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Former (or subsequent) names

HYGROVEST LIMITED 23/12/202113/12/2024
MMJ GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED23/10/201823/12/2021
MMJ PHYTOTECH LIMITED31/07/201523/10/2018

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Automic Registry Pty Ltd
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Company details

Address: Suite 518, Level 5, 165-167 Phillip Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Tel:  +61 2 8098 0819Fax: +61 2 8080 8315

Date first listed: 22/01/2015

Sector: Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology Industry Group: XHJ
Activities: Health Care

News & Events

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name changed to MMJ Group Holdings Limited


The company releases an Investor Presentation.


The company releases an announcement from MediPharm Labs Inc confirming that it has made two senior management team appointments.


The company releases a Harvest One investor presentation.


The company releases a notice by Harvest One Cannabis Inc hat its CEO, Grant Froese, will present live on Thursday, 18 October 2018 at 2.30pm Eastern Time (being 5.30am, Friday, 19 October 2018 AEST).


The company releases a media release overnight by Harvest One Cannabis Inc that includes an operational update interview given to Proactive Investors by the President of United Greeneries, Harvest One's cannabis cultivation subsidiary.


Fire & Flower Inc. has acquired a licensed cannabis retail shop in North Battleford, Saskatchewan that will commence operations tonight; will open its first retail shop in Saskatchewan tonight, in addition to the abovementioned store acquisition, after receiving an interim licence from the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority. Each store will be part of the few first cannabis retail outlets to operate in the province; and has prequalified for the Manitoba lottery for cannabis retail licences to be issued by the Manitoba Growth, Enterprise and Trade, Procurement Services Branch. MMJ has CAD$1 million invested in Fire & Flower. Fire & Flower is expected to list on the TSX Venture Exchange later this year.


As part of its active portfolio management approached, the company has lodged a notice with the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSX-V") stating its intention to divest up to 5 million of its 53.333 million shares held in Harvest One Cannabis Inc. The notice is a Canadian regulatory requirement as MMJ's current shareholding of approximately 30% in Harvest One is more than the 20% ownership threshold. On completion of the sale of PhytoTech Therapeutics, by the 10-day volume weighted average price of Harvest One shares preceding settlement of that sale.


The Company is pleased to confirm it is advancing with the next steps to achieve re-compliance which include: working with HVT towards satisfying the remaining conditions to completion of the Disposal; and demonstrating, to ASX's satisfaction, that upon completion of the Disposal MMJ will comply with the relevant ASX listing requirements and any additional conditions imposed by ASX. The company has made the relevant re-quotation application to ASX, which ASX is now in the process of reviewing. MMJ acknowledges that ASX has an absolute discretion in deciding whether to re-admit the Company however it is committed to assisting ASX in a timely manner and is confident that it will be reinstated to quotation in the coming weeks.


The company invites shareholders to hear its CEO, Jason Conroy, present at Proactive Investors' CEO Spotlight Investor Session in Sydney on Monday, 22 October 2018. MMJ will be one of five companies presenting on the day and a light lunch will be provided. The venue will be Radisson Blu Hotel, Marble Room, Corner Pitt and O'Connell Street, Sydney. The session will be from 12pm to 2.30pm. To book a seat, please register by Wednesday, 17 October 2018 at:


MediPharm has entered into a Cannabis Concentrate Program Agreement with Emerald Health Therapeutics. MMJ has CAD$5 million of equity invested in MediPharm Labs with 5.88 million shares (CAD$0.85 cost per share) and 2.94 million warrants (exercisable at CAD$1.20 per share by October 2020).


The AGM of MMJ PhytoTech Limited will be held at: The Westin Sydney 1 Martin Place Sydney, NSW 2000 at 2.30pm on 28 November 2018. Nominations of persons intending to propose his or her nomination as a director of MMJ PhytoTech Limited have to be lodged at the Registered office by 10 October 2018.


MMJ provides a corporate update on MediPharm Labs. MediPharm Labs is currently operating with a processing capacity of 100,000 kilograms of dry cannabis flower and/or trim per year, giving them one of the largest extraction capacities in Canada; and fully funded expansion is underway to increase customised processing capacity to an expected 250,000 kilograms of dry cannabis per year by Q2 2019. MMJ has CAD$5 million of equity invested in MediPharm Labs with 5.88 million shares (CAD$0.85 cost per share) and 2.94 million warrants (exercisable at CAD$1.20 per share by October 2020).


The securities of MMJ PhytoTech Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of MMJ, pending re-compliance with Chapters 1 and 2 of the Listing Rules.


name changed from Phytotech Medical Limited



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    11/10/2016Peter Wall100,000$0.230$23,000

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Peter WallNon Exec Chairman01/03/2012
    Jason ConroyCEO26/02/2018
    Catherine HarveyCOO01/09/2016
    Jim HallamCFO, Company Secretary03/04/2018
    Doug HalleyNon Exec Director16/03/2018
    Winton WillesseNon Exec Director

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Lisa DeaCFO14/06/201703/04/2018
    Jason BednarNon Exec Director16/03/2018
    Andreas GedeonManaging Director, CEO27/07/201526/02/2018
    Richard JarvisCFO04/07/201614/06/2017
    Ross McKayNon Exec Director11/08/2016
    Benad GoldwasserNon Exec Director27/01/201520/08/2015
    Boaz WachtelExecutive Director20/08/2015
    Ross SmithDirector02/02/2015

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.