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Advanced Share Registry Services
110 Stirling Hwy, Nedlands WA 6009
Tel : +61 8 9389 8033
Fax : +61 8 9262 3723
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Company details

Address: Ground Floor, Unit 6, 100 Railway Road, SUBIACO, WA, AUSTRALIA, 6008
Tel:  (08) 9382 2322Fax: (08) 9382 2788

Date first listed: 20/06/2006

Sector: Materials Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: Gold exploration

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name changed to Greenland Minerals Limited


The suspension of trading in the securities of Greenland Minerals and Energy Limited will be lifted immediately following the release of an announcement regarding a $2 million capital raising.


The company is pleased to advise that it has received firm commitments to raise $2M AUD at 3 cents per ordinary share with a free attaching GGGOB listed option. The funds will be used toward progressing the Kvanefjeld project through the permitting process. The capital raising has been jointly managed by CPS Capital Group and RM Corporate Finance. The firm commitments will result in the issue of 66.6Mil shares and 66.6Mil GGGOB options. The Company maintains the right to issue up to 83Mil shares (in total) and an equal amount of options to accommodate interest from overseas investors.


The company releases its AGM and investor presentation.


Greenland Minerals and Energy Limited advises that it has been granted a waiver from ASX Listing rule 6.24 to the extent necessary to permit the Company not to send the notices required by paragraph 6.1 of Appendix 6A, in relation to 105,657,865 quoted options (GGGOA) exercisable at $0.20 each, expiring 5pm 30 June 2016.


The securities of Greenland Minerals and Energy Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from official quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Greenland Minerals and Energy Limited (the "Company") will be lifted from the commencement of trading today, Wednesday, 14 October 2015 following the release of an announcement by the Company regarding a capital raising. Security Code: GGG


The suspension of trading in the securities of Greenland Minerals and Energy Limited will be lifted immediately following the release of an announcement regarding a capital raising. Security Code: GGG


The non-renounceable rights issue to raise up to $6.1 million to fund company through the permitting phase for the Kvanefjeld Project.


The company lodges a prospectus for the pro-rata non-renounceable rights issue of approximately 175,491,368 New Shares, on the basis of 1 New Share for every 4 Shares held at an issue price of 3.5 cents per New Share, to raise up to approximately $6,142,198 and 1 free New Option for every 1 New Share subscribed for under the Prospectus


Greenland Minerals and Energy Limited (ASX:GGG) ("Company") requests an extension to the current voluntary trading suspension.


Greenland Minerals and Energy Limited (ASX:GGG) ("Company") requests an extension to the current voluntary trading suspension.


The securities of Greenland Minerals & Energy Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from official quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: GGG


The suspension of trading in the securities of Greenland Minerals and Energy Limited (the "Company") will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Tuesday, 10 June 2014 following the Company's announcement regarding a capital raising. Security Code: GGG GGGO


The securities of Greenland Minerals and Energy Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: GGG GGGO


the suspension of trading in the securities of Greenland Minerals and Energy Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following an announcement regarding mining in Greenland


on 20 July 2010 GGG confirmed its view that the joint venture with Westrip Holdings Limited ("Westrip") remains on foot and GGG has and continues to act as though this is the case - GGG views the recent actions of Westrip as potentially a repudiation of the joint venture agreement. GGG, therefore, reserves all rights in taking steps to enforce the joint venture agreement. GGG continues to hold a 61% of the shares in Greenland Minerals and Energy A/S, the entity which holds the Kvanefjeld licence. This is not in dispute. GGG also continues to defend itself from Westrip's claims in legal proceedings


the Company has concluded discussions with the government of Greenland and expect the government to make an announcement on its decision later this week. The Company will remain suspended until this announcement


discussions in Greenland are continuing and the Company now expects to make an announcement between the 16th to the 20th August 2010 and the current suspension will continue until that time


shares suspended from quotation pending release of an announcement


securities reinstated to quotation


the Company has now received all share applications associated with the raising, which closed oversubscribed; however, the Company is currently waiting for the last of the funds to appear in its trust account. The funds have been wired from banks from several overseas regions and the transfer process has taken slightly longer than expected. As soon as the last of the funds have been received, the Company will attend to the final regulatory requirements and resume trading


on 29 June 2010 Westrip Holdings Limited ("Westrip") issued a media release which wrongly asserts that Greenland Minerals and Energy Limited ("GGG") terminated its Joint Venture Agreement ("JVA") with Westrip. Although this media release does not appear to have been taken up by any media agencies the company feels it appropriate to respond as follows. 2. GGG has not terminated the JVA. GGG has written to Westrip inviting it within 14 days to withdraw the wrongful assertion that GGG has terminated the JVA. The license in relation to the Kvanefjeld Project in Greenland is held by a Greenland registered company "Greenland Minerals and Energy (Trading) AS". GGG owns 61% of the shares of that company and continues to operate the project in the interests of all parties.


shares suspended from quotation pending release of an announcement


securities reinstated to quotation


all four resolutions were passed at today's Extraordinary General Meeting on a show of hands


shares suspended from quotation pending release of an announcement


securities reinstated to quotation


company advises that drilling at Kvanefjeld is progressing well


the company advises it has formally closed the issue of shares and options offered by the prospectus dated 25 July 2007 at 11.35am on 16 August 2007 - it has allotted 30,000,000 shares at 25 cents per share and 15,000,000 free attaching options in accordance with the approvals given by resolution 4 of the shareholders meeting held on 31 July 2007 and in accordance with the prospectus


name changed from Gold Company Limited (The)



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    08/06/2018Anthony Ho200,000$0.078$15,600
    23/04/2018Simon Cato200,000$0.092$18,385
    06/06/2017Anthony Ho150,000$0.095$14,250
    20/02/2017Simon Cato-226,176$0.180$40,711
    17/12/2015Anthony Ho250,000$0.022$5,500

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    John MairManaging Director07/10/2011
    Shaun BunnCOO11/05/2010
    Miles GuyCFO, Company Secretary05/10/2010
    Anthony HoIndependent Director, Chairman23/08/2007
    Xiaolei GuoNon Exec Director16/10/2017
    Simon CatoExecutive Director21/02/2006

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Wenting ChenNon Exec Director13/12/201616/10/2017
    Mike HutchinsonNon Exec Director25/11/200805/04/2016
    Jeremy WhybrowDirector21/02/200630/03/2016
    Roderick McIllreeManaging Director, CEO23/03/200717/09/2014
    Malcolm MasonDirector23/08/200721/09/2010
    Hans SchonwandtNon Exec Chairman23/08/201309/03/2010
    Simon Stafford-MichaelNon Exec Director23/08/200713/11/2008

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.