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Automic Registry Pty Ltd
Tel : +61 (2) 8072 1400 or 1300 288 664 (within Australia)
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Company details

ISIN: AU000000GWR8
Address: Level 4, 46 Colin Street West Perth 6005 Western Australia
Tel:  +61 8 9322 6666Fax: +61 8 9322 2370

Date first listed: 24/12/2004

Sector: Materials Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: Iron ore exploration

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The suspension of trading in the securities of GWR Group Limited will be lifted immediately following the release by GWR of an announcement regarding execution of a term sheet to grant mining rights in relation to two deposits in Western Australia and a response to an ASX Price Query


Binding Term Sheet for the grant of iron ore rights to Gold Valley Iron Ore Pty Ltd in relation to C4 and JWD deposits for a consideration of $30,000,000 plus potential royalties and an additional $5,000,000 for sundry plant, stores and stockpiles. GWR has been dealing with GV for a number of years in relation to the JWD deposit over which time GWR has received a number of payments from GV. GWR has also undertaken standard due diligence reviews of publically available information to satisfy itself as to GV's financial capacity to perform its obligations. GWR retains both legal and beneficial ownership to all tenements and all other iron ore deposits at Wiluna West Iron Ore Project. There are no conditions that need to be satisfied before the parties are bound to proceed with the Term Sheet. GWR has mining approvals in place for the C3 Deposit located to the south of C4 and for the Bowerbird deposits located to the East of C4 and has a further 10 deposits forming part of the Wiluna West Iron Ore Project. GWR proposes to use the funds received under the Term Sheet for the following purposes: re-evaluate the development models for both the C3 and Bowerbird deposits; review the logistical options available to the group to improve margins through lower transport costs for its iron ore deposits; bring forward planned field work and development studies on the groups Prospect Ridge Magnesite project in Tasmania including a 7,350-meter RC drilling program. GWR has a July fixed price shipment of ore mined from C4 at US$114/t FOB, which is scheduled to commence loading on or around 22 July 2022. GWR has 3 further shipments scheduled for August, September, and October 2022 but has the right to terminate those shipments in the event GV meets its obligation to make the additional $5,000,000 payment due 21 days after signing the Term Sheet.


The Company now expects the suspension will be required for a period not exceeding the commencement of trading on 20 July 2022, and that an announcement will likely be made within this timeframe.


The Company now expects the suspension will be required for a period not exceeding the commencement of trading on 15 July 2022, and that an announcement will likely be made within this timeframe.


The Company now expects the suspension will be required for a period not exceeding the commencement of trading on 13 July 2022, and that an announcement responding to an ASX Querly Letter will likely be made within this timeframe.


The Company now expects the suspension will be required for a period not exceeding the commencement of trading on 11 July 2022, and that an announcement will likely be made within this timeframe.


The securities of GWR Group Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of GWR, pending the release of an announcement responding to an ASX query letter.


The suspension of trading in the securities of GWR Group Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by GWR of an announcement.


Term Sheet for a Mining Rights Agreement executed for mining of up to 3 million tonnes of iron ore from JWD Deposit at GWR's 100% owned Wiluna West Iron Ore Project subject to due diligence and signing of a formal agreement. Under the Mining Rights Agreement to Gold Valley Iron Ore Pty Ltd, GWR will receive staged payments totalling up to $5 million cash plus a production royalty linked to the iron ore price in the range of $1 to $2 per tonne. This transaction aims to provide not only a revenue stream but acts as a potential template for further exploitation of the 130 million tonne high grade Iron Ore deposit for which mining approval for the extraction of 7mtpa is in place. Continues GWR's success following Hatches Creek Tungsten Farm In agreement.


The company lodges its June Quarterly Report and Appendix 5B.


The company requests a continuation of the voluntary suspension of its securities. The company anticipates that the suspension will be required for a period not exceeding the commencement of trading on 2 August 2019, and that an announcement will likely be made within this timeframe.


The company now anticipates that suspension of trading in its securities will be required for a period not exceeding the commencement of trading on 26 July 2019, and that an announcement relating to a material transaction involving a potential asset disposal will likely be made within this timeframe.


The company requests a continuation of the voluntary suspension of the trading in its securities pending an announcement relating to a material transaction involving a potential asset disposal. The company anticipates that the suspension will be required for a period not exceeding the commencement of trading on 9 July 2019, and that an announcement will likely be made within this timeframe.


The company requests a continuation of the voluntary suspension of trading in its securities. The company expects the suspension will be required for a period not exceeding the commencement of trading on 1 July 2019, and that an announcement will likely be made within this timeframe.


The securities of GWR Group Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of GWR, pending the release of an announcement regarding a potential asset disposal.


The suspension of trading in the securities of GWR Group Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by GWR of an announcement regarding drilling results.


High grade tungsten, copper and molybdenum results achieved from 13 RC drill holes for 1,524 m completed at the Hit or Miss Prospect. All holes yielded multiple significant results. RC drilling to date has identified multiple mineralised structures over a strike length of 240 m and width of up to 250 m, with the strike and depth extensions remaining completely open. A maiden mineral Resource estimate will now be undertaken for the Hit or Miss prospect.


The securities of GWR Group Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of GWR, pending the release of an announcement regarding drilling at the Hatches Creek Tungsten Project.


name changed from Golden West Resources Limited



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    26/02/2022Chin Lau-100,000$0.160$16,000
    13/05/2021Teck Wong21,908,333$0.070$1,533,583
    29/12/2020Gary Lyons-925,752$0.311$287,869
    22/12/2020Jimmy Lee-4,362$0.300$1,309
    22/12/2020Gary Lyons-150,000$0.300$45,000

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Gary LyonsNon Exec Chairman02/06/2010
    Simon BorckCFO, Company Secretary16/12/2024
    Teck WongDirector27/07/2011
    Wai Ho LawDirector03/02/2023
    Rhys DaviesCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Michael WilsonExecutive Director18/11/200231/12/2024
    Jessamyn LyonsCompany Secretary02/09/202416/12/2024
    Sonu CheemaCompany Secretary02/09/2024
    Tien LawDeputy Chairman22/07/201003/02/2023
    Jimmy LeeNon Exec Director03/12/201009/01/2023
    Chin LauNon Exec Director22/07/201009/01/2023
    Craig FerrierCEO12/03/201301/01/2019
    David SandersNon Exec Chairman01/12/200930/01/2012
    John LesterDirector04/03/200828/11/2011
    Wang JunNon Exec Director28/11/200821/11/2011
    Xiang YangAlternate Director22/07/201021/11/2011
    Vaughan WebberNon Exec Chairman23/07/200901/12/2009
    John DoutchNon Exec Director23/07/200926/11/2009
    Con MarkopoulosExecutive Chairman08/03/200723/07/2009
    Alan RuddNon Exec Director08/03/200418/06/2009
    Martin BennettNon Exec Director29/08/200830/08/2008
    Geoffrey WedlockChairman05/12/200715/02/2008
    Gary HutchinsonManaging Director05/07/200415/02/2008
    Peter ThompsonNon Exec Director28/05/200715/02/2008
    John DanielsNon Exec Chairman22/02/200401/11/2007
    Patrick GallagherNon Exec Director24/01/200721/09/2007
    George GregoryNon Exec Director18/11/200228/11/2006

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.