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14 March 2025
Name: | HELIOS ENERGY LTD (HE8) | |||||||||
ISIN: | AU000000HE80 | |||||||||
Date of Listing: | 20 October 2010 | |||||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status: (updated daily)
This entity is currently listed and quoted on the Australian Securities Exchange.Legal Status: (updated monthly)
ACN: 143 932 110ABN: 61 143 932 110
Registration Date: 04 June 2010
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status: (updated at least quarterly)
To crystallise a capital gain or capital loss on your securities in this entity, you are able to sell your securities on-market in the normal manner. If you determine that the market in your securities is illiquid and you still wish to crystallise a capital gain or loss, kindly contact deListed at for suggestions as to how you might proceed.
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Further information: deListed and InvestoGain are operated by Investogain Pty Limited which is licensed by ASIC as an Australian Financial Services Licensee (AFSL 334036). deListed acquires only securities that it deems to be of little or no value, in circumstances where the holder is unable to sell their securities on-market in the normal manner. This service has been provided online via the company’s website since 2004.
Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
Disclaimer: The information provided above is to the best of our knowledge accurate as of today. But you should bear in mind that it is of a general nature and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Investogain Pty Limited accepts no liability for any loss arising from reliance on this information, including reliance on information that is no longer current.
FROM | TO | |
HELIOS ENERGY LTD | 11/05/2017 | |
NEW HORIZON COAL LTD | 09/12/2011 | 11/05/2017 |
Computershare Perth
Level 17, 221 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
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The suspension of trading in the securities of Helios Energy Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by HE8 of an announcement regarding Supreme Court Orders. | 23/03/2021 |
Orders were granted as sought by the company yesterday afternoon by the Supreme Court of Western Australia primarily in respect of the following: the company's inadvertent failure to lodge a cleansing notice within the prescribed 5 business day period after the issue of 95,333,357 shares in the company on 4 March 2021; and orders were also sought for previous instances identified by the company concerning cleansing notices for historical share issues. | 23/03/2021 |
Helios intends to apply to the Court seeking orders primarily in relation to the Company's inadvertent failure to lodge a cleansing notice pursuant to section 708A(5)(e) of the Corporations Act within the prescribed 5 day period after the issue of 95,333,357 shares in the Company on 4 March 2021. The Company has reviewed its announcements back to September 2017 and has identified two previous instances of share issues which require clarification. | 19/03/2021 |
The securities of Helios Energy Ltd will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of HE8, pending the release of an announcement. | 18/03/2021 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Helios Energy Ltd will be lifted immediately, following the lodgement of HE8's quarterly report for the period ended 31 December 2020. | 02/02/2021 |
The company releases its Appendix 5B December 2020. | 01/02/2021 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report December 2020. | 01/02/2021 |
The securities of the entity will be suspended from Official Quotation in accordance with Listing Rule 17.5 from the commencement of trading today, 1 February 2021, following their failure to lodge the relevant periodic report by the due date. | 01/02/2021 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Helios Energy Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by HE8 of an announcement regarding its operations and production. | 24/03/2020 |
After the conclusion of the recent pressure buildup test, the Presidio 141#2 well returned to oil and gas production arising from natural unassisted flowback. The frack of the Presidio 141#2 well injected approximately 3,313,000 pounds of proppant and approximately 64,000 barrels of completion fluid. To date the Presidio 141#2 well has produced 43,058 barrels of fluid which is comprised of 4,092 barrels of oil and 38,966 barrels of completion fluid. Only 60% of the completion fluid has been recovered to date. In addition, the Presidio 141#2 well has also produced 42,800 MCF of gas. All the oil produced has been sold via truck. All the necessary production facilities have now been constructed and are 100% functional. Ongoing geological surface fieldwork by Helios supports the current seismic interpretation and corroborates that a thick presence of Ojinaga Formation exists across Helios' entire acreage position of 85,685 gross acres and across the entire Ojinaga Shale Formation play area. Helios has acquired gravity and magnetic data over the entire Presidio Oil Project. | 24/03/2020 |
The securities of Helios Energy Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of HE8, pending the release of an announcement regarding an operations and production update. | 23/03/2020 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Helios Energy Ltd will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Monday, 4 November 2019, following the release by HE8 of their quarterly activities report. | 01/11/2019 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report September 2019. | 01/11/2019 |
The securities of the company will be suspended from Official Quotation in accordance with Listing Rule 17.5 from the commencement of trading today, 1 November 2019, following failure to lodge the relevant periodic report by the due date. | 01/11/2019 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Helios Energy Ltd ("˜HE8') will be lifted immediately | 27/12/2018 |
The securities of Helios Energy Ltd ("˜HE8') will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of HE8, pending the release of an announcement regarding a capital raising | 19/12/2018 |
Helios Energy Ltd (formerly New Horizon Coal Ltd) will be reinstated to official quotation as from the commencement of trading on Friday 11 August 2017 following the Company's compliance with listing rule 11.1.3 and chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules. 1,018,592,963 fully paid ordinary shares 300,197,878 quoted options exercisable at $0.02 each, expiring on 31 December 2021 | 09/08/2017 |
The company lodges its June Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report. | 31/07/2017 |
The company provides a shareholder update. The capital raising has raised a total of $17,442,858 and the Company has been working to satisfy the ASX conditions for reinstatement but this process has not yet been completed. Today, the Federal Court issued orders to extend the end date of the period for admission to quotation by ASX until Friday, 11 August 2017 .. | 19/07/2017 |
ASX has granted the company a waiver from Listing Rule 14.7 to the extent necessary to permit the Company to issue up to 630,000,000 options exercisable at $0.02 each with an expiry date of 31 December 2021. ) as part of the placement approved by shareholders at the extraordinary general meeting held on 2017. | 10/07/2017 |
Since the announcement on 26 June, Quinn Mesa 113 has been drilled to a total depth of 4,000 feet. Several oil and gas shows were recorded during drilling between 2,400 and TD. Logs have been run and interpretation of the logs indicates zones worthy of testing. Casing has now been run and cemented into place in order to protect the oil and gas shows encountered. | 04/07/2017 |
The company made an application to the Federal Court of Australia to exte4nd the end date of the period for admission to quotation by ASX. The Federal Court today issued orders, effective 5 July 2017, that extends the quotation period until 19 July 2017 and confirms the issue of all securities pursuant to the Prospectus, subject to the Company's securities being admitted to quotation by 19 July 2017. | 28/06/2017 |
The company provides an update on 2 wells in the Presidio Oil Project: Quinn Creek 141 (spudded on 23 April 2017); and Quinn Mesa 113 (spudded on 16 June 2017). | 27/06/2017 |
Since lodging the second supplementary prospectus, the Company has been advised by ASIC that it is unable to rely on the relief provided by LI 2016/70 due to the fact that securities had already been issued under the Prospectus. The Company applied to the Federal Court of Australia (Western Australian District Registry) on 16 June 2017 for an extension of time to comply with the Corporations Act in this regard. | 19/06/2017 |
The company releases a second supplementary prospectus intended to be read with the first supplementary prospectus dated 17 March 2017 and the prospectus dated 16 February 2017. | 15/05/2017 |
name changed from New Horizon Coal Ltd | 11/05/2017 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Helios Energy Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by HE8 of an announcement regarding Supreme Court Orders. | 23/03/2021 |
Orders were granted as sought by the company yesterday afternoon by the Supreme Court of Western Australia primarily in respect of the following: the company's inadvertent failure to lodge a cleansing notice within the prescribed 5 business day period after the issue of 95,333,357 shares in the company on 4 March 2021; and orders were also sought for previous instances identified by the company concerning cleansing notices for historical share issues. | 23/03/2021 |
Helios intends to apply to the Court seeking orders primarily in relation to the Company's inadvertent failure to lodge a cleansing notice pursuant to section 708A(5)(e) of the Corporations Act within the prescribed 5 day period after the issue of 95,333,357 shares in the Company on 4 March 2021. The Company has reviewed its announcements back to September 2017 and has identified two previous instances of share issues which require clarification. | 19/03/2021 |
The securities of Helios Energy Ltd will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of HE8, pending the release of an announcement. | 18/03/2021 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Helios Energy Ltd will be lifted immediately, following the lodgement of HE8's quarterly report for the period ended 31 December 2020. | 02/02/2021 |
The company releases its Appendix 5B December 2020. | 01/02/2021 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report December 2020. | 01/02/2021 |
The securities of the entity will be suspended from Official Quotation in accordance with Listing Rule 17.5 from the commencement of trading today, 1 February 2021, following their failure to lodge the relevant periodic report by the due date. | 01/02/2021 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Helios Energy Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by HE8 of an announcement regarding its operations and production. | 24/03/2020 |
After the conclusion of the recent pressure buildup test, the Presidio 141#2 well returned to oil and gas production arising from natural unassisted flowback. The frack of the Presidio 141#2 well injected approximately 3,313,000 pounds of proppant and approximately 64,000 barrels of completion fluid. To date the Presidio 141#2 well has produced 43,058 barrels of fluid which is comprised of 4,092 barrels of oil and 38,966 barrels of completion fluid. Only 60% of the completion fluid has been recovered to date. In addition, the Presidio 141#2 well has also produced 42,800 MCF of gas. All the oil produced has been sold via truck. All the necessary production facilities have now been constructed and are 100% functional. Ongoing geological surface fieldwork by Helios supports the current seismic interpretation and corroborates that a thick presence of Ojinaga Formation exists across Helios' entire acreage position of 85,685 gross acres and across the entire Ojinaga Shale Formation play area. Helios has acquired gravity and magnetic data over the entire Presidio Oil Project. | 24/03/2020 |
The securities of Helios Energy Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of HE8, pending the release of an announcement regarding an operations and production update. | 23/03/2020 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Helios Energy Ltd will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Monday, 4 November 2019, following the release by HE8 of their quarterly activities report. | 01/11/2019 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report September 2019. | 01/11/2019 |
The securities of the company will be suspended from Official Quotation in accordance with Listing Rule 17.5 from the commencement of trading today, 1 November 2019, following failure to lodge the relevant periodic report by the due date. | 01/11/2019 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Helios Energy Ltd ("˜HE8') will be lifted immediately | 27/12/2018 |
The securities of Helios Energy Ltd ("˜HE8') will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of HE8, pending the release of an announcement regarding a capital raising | 19/12/2018 |
Helios Energy Ltd (formerly New Horizon Coal Ltd) will be reinstated to official quotation as from the commencement of trading on Friday 11 August 2017 following the Company's compliance with listing rule 11.1.3 and chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules. 1,018,592,963 fully paid ordinary shares 300,197,878 quoted options exercisable at $0.02 each, expiring on 31 December 2021 | 09/08/2017 |
The company lodges its June Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report. | 31/07/2017 |
The company provides a shareholder update. The capital raising has raised a total of $17,442,858 and the Company has been working to satisfy the ASX conditions for reinstatement but this process has not yet been completed. Today, the Federal Court issued orders to extend the end date of the period for admission to quotation by ASX until Friday, 11 August 2017 .. | 19/07/2017 |
ASX has granted the company a waiver from Listing Rule 14.7 to the extent necessary to permit the Company to issue up to 630,000,000 options exercisable at $0.02 each with an expiry date of 31 December 2021. ) as part of the placement approved by shareholders at the extraordinary general meeting held on 2017. | 10/07/2017 |
Since the announcement on 26 June, Quinn Mesa 113 has been drilled to a total depth of 4,000 feet. Several oil and gas shows were recorded during drilling between 2,400 and TD. Logs have been run and interpretation of the logs indicates zones worthy of testing. Casing has now been run and cemented into place in order to protect the oil and gas shows encountered. | 04/07/2017 |
The company made an application to the Federal Court of Australia to exte4nd the end date of the period for admission to quotation by ASX. The Federal Court today issued orders, effective 5 July 2017, that extends the quotation period until 19 July 2017 and confirms the issue of all securities pursuant to the Prospectus, subject to the Company's securities being admitted to quotation by 19 July 2017. | 28/06/2017 |
The company provides an update on 2 wells in the Presidio Oil Project: Quinn Creek 141 (spudded on 23 April 2017); and Quinn Mesa 113 (spudded on 16 June 2017). | 27/06/2017 |
Since lodging the second supplementary prospectus, the Company has been advised by ASIC that it is unable to rely on the relief provided by LI 2016/70 due to the fact that securities had already been issued under the Prospectus. The Company applied to the Federal Court of Australia (Western Australian District Registry) on 16 June 2017 for an extension of time to comply with the Corporations Act in this regard. | 19/06/2017 |
The company releases a second supplementary prospectus intended to be read with the first supplementary prospectus dated 17 March 2017 and the prospectus dated 16 February 2017. | 15/05/2017 |
name changed from New Horizon Coal Ltd | 11/05/2017 |
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29/12/2023 | Hui Ye | -600,000 | $0.062 | $36,900 |
18/10/2023 | Hui Ye | 300,000 | $0.060 | $18,000 |
09/10/2023 | Hui Ye | 300,000 | $0.052 | $15,735 |
22/09/2023 | Mark Lochtenberg | 515,001 | $0.052 | $26,626 |
04/09/2023 | Mark Lochtenberg | 1,175,000 | $0.057 | $66,975 |
Philipp Kin | Managing Director | 15/11/2024 |
Edward May | CFO | 18/02/2025 |
John Cathcart | Non Exec Director | 05/02/2025 |
John Kenny | Non Exec Director | 26/10/2023 |
Henko Vos | Non Exec Director, Company Secretary | |
Mark Lochtenberg | Director | 30/08/2023 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Hui Ye | Non Exec Chairman | 01/12/2017 | 30/06/2024 |
Robert Bearden | Non Exec Director | 14/02/2018 | 30/04/2024 |
Richard He | Managing Director | 20/10/2017 | 15/04/2024 |
Nicholas Ong | Director | 04/08/2017 | 30/08/2023 |
Gary Steinepreis | Non Exec Director | 04/06/2010 | 11/09/2018 |
Anthony Brennan | Chairman | 01/07/2014 | 31/10/2017 |
Carl Coward | Non Exec Director | 02/12/2011 | 20/10/2017 |
Michael Placha | Managing Director | 02/12/2011 | 30/11/2016 |
Mark Sanders | Independent Director | 07/11/2012 | 07/08/2014 |
Greg Hunt | COO | 01/12/2011 | 30/11/2013 |
Robert Hodby | Non Exec Director | 04/06/2010 | 02/12/2011 |
Patrick Burke | Non Exec Director | 04/06/2010 | 02/12/2011 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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