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14 March 2025
Name: | LINDIAN RESOURCES LIMITED (LIN) | ||||||||||||
ISIN: | AU000000LIN6 | ||||||||||||
Date of Listing: | 02 March 2000 | ||||||||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status: (updated daily)
This entity is currently listed and quoted on the Australian Securities Exchange.Legal Status: (updated monthly)
ACN: 090 772 222ABN: 53 090 772 222
Registration Date: 15 December 1999
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status: (updated at least quarterly)
To crystallise a capital gain or capital loss on your securities in this entity, you are able to sell your securities on-market in the normal manner. If you determine that the market in your securities is illiquid and you still wish to crystallise a capital gain or loss, kindly contact deListed at for suggestions as to how you might proceed.
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Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
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FROM | TO | |
VPH LIMITED | 23/11/2005 | 07/11/2006 |
VIRTUALPLUS HOLDINGS LIMITED | 22/12/2004 | 23/11/2005 |
MBOX.COM LIMITED | 22/12/2004 |
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Lindian has entered into an agreement to acquire 100% of the shares in Rift Valley Resource Developments Limited (Rift Valley), the owner of the Kangankunde Rare Earths Project (the Kangankunde Project), for a total purchase price of US$30 million. Kangankunde Project is a carbonatite-hosted system and a globally significant deposit with major potential in size and grade, with a granted mining licence, ML 0290. Historical Estimates reported an Inferred Mineral Resource (JORC 2004). The ratio of Neodymium and Praseodymium (NdPr) in concentrate is about 19%. Previously metallurgical test work supports the deposit being amenable to a low-cost gravity separation concentration producing a 60% REO concentrate. The Project is located near excellent infrastructure. Project economics have not been independently updated since 2011. Since then, NdPr, a highly strategic and critical product, has become increasingly valuable and important in permanent magnets for electric vehicles. Immediate technical works program includes community engagement, redeveloping access for planned drill programs and sampling for updating metallurgical testwork leading to engineering works programmes. The purchase price is payable in four tranches, comprising a non-refundable deposit of US$2.5 million, and a further US$27.5 million payable in three tranches within 48 months from signature date of the share purchase agreement. "¢ The Transaction remains subject to the approval of Lindian shareholders which is to be sought at a general meeting expected to be held in September. | 01/08/2022 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Lindian Resources Limited will be lifted immediately following the release by LIN of an announcement regarding an update on the proposed acquisition of Rift Valley Resource Developments Limited and its Kangankunde Rare Earths Project in Malawi. | 01/08/2022 |
The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities. | 01/08/2022 |
Placement of 15 million fully paid ordinary shares at $0.20 per share to raise $3m, with every two shares to be issued having an attaching unlisted option exercisable at $0.25 and expiring three years from the date of issue. Placement at $0.20 per share represents a 48.1% premium to the last closing price of LIN shares on the last trading day prior to the announcement of this capital raising. Funds raised from the Placement and future option conversions position Lindian to pursue the acquisition of 100% of Rift Valley Resources Developments Limited and its Kangankunde Rare Earth Mining Project in Malawi, subject to shareholder approval. Planning of works program for Kangankunde in progress. | 01/08/2022 |
The company lodges its June 2022 Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reports. | 29/07/2022 |
The securities of Lindian Resources Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of LIN, pending the release of an announcement regarding an update on the proposed acquisition of Rift Valley Resource Developments Limited and its Kangankunde Rare Earths Project in Malawi. | 27/07/2022 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Lindian Resources Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Wednesday, 10 February 2021, following the release by LIN of an announcement regarding a memorandum of understanding for the long term collaboration with one of the largest and key Bauxite Industry participants in Guinea. | 10/02/2021 |
Lindian continues to progress with various available infrastructure options to facilitate the mining of bauxite from its Lelouma, Gaoual and Woula bauxite projects in Guinea. Current options include the potential for mine gate sales, rail head sales and/or agreements to utilise and/or develop existing infrastructure to take product to market. Non-binding Memorandum of Understanding entered into provide a pathway to finalise agreed infrastructure access and/or bauxite sale arrangements, including in relation to the development of the port of Dobali in Guinea. | 10/02/2021 |
The securities of Lindian Resources Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of LIN, pending the release of an announcement. | 09/02/2021 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Lindian Resources Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by LIN of an announcement regarding an agreement with KB Bauxite Guinea SARLU. | 10/04/2019 |
The company has signed an exclusive option agreement with KB Bauxite Guinea SARLU and its sole shareholder Guinea Bauxite Pty Ltd to acquire the Gauoal Bauxite Project, which is wholly owned by KB. | 10/04/2019 |
The company expects the suspension to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 15 April 2019, or the release of an announcement on the finalisation of re-quotation matters which include a farm-in option over a synergistic bauxite project. | 08/04/2019 |
The extension to the voluntary suspension is necessary for the Company to release an announcement on finalisation of re-quotation matters which include a farm-in option over a synergistic bauxite project. The Company expects the suspension to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 8 April 2019, or the release of an announcement by the Company. | 01/04/2019 |
Mobilisation for a drilling progamme is underway at the company's 51% owned Lushoto and Pare bauxite projects following the granting of tenements PL/13564/2019 and PL/13400/2018. Lindian is continuing with its geological mapping of the Uyowa project area in Tanzania with the goal of identifying additional high grade drilling targets. Lindian is finalising an exclusive option to assess a synergistic bauxite opportunity with an announcement to be made subject to ASX approval. Lindian is continuing with legal proceedings in Malawi against Saner and Rift Valley Resource Developments with a mediation scheduled for 16 April 2019. The company has entered into a $1 million loan facility with Rose Lawn. | 01/04/2019 |
The extension to the voluntary suspension of the company's securities is necessary for the company to provide an update to the market on finalisation of a funding facility and a farm-in option over a synergistic bauxite project. The suspension is expected to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 1 April 2019, or the release of an announcement. | 25/03/2019 |
Following the Consent Order being granted and the relevant EPL being issued to RVR, Saner and RVR wrote to Lindian purporting to unilaterally cancel the Agreement on the basis of what were said to be changed circumstances in Malawi that had arisen following the execution of the Agreement that made the Agreement unenforceable. In the correspondence, Saner and RVR offered to enter into a separate agreement in relation to the sale of the Project on entirely different terms, being the sale of a 100% interest in the Project for US$70m and a 5% revenue royalty to the RVR shareholders. The Company and its legal advisors did not accept that Saner or RVR had any grounds on which to refuse to perform the Agreement and commenced legal proceedings in the High Court of Malawi seeking specific performance and/ or damages as well as obtaining an injunction to prevent RVR or Saner from dealing with the Project and / or shares in RVR. The Company has also filed a criminal complaint in South Africa (the jurisdiction Saner resides) in relation to the conduct of Saner and RVR asserting that Lindian was defrauded by means of misrepresentation. Lindian will be proceeding with the matter as well as the action in Malawi. The company has also formally completed its 51% stage 1 acquisition of the entity that owns 100% of the Tanzanian bauxite interests. The Company will remain in suspension whilst it assesses the funding requirements to develop its current projects in Tanzania. The Company expects to lift the suspension of its securities on ASX and resume trading on the 25th of March 2019. | 20/03/2019 |
The extension to the voluntary suspension is necessary for the company to provide an update to the market on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. The suspension is expected to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 25 March 2019 or the release of an announcement by the company. | 18/03/2019 |
In accordance with the terms of issue, 25,000,000 unlisted Class A Performance Shares have expired as the performance milestone was not achieved prior to the expiry date. 25,000,000 unlisted Class B Performance Shares with an expiry date of 6 December 2020 remain on issue. | 15/03/2019 |
The company lodges its Half Year Accounts. | 15/03/2019 |
The company will commence its 2019 drilling campaign this month on the Lushoto and Pare projects following the formal granting of tenements PL/13564/2019 and PL/13400/2018. The campaign will involve auger drilling programs where a total of 66 and 41 auger holes have been planned for both the Pare and Lushoto projects respectively. Final preparations (regulatory, logistics) are being completed this week in Tanzania. | 12/03/2019 |
The company expects the suspension of its securities to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 18 March 2019, or the release of an announcement by the company regarding the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. | 11/03/2019 |
The company has lodged applications for two additional tenements covering a combined area of 96.85km2. Recently completed exploration has returned positive assay results. PL/13400/2018 comprises two deposits - the Magamba South Deposit and Kidundai deposits. PL/13564/2019 located 50km North West of the Lushoto Project and 13km from the Tanga Arusha sealed road and railway. The tenement contains the Pare deposit where rock chip sampling has confirmed high grade mineralization. Follow-up work program to include mapping, systematic sampling and auger drilling "“ set to commence Q2 2019. | 05/03/2019 |
The extension to the voluntary suspension is necessary for the Company to provide an update to the market on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. The suspension is expected to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 11 March 2019, or the release of an announcement by the company. | 04/03/2019 |
The extension to the voluntary suspension is necessary for the Company to provide an update to the market on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. The Company expects the suspension to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 4 March 2019, or the release of an announcement by the Company. | 25/02/2019 |
The company is requesting for a further extension of the suspension of its securities pending an update on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. The suspension is expected to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 25 February 2019, or the release of an announcement. | 18/02/2019 |
The Company expects the suspension of its securities to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 18 February 2019, or the release of an announcement by the Company. | 11/02/2019 |
The Company expects the suspension of its securities to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 11 February 2019, or the release of an announcement by the Company | 04/02/2019 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report. | 01/02/2019 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report. | 01/02/2019 |
The Company expects the suspension of its securities to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 4 February 2019, or the release of an announcement by the Company. | 29/01/2019 |
The Company expects the suspension of its securities to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 29 January 2019, or the release of an announcement by the Company. | 21/01/2019 |
The company requests the current voluntary suspension to remain in place pending a further announcement to the market on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. The suspension is expected to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 21 January 2019 or the release of an announcement. | 14/01/2019 |
The current voluntary suspension of the company's securities is requested to be extended pending a further announcement to the market on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. The Company expects the suspension to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 14 January 2019 or until the announcement is made. | 07/01/2019 |
The current voluntary suspension of the company's securities is requested to be extended pending a further announcement to the market on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. The Company expects the suspension to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 7 January 2019 or until the announcement is made. | 31/12/2018 |
The Company requests that the current voluntary suspension of its securities be extended pending a further announcement to the market on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project | 24/12/2018 |
The Company expects the suspension to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 24 December 2018, or the release of an announcement by the Company. | 17/12/2018 |
The company requests that the current voluntary suspension of its securities be extended pending a further announcement to the market on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. The Company expects the suspension to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 17 December 2018, or the release of an announcement by the Company. | 10/12/2018 |
The Company requests that the current voluntary suspension of its securities be extended. The suspension is expected to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 10 December 2018, or the release of an announcement by the Company. | 03/12/2018 |
The company releases the results of its meeting. | 30/11/2018 |
The extension to the voluntary suspension is necessary for the Company to provide an update to the market on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. The Company expects the suspension to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 3 December 2018, or the release of an announcement by the Company. | 26/11/2018 |
Saner and RVR wrote to Lindian purporting to unilaterally cancel the Agreement on the basis of what were said to be changed circumstances in Malawi that had arisen following the execution of the Agreement that made the Agreement unenforceable. In the correspondence, Saner and RVR offered to enter into a separate agreement in relation to the sale of the Project on entirely different terms, being the sale of a 100% interest in the Project for US$70M and a 5% revenue royalty to the RVR shareholders. The Company does not accept that Saner or RVR have any grounds on which to refuse to perform the Agreement and has made repeated efforts both in person (with representatives of RVR) and in writing to continue with the Agreement. These efforts have been unsuccessful, and as a result, Lindian commenced legal proceedings in the High Court of Malawi seeking an injunction to prevent RVR or Saner from dealing with the Project or shares in RVR. The Injunction has been granted. The company has filed a criminal complaint in South Africa in relation to the conduct of Saner and RVR asserting the company was defrauded by means of misrepresentation. In the interim the Company is in the fortunate position of still being able to continue with its advanced exploration activities on the Magamba bauxite deposit in Tanzania with drilling about to commence and results expected to be available in December 2018. | 23/11/2018 |
The company requests that the current voluntary suspension of its securities be extended pending an announcement on an update to the market on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. The Company expects the suspension to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 26 November 2018, or the release of an announcement by the Company. | 19/11/2018 |
The company requests an extension of the suspension of its securities. This is necessary for the company to provide an update to the market on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. The extension is expected to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 19 November 2018, or the release of an announcement. | 12/11/2018 |
The securities of Lindian Resources Ltd will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of LIN, pending the release of an announcement regarding an acquisition. | 05/11/2018 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Lindian Resources Ltd will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Tuesday 7 August 2018, following the release by the Company of an announcement regarding an option agreement and a capital raising. | 06/08/2018 |
The company has signed an exclusive option agreement with Rift Valley Resource Developments Limited to acquire up to a 75% interest in the Kangankunde Rare Earths Project in Malawi. Kangankunde has been reported as one of the world's largest Rare Earth projects outside of China. | 06/08/2018 |
Following a scheduled ASX internal system change affecting the Market Announcements Platform, it has been necessary to re-apply the "˜Suspend' session state. This announcement serves to re-confirm the securities of this entity remain suspended. | 06/08/2018 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report. | 31/07/2018 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report. | 31/07/2018 |
Lindian Resources Limited advises that 10,284,027 listed options (ASX: LINO) lapsed unexercised following their expiry on 30 July 2018. | 31/07/2018 |
The securities of Lindian Resources Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement regarding a proposed capital raising and heads of agreement. | 31/07/2018 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Lindian Resources Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by the Company of an announcement regarding changes to mining legislation passed by the Tanzanian government. | 10/07/2017 |
The company provides an update on the impact of the changes to Tanzanian mining laws. In the board's opinion, the only key changes which would have a material impact on any successful discovery and subsequent mining development is the new requirement for the government to have a free carried 16% interest in any mining project and an increase in the royalty for metallic minerals including gold to 6%. Lindian does not see the requirement as overly burdensome but clearly projects will have to take into account the economic nature of the 16% interest and the 6% royalty. | 10/07/2017 |
The securities of Lindian Resources Limited will be suspended from official quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement regarding draft changes to mining legislation proposed by the Tanzanian government. | 06/07/2017 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 10 | 07/12/2016 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Lindian Resources Limited (the "Company") will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Friday, 18 December 2015, following the release by the Company of an announcement regarding the completion of an entitlement issue and a corporate update in respect of its projects in the Philippines. Security Code: LIN | 17/12/2015 |
Lindian Resources Limited (Lindian or the Company) is pleased to announce that it has placed the balance of 835,651,766 shortfall shares pursuant to the Company's fully underwritten non-renounceable entitlement issue (Entitlement Issue) which closed on Wednesday 2 December 2015. The Company has issued a total of 1,092,938,277 shares pursuant to the Entitlement Issue to raise approximately $1,092,938. | 16/12/2015 |
The Directors of Lindian Resources Limited ("Lindian" or "Company") are pleased to announce that the non-renounceable pro-rata entitlement issue pursuant to the Prospectus dated 12 November 2015 has closed. The Company advises that the shortfall of the issue is 835,651,766 Shares. The Directors note that they will be endeavour to place the shortfall in accordance with Section 4.11 of the Prospectus dated 12 November 2015. | 04/12/2015 |
The Directors of Lindian Resources Limited are pleased to announce that at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held today, all resolutions put to the meeting were passed by a show of hands. | 30/11/2015 |
Lindian Resources Limited (Lindian or the Company) advises that despatch of the Prospectus dated 12 November 2015 and the personalised Entitlement and Acceptance Form for the Company's Entitlement Issue announced on 30 October 2015 was completed on 23 November 2015. | 25/11/2015 |
The company issues a letter to ineligible shareholders regarding the pro-rata non-renounceable Rights Issue. | 16/11/2015 |
The company issues a letter to shareholders regarding the pro-rata non-renounceable Rights Issue. | 16/11/2015 |
The Company advises the following waivers in connection with the Entitlement Offer have been granted by ASX: 7.11.3 and 7.15. | 13/11/2015 |
The company provides a letter to its optionholders regarding the nonrenounceable pro-rata offer of new fully paid ordinary shares in the Company. | 13/11/2015 |
The company issues a prospectus for a non-renounceable entitlement issue to Eligible Shareholders of approximately 1,090,031,850 Shares on the basis of 3 Shares for every 1 Share held on the Record Date, at an issue price of $0.001 per Share, to raise up to approximately $1,090,032 before expenses | 12/11/2015 |
The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at Level 11, London House, 216 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia on Monday, 30 November 2015 at 12.00 noon (WST). | 01/11/2015 |
The company lodges its Annual Report 30 June 2015 | 30/10/2015 |
Lindian Resources Limited (ASX: LIN) ("Lindian" or "the Company") wishes to announce that it has reached agreement with CPS Capital Group Pty Ltd to fully underwrite a non-renounceable pro-rata offer to existing shareholders of 3 new shares for every 1 share, at an issue price of $0.001 per share, to raise approximately $1,090,032 (before costs of the offer) ("Rights Issue"). Completion of the Rights Issue will be conditional on shareholder approval of the Rights Issue at the Company's Annual General Meeting to be held on 30 November 2015. | 30/10/2015 |
The company lodges its September 2015 quarterly activities report. | 30/10/2015 |
The company lodges its Financial Report for the half-year ended 31 December 2014. | 30/10/2015 |
The company lodges its quarterly cash flow report. | 31/07/2015 |
The company lodges its quarterly activities report. | 31/07/2015 |
Lindian Resources Limited (Company) advises that it has appointed John Carrello of BRI Ferrier Western Australia as Liquidator of Bundok Resources Pty Ltd (Bundok). A meeting of creditors was convened this morning and it was resolved that Bundok had no alternative other than to appoint Liquidators to Bundok | 29/04/2015 |
Lindian Resources Limited (Company) advises that it has yet to receive clarification on the approval process of the Declaration of Mining Project Feasibility which was submitted to the Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII on 22 December 2014. Accordingly, in view of the uncertainty around the approval process for the DMPF and due to a lack of funding, the Directors have resolved to cease operations in the Philippines. The Company will seek to divest the Masapelid Project to realise value for shareholders | 31/03/2015 |
releases a Market Update relating to operations in the Philippines and Bundok Resources Pty Ltd | 12/03/2015 |
The securities of Lindian Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: LIN | 08/01/2015 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Lindian Resources Limited (the "Company ") will be lifted immediately following receipt of an announcement from the Company regarding a capital raising Security Code: LIN LINOC | 15/08/2013 |
The Board of Directors of Lindian Resources Limited (Company) (ASX Code: LIN) is pleased to announce that it will undertake a fully underwritten renounceable entitlements issue of approximately 207,622,880 Shares at an issue price of one (1) cent on the basis of four (4) new Shares for every three (3) Shares held by Shareholders on the record date, with one (1) free attaching option on the basis of one (1) option for every two (2) Shares applied for and allotted, to raise approximately $2,076,228 (Offer). The free attaching options will be exercisable at two (2) cents on or before 30 July 2018. | 15/08/2013 |
The securities of Lindian Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: LIN LINOC | 13/08/2013 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Lindian Resources Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following the release of the Company's announcement. Security Code: LIN LINOC | 07/06/2013 |
The securities of Lindian Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. | 05/06/2013 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Lindian Resources Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following an announcement by the Company. Security Code: LIN LINOC | 22/01/2013 |
The securities of Lindian Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation from the commencement of trading on Wednesday 12 December 2012, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: LIN LlNDC Kerrie | 11/12/2012 |
shares reinstated to quotation | 10/11/2006 |
name changed from VPH Limited | 07/11/2006 |
Lindian has entered into an agreement to acquire 100% of the shares in Rift Valley Resource Developments Limited (Rift Valley), the owner of the Kangankunde Rare Earths Project (the Kangankunde Project), for a total purchase price of US$30 million. Kangankunde Project is a carbonatite-hosted system and a globally significant deposit with major potential in size and grade, with a granted mining licence, ML 0290. Historical Estimates reported an Inferred Mineral Resource (JORC 2004). The ratio of Neodymium and Praseodymium (NdPr) in concentrate is about 19%. Previously metallurgical test work supports the deposit being amenable to a low-cost gravity separation concentration producing a 60% REO concentrate. The Project is located near excellent infrastructure. Project economics have not been independently updated since 2011. Since then, NdPr, a highly strategic and critical product, has become increasingly valuable and important in permanent magnets for electric vehicles. Immediate technical works program includes community engagement, redeveloping access for planned drill programs and sampling for updating metallurgical testwork leading to engineering works programmes. The purchase price is payable in four tranches, comprising a non-refundable deposit of US$2.5 million, and a further US$27.5 million payable in three tranches within 48 months from signature date of the share purchase agreement. "¢ The Transaction remains subject to the approval of Lindian shareholders which is to be sought at a general meeting expected to be held in September. | 01/08/2022 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Lindian Resources Limited will be lifted immediately following the release by LIN of an announcement regarding an update on the proposed acquisition of Rift Valley Resource Developments Limited and its Kangankunde Rare Earths Project in Malawi. | 01/08/2022 |
The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities. | 01/08/2022 |
Placement of 15 million fully paid ordinary shares at $0.20 per share to raise $3m, with every two shares to be issued having an attaching unlisted option exercisable at $0.25 and expiring three years from the date of issue. Placement at $0.20 per share represents a 48.1% premium to the last closing price of LIN shares on the last trading day prior to the announcement of this capital raising. Funds raised from the Placement and future option conversions position Lindian to pursue the acquisition of 100% of Rift Valley Resources Developments Limited and its Kangankunde Rare Earth Mining Project in Malawi, subject to shareholder approval. Planning of works program for Kangankunde in progress. | 01/08/2022 |
The company lodges its June 2022 Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reports. | 29/07/2022 |
The securities of Lindian Resources Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of LIN, pending the release of an announcement regarding an update on the proposed acquisition of Rift Valley Resource Developments Limited and its Kangankunde Rare Earths Project in Malawi. | 27/07/2022 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Lindian Resources Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Wednesday, 10 February 2021, following the release by LIN of an announcement regarding a memorandum of understanding for the long term collaboration with one of the largest and key Bauxite Industry participants in Guinea. | 10/02/2021 |
Lindian continues to progress with various available infrastructure options to facilitate the mining of bauxite from its Lelouma, Gaoual and Woula bauxite projects in Guinea. Current options include the potential for mine gate sales, rail head sales and/or agreements to utilise and/or develop existing infrastructure to take product to market. Non-binding Memorandum of Understanding entered into provide a pathway to finalise agreed infrastructure access and/or bauxite sale arrangements, including in relation to the development of the port of Dobali in Guinea. | 10/02/2021 |
The securities of Lindian Resources Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of LIN, pending the release of an announcement. | 09/02/2021 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Lindian Resources Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by LIN of an announcement regarding an agreement with KB Bauxite Guinea SARLU. | 10/04/2019 |
The company has signed an exclusive option agreement with KB Bauxite Guinea SARLU and its sole shareholder Guinea Bauxite Pty Ltd to acquire the Gauoal Bauxite Project, which is wholly owned by KB. | 10/04/2019 |
The company expects the suspension to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 15 April 2019, or the release of an announcement on the finalisation of re-quotation matters which include a farm-in option over a synergistic bauxite project. | 08/04/2019 |
The extension to the voluntary suspension is necessary for the Company to release an announcement on finalisation of re-quotation matters which include a farm-in option over a synergistic bauxite project. The Company expects the suspension to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 8 April 2019, or the release of an announcement by the Company. | 01/04/2019 |
Mobilisation for a drilling progamme is underway at the company's 51% owned Lushoto and Pare bauxite projects following the granting of tenements PL/13564/2019 and PL/13400/2018. Lindian is continuing with its geological mapping of the Uyowa project area in Tanzania with the goal of identifying additional high grade drilling targets. Lindian is finalising an exclusive option to assess a synergistic bauxite opportunity with an announcement to be made subject to ASX approval. Lindian is continuing with legal proceedings in Malawi against Saner and Rift Valley Resource Developments with a mediation scheduled for 16 April 2019. The company has entered into a $1 million loan facility with Rose Lawn. | 01/04/2019 |
The extension to the voluntary suspension of the company's securities is necessary for the company to provide an update to the market on finalisation of a funding facility and a farm-in option over a synergistic bauxite project. The suspension is expected to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 1 April 2019, or the release of an announcement. | 25/03/2019 |
Following the Consent Order being granted and the relevant EPL being issued to RVR, Saner and RVR wrote to Lindian purporting to unilaterally cancel the Agreement on the basis of what were said to be changed circumstances in Malawi that had arisen following the execution of the Agreement that made the Agreement unenforceable. In the correspondence, Saner and RVR offered to enter into a separate agreement in relation to the sale of the Project on entirely different terms, being the sale of a 100% interest in the Project for US$70m and a 5% revenue royalty to the RVR shareholders. The Company and its legal advisors did not accept that Saner or RVR had any grounds on which to refuse to perform the Agreement and commenced legal proceedings in the High Court of Malawi seeking specific performance and/ or damages as well as obtaining an injunction to prevent RVR or Saner from dealing with the Project and / or shares in RVR. The Company has also filed a criminal complaint in South Africa (the jurisdiction Saner resides) in relation to the conduct of Saner and RVR asserting that Lindian was defrauded by means of misrepresentation. Lindian will be proceeding with the matter as well as the action in Malawi. The company has also formally completed its 51% stage 1 acquisition of the entity that owns 100% of the Tanzanian bauxite interests. The Company will remain in suspension whilst it assesses the funding requirements to develop its current projects in Tanzania. The Company expects to lift the suspension of its securities on ASX and resume trading on the 25th of March 2019. | 20/03/2019 |
The extension to the voluntary suspension is necessary for the company to provide an update to the market on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. The suspension is expected to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 25 March 2019 or the release of an announcement by the company. | 18/03/2019 |
In accordance with the terms of issue, 25,000,000 unlisted Class A Performance Shares have expired as the performance milestone was not achieved prior to the expiry date. 25,000,000 unlisted Class B Performance Shares with an expiry date of 6 December 2020 remain on issue. | 15/03/2019 |
The company lodges its Half Year Accounts. | 15/03/2019 |
The company will commence its 2019 drilling campaign this month on the Lushoto and Pare projects following the formal granting of tenements PL/13564/2019 and PL/13400/2018. The campaign will involve auger drilling programs where a total of 66 and 41 auger holes have been planned for both the Pare and Lushoto projects respectively. Final preparations (regulatory, logistics) are being completed this week in Tanzania. | 12/03/2019 |
The company expects the suspension of its securities to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 18 March 2019, or the release of an announcement by the company regarding the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. | 11/03/2019 |
The company has lodged applications for two additional tenements covering a combined area of 96.85km2. Recently completed exploration has returned positive assay results. PL/13400/2018 comprises two deposits - the Magamba South Deposit and Kidundai deposits. PL/13564/2019 located 50km North West of the Lushoto Project and 13km from the Tanga Arusha sealed road and railway. The tenement contains the Pare deposit where rock chip sampling has confirmed high grade mineralization. Follow-up work program to include mapping, systematic sampling and auger drilling "“ set to commence Q2 2019. | 05/03/2019 |
The extension to the voluntary suspension is necessary for the Company to provide an update to the market on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. The suspension is expected to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 11 March 2019, or the release of an announcement by the company. | 04/03/2019 |
The extension to the voluntary suspension is necessary for the Company to provide an update to the market on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. The Company expects the suspension to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 4 March 2019, or the release of an announcement by the Company. | 25/02/2019 |
The company is requesting for a further extension of the suspension of its securities pending an update on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. The suspension is expected to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 25 February 2019, or the release of an announcement. | 18/02/2019 |
The Company expects the suspension of its securities to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 18 February 2019, or the release of an announcement by the Company. | 11/02/2019 |
The Company expects the suspension of its securities to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 11 February 2019, or the release of an announcement by the Company | 04/02/2019 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report. | 01/02/2019 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report. | 01/02/2019 |
The Company expects the suspension of its securities to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 4 February 2019, or the release of an announcement by the Company. | 29/01/2019 |
The Company expects the suspension of its securities to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 29 January 2019, or the release of an announcement by the Company. | 21/01/2019 |
The company requests the current voluntary suspension to remain in place pending a further announcement to the market on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. The suspension is expected to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 21 January 2019 or the release of an announcement. | 14/01/2019 |
The current voluntary suspension of the company's securities is requested to be extended pending a further announcement to the market on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. The Company expects the suspension to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 14 January 2019 or until the announcement is made. | 07/01/2019 |
The current voluntary suspension of the company's securities is requested to be extended pending a further announcement to the market on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. The Company expects the suspension to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 7 January 2019 or until the announcement is made. | 31/12/2018 |
The Company requests that the current voluntary suspension of its securities be extended pending a further announcement to the market on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project | 24/12/2018 |
The Company expects the suspension to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 24 December 2018, or the release of an announcement by the Company. | 17/12/2018 |
The company requests that the current voluntary suspension of its securities be extended pending a further announcement to the market on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. The Company expects the suspension to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 17 December 2018, or the release of an announcement by the Company. | 10/12/2018 |
The Company requests that the current voluntary suspension of its securities be extended. The suspension is expected to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 10 December 2018, or the release of an announcement by the Company. | 03/12/2018 |
The company releases the results of its meeting. | 30/11/2018 |
The extension to the voluntary suspension is necessary for the Company to provide an update to the market on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. The Company expects the suspension to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 3 December 2018, or the release of an announcement by the Company. | 26/11/2018 |
Saner and RVR wrote to Lindian purporting to unilaterally cancel the Agreement on the basis of what were said to be changed circumstances in Malawi that had arisen following the execution of the Agreement that made the Agreement unenforceable. In the correspondence, Saner and RVR offered to enter into a separate agreement in relation to the sale of the Project on entirely different terms, being the sale of a 100% interest in the Project for US$70M and a 5% revenue royalty to the RVR shareholders. The Company does not accept that Saner or RVR have any grounds on which to refuse to perform the Agreement and has made repeated efforts both in person (with representatives of RVR) and in writing to continue with the Agreement. These efforts have been unsuccessful, and as a result, Lindian commenced legal proceedings in the High Court of Malawi seeking an injunction to prevent RVR or Saner from dealing with the Project or shares in RVR. The Injunction has been granted. The company has filed a criminal complaint in South Africa in relation to the conduct of Saner and RVR asserting the company was defrauded by means of misrepresentation. In the interim the Company is in the fortunate position of still being able to continue with its advanced exploration activities on the Magamba bauxite deposit in Tanzania with drilling about to commence and results expected to be available in December 2018. | 23/11/2018 |
The company requests that the current voluntary suspension of its securities be extended pending an announcement on an update to the market on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. The Company expects the suspension to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 26 November 2018, or the release of an announcement by the Company. | 19/11/2018 |
The company requests an extension of the suspension of its securities. This is necessary for the company to provide an update to the market on the acquisition of the Malawi rare earths project. The extension is expected to last until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on 19 November 2018, or the release of an announcement. | 12/11/2018 |
The securities of Lindian Resources Ltd will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of LIN, pending the release of an announcement regarding an acquisition. | 05/11/2018 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Lindian Resources Ltd will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Tuesday 7 August 2018, following the release by the Company of an announcement regarding an option agreement and a capital raising. | 06/08/2018 |
The company has signed an exclusive option agreement with Rift Valley Resource Developments Limited to acquire up to a 75% interest in the Kangankunde Rare Earths Project in Malawi. Kangankunde has been reported as one of the world's largest Rare Earth projects outside of China. | 06/08/2018 |
Following a scheduled ASX internal system change affecting the Market Announcements Platform, it has been necessary to re-apply the "˜Suspend' session state. This announcement serves to re-confirm the securities of this entity remain suspended. | 06/08/2018 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report. | 31/07/2018 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report. | 31/07/2018 |
Lindian Resources Limited advises that 10,284,027 listed options (ASX: LINO) lapsed unexercised following their expiry on 30 July 2018. | 31/07/2018 |
The securities of Lindian Resources Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement regarding a proposed capital raising and heads of agreement. | 31/07/2018 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Lindian Resources Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by the Company of an announcement regarding changes to mining legislation passed by the Tanzanian government. | 10/07/2017 |
The company provides an update on the impact of the changes to Tanzanian mining laws. In the board's opinion, the only key changes which would have a material impact on any successful discovery and subsequent mining development is the new requirement for the government to have a free carried 16% interest in any mining project and an increase in the royalty for metallic minerals including gold to 6%. Lindian does not see the requirement as overly burdensome but clearly projects will have to take into account the economic nature of the 16% interest and the 6% royalty. | 10/07/2017 |
The securities of Lindian Resources Limited will be suspended from official quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement regarding draft changes to mining legislation proposed by the Tanzanian government. | 06/07/2017 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 10 | 07/12/2016 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Lindian Resources Limited (the "Company") will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Friday, 18 December 2015, following the release by the Company of an announcement regarding the completion of an entitlement issue and a corporate update in respect of its projects in the Philippines. Security Code: LIN | 17/12/2015 |
Lindian Resources Limited (Lindian or the Company) is pleased to announce that it has placed the balance of 835,651,766 shortfall shares pursuant to the Company's fully underwritten non-renounceable entitlement issue (Entitlement Issue) which closed on Wednesday 2 December 2015. The Company has issued a total of 1,092,938,277 shares pursuant to the Entitlement Issue to raise approximately $1,092,938. | 16/12/2015 |
The Directors of Lindian Resources Limited ("Lindian" or "Company") are pleased to announce that the non-renounceable pro-rata entitlement issue pursuant to the Prospectus dated 12 November 2015 has closed. The Company advises that the shortfall of the issue is 835,651,766 Shares. The Directors note that they will be endeavour to place the shortfall in accordance with Section 4.11 of the Prospectus dated 12 November 2015. | 04/12/2015 |
The Directors of Lindian Resources Limited are pleased to announce that at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held today, all resolutions put to the meeting were passed by a show of hands. | 30/11/2015 |
Lindian Resources Limited (Lindian or the Company) advises that despatch of the Prospectus dated 12 November 2015 and the personalised Entitlement and Acceptance Form for the Company's Entitlement Issue announced on 30 October 2015 was completed on 23 November 2015. | 25/11/2015 |
The company issues a letter to ineligible shareholders regarding the pro-rata non-renounceable Rights Issue. | 16/11/2015 |
The company issues a letter to shareholders regarding the pro-rata non-renounceable Rights Issue. | 16/11/2015 |
The Company advises the following waivers in connection with the Entitlement Offer have been granted by ASX: 7.11.3 and 7.15. | 13/11/2015 |
The company provides a letter to its optionholders regarding the nonrenounceable pro-rata offer of new fully paid ordinary shares in the Company. | 13/11/2015 |
The company issues a prospectus for a non-renounceable entitlement issue to Eligible Shareholders of approximately 1,090,031,850 Shares on the basis of 3 Shares for every 1 Share held on the Record Date, at an issue price of $0.001 per Share, to raise up to approximately $1,090,032 before expenses | 12/11/2015 |
The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at Level 11, London House, 216 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia on Monday, 30 November 2015 at 12.00 noon (WST). | 01/11/2015 |
The company lodges its Annual Report 30 June 2015 | 30/10/2015 |
Lindian Resources Limited (ASX: LIN) ("Lindian" or "the Company") wishes to announce that it has reached agreement with CPS Capital Group Pty Ltd to fully underwrite a non-renounceable pro-rata offer to existing shareholders of 3 new shares for every 1 share, at an issue price of $0.001 per share, to raise approximately $1,090,032 (before costs of the offer) ("Rights Issue"). Completion of the Rights Issue will be conditional on shareholder approval of the Rights Issue at the Company's Annual General Meeting to be held on 30 November 2015. | 30/10/2015 |
The company lodges its September 2015 quarterly activities report. | 30/10/2015 |
The company lodges its Financial Report for the half-year ended 31 December 2014. | 30/10/2015 |
The company lodges its quarterly cash flow report. | 31/07/2015 |
The company lodges its quarterly activities report. | 31/07/2015 |
Lindian Resources Limited (Company) advises that it has appointed John Carrello of BRI Ferrier Western Australia as Liquidator of Bundok Resources Pty Ltd (Bundok). A meeting of creditors was convened this morning and it was resolved that Bundok had no alternative other than to appoint Liquidators to Bundok | 29/04/2015 |
Lindian Resources Limited (Company) advises that it has yet to receive clarification on the approval process of the Declaration of Mining Project Feasibility which was submitted to the Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII on 22 December 2014. Accordingly, in view of the uncertainty around the approval process for the DMPF and due to a lack of funding, the Directors have resolved to cease operations in the Philippines. The Company will seek to divest the Masapelid Project to realise value for shareholders | 31/03/2015 |
releases a Market Update relating to operations in the Philippines and Bundok Resources Pty Ltd | 12/03/2015 |
The securities of Lindian Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: LIN | 08/01/2015 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Lindian Resources Limited (the "Company ") will be lifted immediately following receipt of an announcement from the Company regarding a capital raising Security Code: LIN LINOC | 15/08/2013 |
The Board of Directors of Lindian Resources Limited (Company) (ASX Code: LIN) is pleased to announce that it will undertake a fully underwritten renounceable entitlements issue of approximately 207,622,880 Shares at an issue price of one (1) cent on the basis of four (4) new Shares for every three (3) Shares held by Shareholders on the record date, with one (1) free attaching option on the basis of one (1) option for every two (2) Shares applied for and allotted, to raise approximately $2,076,228 (Offer). The free attaching options will be exercisable at two (2) cents on or before 30 July 2018. | 15/08/2013 |
The securities of Lindian Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: LIN LINOC | 13/08/2013 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Lindian Resources Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following the release of the Company's announcement. Security Code: LIN LINOC | 07/06/2013 |
The securities of Lindian Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. | 05/06/2013 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Lindian Resources Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following an announcement by the Company. Security Code: LIN LINOC | 22/01/2013 |
The securities of Lindian Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation from the commencement of trading on Wednesday 12 December 2012, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: LIN LlNDC Kerrie | 11/12/2012 |
shares reinstated to quotation | 10/11/2006 |
name changed from VPH Limited | 07/11/2006 |
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16/04/2024 | Jack Fazio | 161,112 | $0.155 | $24,972 |
29/02/2024 | Alwyn Vorster | 300,000 | $0.150 | $45,000 |
Robert Martin | Non Exec Chairman | 23/12/2024 |
Alwyn Vorster | CEO | 22/08/2023 |
Yves Occello | Non Exec Director | 29/07/2020 |
Zekai Komur | Non Exec Director | 10/02/2025 |
Park Wei | Non Exec Director | 04/09/2023 |
Ben Donovan | Company Secretary | 17/01/2025 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Blake Steele | Non Exec Director | 10/12/2024 | 10/02/2025 |
Kellie Davis | Company Secretary | 17/05/2024 | 17/01/2025 |
Trevor Matthews | Executive Director | 22/08/2023 | 13/12/2024 |
Asimwe Kabunga | Executive Chairman | 08/06/2017 | 25/11/2024 |
Michael Fry | Company Secretary | 08/07/2024 | |
Jack Fazio | Non Exec Director | 26/06/2020 | 14/06/2024 |
Alistair Stephens | CEO | 08/08/2022 | 27/05/2024 |
Brett Tucker | Company Secretary | 17/05/2024 | |
David Sumich | CEO, CFO | 21/10/2020 | 30/06/2021 |
Danny Keating | CEO | 10/08/2020 | 09/11/2020 |
Nick Day | CFO | 01/10/2019 | 21/10/2020 |
Matthew Bull | Non Exec Director | 06/12/2016 | 08/10/2020 |
Shannon Green | Managing Director | 14/06/2019 | 26/05/2020 |
Steve Formica | Director | 15/07/2014 | 14/06/2019 |
Eddie King | Non Exec Chairman | 13/06/2014 | 30/01/2018 |
Kerry Griffin | Director | 16/10/2013 | 06/12/2016 |
Matthew Wood | Non Exec Chairman | 06/05/2011 | 03/10/2014 |
Brian McMaster | Non Exec Director | 20/06/2011 | 16/09/2014 |
Scott Funston | Executive Director | 06/05/2011 | 03/07/2014 |
Steven Leithead | Managing Director | 06/05/2011 | 16/10/2013 |
Angus Caithness | Non Exec Director | 31/01/2011 | 16/10/2013 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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