Notice of Meeting will not be sent unless requested. Access to Meeting Materials is available online or via ASX announcements. | 13/12/2024 |
ASX releases a notice regarding long-term suspended entities. The company's securities have been suspended for more than 3 months. If an entity does not meet the 1 or 2 year deadlines, it will be removed from the official list. The removal will usually take effect from the open of trading on the first trading day after the deadline date. | 18/10/2024 |
The company's creditors resolved to execute the DOCA proposed by BenelongCapital Partners Pty Ltd. The DOCA was executed on September 9, 2024, and further information will be issued soon. | 14/10/2024 |
Shareholders in this company should consider crystallising a capital loss in 2024/25 by selling their shares. This process is now much easier and quicker. It can be achieved online by entering transaction details here. While, this usually makes good economic sense we recommend you seek professional advice before buying or selling securities, your accountant is probably the best person. | 04/08/2024 |
The company announces that the Administrators have secured funding to continue to trade the Group's operations on a business-as-usual basis. | 21/05/2024 |
The securities of Openn Negotiation Limited were suspended at OPN's request on 3 May 2024. OPN's securities will now be suspended from quotation under Listing Rule 17.3.1. The securities will remain suspended until such time as ASX is satisfied with OPN's compliance with the Listing Rules, including Listing Rule 12.2 and that it is otherwise appropriate for OPN's securities to be reinstated to quotation. | 14/05/2024 |
Richard Tucker and John Bumbak of KordaMenths were appointed as Joint and Several Administrators. | 13/05/2024 |
The company seeks an extension to the Voluntary Suspension granted by the Australian Securities Exchange for its securities. The request is made as the company has not yet completed its proposed capital raising and anticipates the suspension will remain until normal trading commences on 13 May 2024 or until the Announcement's release. | 10/05/2024 |
The company is requesting an extension to the Voluntary Suspension granted by the Australian Securities Exchange for its securities. The request is made as the company has not completed its proposed capital raising announcement. The suspension will remain in place until normal trading commences on 10 May 2024 or until the Announcement is released. | 08/05/2024 |
Openn has signed a binding business sale and purchase agreement to acquire Proffer Group Pty Ltd, a property technology business designed to combat chronic under supply issues in the ANZ marketplace by seamlessly connecting buyers, agents and potential vendors to transact unlisted properties. $2.5 million private share placement (with capacity to accept additional funding via oversubscription) to be conducted to fund expenses of the Acquisition and operations of the combined group post completion. The Acquisition will result in an integrated product suite that will deliver Australia's only end-toend on and off market transaction capability thereby ensuring a meaningful and unique value proposition to accelerate combined platform adoption. Openn's platform and customer base to swiftly facilitate adoption of Proffer via integration and cross-sell initiatives - including direct promotion of Proffer's value proposition to Openn's 146,000+ users. Opportunity to unlock revenue from unlisted properties whilst enhancing the overall agent proposition to include vendor appraisal generation. | 06/05/2024 |
The securities of Openn Negotiation Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of OPN, pending the release of an announcement regarding a material acquisition and capital raising. | 03/05/2024 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Openn Negotiation Limited will be lifted immediately following the release by OPN of an announcement regarding a capital raising. | 16/06/2023 |
The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities. | 16/06/2023 |
The company releases a prospectus for: a renounceable pro rata offer of 5 New Shares for every 2 Shares held by Eligible Shareholders registered at the Record Date, at an issue price of $0.004 per New Share, to raise up to approximately $3.19 million before costs. The Entitlement Offer is fully underwritten by Axiom Properties Limited. The Entitlement Offer opens on Monday, 26 June 2023 and closes at 5:00pm (WST) on Monday, 10 July 2023, unless extended; for an offer to the public (including Eligible Shareholders) to subscribe for the New Shares comprising the Shortfall to the Entitlement Offer, at $0.004 per New Share; and for an offer of 1,000 New Options at an issue price of $0.001 each to raise up to $1.00 before costs. | 16/06/2023 |
5 for 2 Entitlement Offer at $0.004 to raise $3.19 million, fully underwritten by Axiom Properties Limited. Openn Board and Management to participate in the Entitlement Offer. Openn to focus on strategic partnering model to reduce cash outflows and generate near term revenue. New capital, combined with operational and management reorganisation, expected to accelerate growth opportunities and pursuit of strategic partnerships. Reorganisation to include board restructure, reduced board remuneration, and reduced overheads. Recapitalisation through introduction of new major shareholder provides launching pad to capitalise on Openn technology platform and drive new opportunities. | 16/06/2023 |
The company releases a notice of application for quotation of securities. | 01/06/2023 |
The company has completed a share placement to Axiom Properties Limited, raising $166,461 before costs. | 01/06/2023 |
Axiom Properties Limited has acquired a substantial shareholding in ASX-listed Openn Negotiation Limited by way of 15% share placement, being 41.6m shares at $0.004 per share for a capital injection of $166,461. Refer to Form 603 Notice of initial substantial shareholder below for further information. Axiom has entered into a binding term sheet to fully underwrite an entitlement offer. The proposed Axiom underwritten renounceable entitlement offer to Openn shareholders will be at an issue price of $0.004 per share and raise approximately $3.2m. | 31/05/2023 |
the Company anticipates that the voluntary suspension will remain in place until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Tuesday, 30 May 2023 or until the release of the Announcement in relation to the proposed capital raising. | 29/05/2023 |
The voluntary suspension is requested as the company is not yet in a position to make an announcement regarding the proposed capital raising. The voluntary suspension is anticipated to remain in place unitl the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 29 May 2023 or until the release of an announcement. | 24/05/2023 |
The securities of Openn Negotiation Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of OPN, pending the release of an announcement regarding a capital raising. | 24/05/2023 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Openn Negotiation Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Tuesday, 2 May 2023 following lodgement of its quarterly activity report and Appendix 4C. | 02/05/2023 |
The securities of the entity will be suspended from quotation under Listing Rule 17.5 from the commencement of trading today, Monday, 1 May 2023, for not lodging the relevant periodic report by the due date. If the report is lodged between the closure of the market announcements office on Friday, 28 April 2023, and the imposition of the suspension, the entity's securities will normally be reinstated to quotation on the next trading day after the suspension is imposed. | 01/05/2023 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report. | 01/05/2023 |
listed entity carried for record purposes only | 21/07/2021 |
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14/04/2022 | Darren Bromley | 140,000 | $0.290 | $40,637 |
12/04/2022 | Wayne Zekulich | 200,000 | $0.276 | $55,277 |
Ben Laurance | Non Exec Chairman | 17/11/2023 |
Sean Adomeit | CEO | 14/02/2022 |
Andrew McCulloch | Non Exec Director | 13/10/2023 |
Peter Gibbons | Executive Director | 21/07/2021 |
Darren Bromley | Executive Director, CFO, Company Secretary | 21/07/2021 |
Richard Brien | Director | 17/01/2025 |
George Terpens | Director | 17/01/2025 |
Gregory Starr | Director | 17/01/2025 |
Louisa Ho | Company Secretary | 17/01/2025 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Wayne Zekulich | Non Exec Chairman | 21/07/2021 | 17/11/2023 |
Danielle Lee | Non Exec Director | 21/07/2021 | 30/05/2023 |
Duncan Anderson | Executive Director | 21/07/2021 | 30/05/2023 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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