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14 March 2025
ISIN: | AU000000NHF0 |
Date of Listing: | 05 November 2007 |
Stock Exchange Status: (updated daily)
This entity is currently listed and quoted on the Australian Securities Exchange.Legal Status: (updated monthly)
ACN: 125 633 856ABN: 51 125 633 856
Registration Date: 28 May 2007
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status: (updated at least quarterly)
To crystallise a capital gain or capital loss on your securities in this entity, you are able to sell your securities on-market in the normal manner. If you determine that the market in your securities is illiquid and you still wish to crystallise a capital gain or loss, kindly contact deListed at for suggestions as to how you might proceed.
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At its AGM in 2017, NIB Holdings Limited passed a resolution revoking the payment of unclaimed dividends so that they are no longer payable to the shareholder and no longer need be reported as unclaimed to the NSW Revenue Office. The passing of this resolution circumvents the NSW Unclaimed Money Act and is particularly egregious because these unclaimed dividend entitlements never feature in a publicly searchable database which is the whole purpose of the Act. Obviously the shareholders affected by this measure had no vote on it and the vast majority of shareholders who did (see attachment for the biggest of them) are never likely to have unclaimed dividends. It also effectively means that those shareholders, or their children or grandchildren are unlikely to ever discover the underlying shareholding. You may have an entitlement that you have never been advised of because you had a policy with NIB Holdings Limited, NIB Life, NIB Health Funds or Newcastle Industrial Benefits or with other private health funds that were absorbed by the company prior to demutualisation. We are attaching a list of the names of shareholders in NIB Holdings who currently have unclaimed dividends. We also suggest you complain on behalf of the vast majority of all shareholders at each Annual General Meeting of the company until this resolution is reversed. | 26/05/2020 |
This company has a long history of disregarding its policyholders/shareholders. In 2009 the company conducted a sale of small parcels of shares affecting 57,000 of its shareholders. There is no evidence that the company placed any of the unclaimed proceeds arising from this sale with the appropriate authority. In 2010 the company cancelled 28.2 million shares belonging to former policy holders in the company, because it wrote to them 4 times and they didn't respond. Perhaps they had moved! The Corporations Act makes special provision for this contingency whereby companies may transfer such shares to ASIC so that shareholders or their children/grandchildren/executors can search and find their entitlements. | 26/05/2020 |
we understand that on or about this date the company made a capital return of 16.07 cents per share | 21/07/2011 |
we understand the cost base for each share received under the demutualisation of NIB is 85 cents and the date you acquired those shares is 1 October 2007 (you do not show a capital gain in your 2007-08 tax return because you received shares in NIB as a result of its demutualisation) | 05/11/2007 |
At its AGM in 2017, NIB Holdings Limited passed a resolution revoking the payment of unclaimed dividends so that they are no longer payable to the shareholder and no longer need be reported as unclaimed to the NSW Revenue Office. The passing of this resolution circumvents the NSW Unclaimed Money Act and is particularly egregious because these unclaimed dividend entitlements never feature in a publicly searchable database which is the whole purpose of the Act. Obviously the shareholders affected by this measure had no vote on it and the vast majority of shareholders who did (see attachment for the biggest of them) are never likely to have unclaimed dividends. It also effectively means that those shareholders, or their children or grandchildren are unlikely to ever discover the underlying shareholding. You may have an entitlement that you have never been advised of because you had a policy with NIB Holdings Limited, NIB Life, NIB Health Funds or Newcastle Industrial Benefits or with other private health funds that were absorbed by the company prior to demutualisation. We are attaching a list of the names of shareholders in NIB Holdings who currently have unclaimed dividends. We also suggest you complain on behalf of the vast majority of all shareholders at each Annual General Meeting of the company until this resolution is reversed. | 26/05/2020 |
This company has a long history of disregarding its policyholders/shareholders. In 2009 the company conducted a sale of small parcels of shares affecting 57,000 of its shareholders. There is no evidence that the company placed any of the unclaimed proceeds arising from this sale with the appropriate authority. In 2010 the company cancelled 28.2 million shares belonging to former policy holders in the company, because it wrote to them 4 times and they didn't respond. Perhaps they had moved! The Corporations Act makes special provision for this contingency whereby companies may transfer such shares to ASIC so that shareholders or their children/grandchildren/executors can search and find their entitlements. | 26/05/2020 |
we understand that on or about this date the company made a capital return of 16.07 cents per share | 21/07/2011 |
we understand the cost base for each share received under the demutualisation of NIB is 85 cents and the date you acquired those shares is 1 October 2007 (you do not show a capital gain in your 2007-08 tax return because you received shares in NIB as a result of its demutualisation) | 05/11/2007 |
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Capital Return was $0.1607 per share | 05/04/2017 13:00:37 |
22/11/2024 | Jill Watts | 3,597 | $5.560 | $19,999 |
21/11/2024 | Peter Harmer | 17,574 | $5.699 | $100,149 |
12/09/2024 | Mark Fitzgibbon | -200,000 | $5.795 | $1,159,080 |
27/08/2024 | Jill Watts | 4,885 | $6.130 | $29,945 |
27/08/2024 | Brad Welsh | 3,174 | $6.000 | $19,044 |
David Gordon | Chairman | 29/05/2020 |
Ed Close | Managing Director, CEO | 01/12/2024 |
Nick Freeman | CFO | 22/06/2020 |
Jill Watts | Independent Director | 27/07/2023 |
Brad Welsh | Independent Director | 27/07/2023 |
Donal O'Dwyer | Independent Director | 22/03/2016 |
Anne Loveridge | Independent Director | 20/02/2017 |
Peter Harmer | Independent Director | 20/07/2021 |
Jacqueline Chow | Non Exec Director | 05/04/2018 |
Roslyn Toms | General Counsel, Company Secretary | 29/04/2013 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Mark Fitzgibbon | Managing Director, CEO | 28/05/2007 | 30/11/2024 |
Lee Ausburn | Independent Director | 01/11/2013 | 18/11/2022 |
Steve Crane | Non Exec Chairman, Independent Director | 01/09/2010 | 29/07/2021 |
Christine McLoughlin | Independent Director | 21/03/2011 | 25/09/2020 |
Glenn Treadwell | CFO | 20/03/2020 | 22/06/2020 |
Michelle McPherson | Deputy CEO, CFO | 01/03/2003 | 20/03/2020 |
Philip Gardner | Independent Director | 28/05/2007 | 31/08/2018 |
Harold Bentley | Independent Director | 07/11/2007 | 30/09/2017 |
Annette Carruthers | Independent Director | 20/09/2007 | 28/09/2016 |
Brian Keane | Non Exec Director | 01/11/2007 | 26/10/2010 |
Janet Dore | Non Exec Director | 20/09/2007 | 31/07/2008 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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ABN 88 129 443 447 | AFSL 334036
Information provided is of a general nature and not for trading or advice.
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