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26 March 2025
ISIN: | AU000000THC4 | |||||||||
Date of Listing: | 04 May 2017 | |||||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status: (updated daily)
This entity is currently suspended from quotation on the Australian Securities Exchange and its securities cannot be traded on-market.Legal Status: (updated monthly)
This entity was placed in administration It may currently be in administration or it may be subject to a deed of company arrangement.Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status: (updated at least quarterly)
The securities in this entity, in our opinion, are of little or no value. We have made that assessment by reference to the circumstances leading to a suspension and/or delisting, the length of a suspension, share trading history and last on-market share price, most recent financial and cash flow statements, prospects (including likelihood of re-financing), and other factors including in particular whether the entity is in external administration. If you are seeking to crystallise a capital loss on your securities, that process can be easily and quickly initiated at our online Worthless Shares facility here:
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FROM | TO | |
THC GLOBAL GROUP LIMITED | 22/11/2018 | 25/02/2021 |
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The company lodges its appendix 4E. | 28/02/2025 |
The company releases its updated and amended December 2023 Quarterly Activities Report. | 28/02/2025 |
The company has executed the DOCA for its subsidiary, Epsilon Clinics Pty Ltd, effective 19 February 2025, extinguishing creditors' claims. | 26/02/2025 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report and Quarterly Activities Report. | 31/01/2025 |
The entities suspended for over three months failed periodic reports, the oldest outstanding report deadline, and their 2 year deadline for trading plans. If not met, they will be removed from the official list, usually after the first trading day. | 22/01/2025 |
The company lodges its application for quotation of securities. | 27/12/2024 |
The company cancels its release of its notice regarding its unquoted securities. | 27/12/2024 |
The company lodges its notice regarding unquoted securities. | 24/12/2024 |
The company has secured commitments for a placement of up to 45 million shares at $0.016 per share to institutional investors. The placement will provide key capital as the company recovers from voluntary administration. | 19/12/2024 |
The company releases a presentation for its company update. | 19/12/2024 |
The company releases a letter to shareholders. It emerged from voluntary administration on June 24, 2024, and is now on a solid path to recovery and future growth. The DOCA was approved, and the new board of directors was appointed. The company has worked hard to re-engage with existing clients and grow its business, focusing on delivering value to customers, shareholders, and employees. | 16/12/2024 |
ASX releases a notice regarding long-term suspended entities. The company's securities have been suspended for more than 3 months. If an entity does not meet the 1 or 2 year deadlines, it will be removed from the official list. The removal will usually take effect from the open of trading on the first trading day after the deadline date. | 18/10/2024 |
The company has completed the DOCA for its Epsilon Pharma & Clinics subsidiaries, ending Voluntary Administration. | 08/10/2024 |
The company notifies ASIC of the appointment or cessation of a director or company secretary. | 27/08/2024 |
Under Listing Rule 17.6, an entity (if not already suspended) that had not paid its annual listing fees by close of business on Wednesday, 21 August 2024 would have its securities suspended from Official Quotation before the commencement of trading on Thursday, 22 August 2024. The Company has failed to pay to ASX the annual listing fees for the year ending 30 June 2025, and each entity's securities are already suspended from quotation. | 22/08/2024 |
Epsilon Healthcare launches the Epsilon Pharmacy brand. Epsilon Pharmacy to provide Business to Consumer (B2C) dispensing and information services. New Pharmacy brand to sit as a subsidiary of Epsilon Healthcare and beside its other current and emerging subsidiary entities. Brand alignment which commenced in late 2023, to provide launching platform for new future subsidiary verticals. | 02/08/2024 |
ASIC is advised that the administrator has completed their duties and the administration process has concluded. | 24/07/2024 |
The company notifies ASIC of a change in the name or address of its directors or company secretary. | 19/07/2024 |
A copy of the company's minutes documenting key decisions about the company's administration (where the administration is not under S.436E or S.439A) are lodged with ASIC. | 16/07/2024 |
The securities of the company have been suspended for more than three months. If an entity does not meet the 1 or 2 year deadlines, it will be removed from the official list. The removal will usually take effect from the open of trading on the first trading day after the deadline date. | 10/07/2024 |
The company notifies ASIC of the appointment or cessation of a director or company secretary. | 08/07/2024 |
Pursuant to the Deed of Company Arrangement, which was executed on 24 June 2024, Epsilon Healthcare came out of Voluntary Administration. | 04/07/2024 |
The company notifies ASIC of a change in its registered address. | 04/07/2024 |
At the adjourned second meeting of the Company's creditors held on 31 May 2024, the creditors of the Company resolved, inter alia, that the Company execute a DOCA propounded by Alan Beasley and Peter Giannopoulos. The creditors in Pharma and Clinics also passed resolutions to execute deeds of company arrangement proposed by Messrs Beasley and Giannopoulos, which proposals were interdependent. On 24 June 2024, the DOCA was executed by the Company. Deeds of company arrangement were entered into by Pharma and Clinics. Upon the execution of the DOCA, control and stewardship of the Company has reverted to the Company's directors. | 27/06/2024 |
ASIC is notified of the appointment or replacement of an administrator of the Deed of Company Arrangement. | 25/06/2024 |
A copy of the Deed of Company Arrangement is lodged with ASIC. | 25/06/2024 |
A copy of the company's minutes documenting key decisions about the company's administration are lodged with ASIC. | 14/06/2024 |
At the adjourned second meeting of the Company's creditors held on 31 May 2024 pursuant to section 439A of the Corporations Act, the creditors of the Company resolved, inter alia, that the Company execute a deed of company arrangement. In this regard, at the adjourned second meeting of the Company's creditors: two competing deeds of company arrangement were propounded by, on the one hand, Messrs Xiao (Josh) Cui and Stuart Cameron and, on the other hand, Messrs Alan Beasley and Peter Giannopoulos; and the Company's creditors resolved, inter alia, that the Company execute the deed of company arrangement propounded by Messrs Beasley and Giannopoulos. The creditors in Pharma and Clinics also passed resolutions to execute deeds of company arrangement proposed by Messrs Beasley and Giannopoulos, which proposals were interdependent. The Voluntary Administrators are currently in the process of preparing the relevant documents to give effect to the DOCA, with a view to executing same on or before 24 June 2024. Following the execution of the DOCA (on or before 24 June 2024), control and stewardship of the Company will revert to the Company's then directors. Thereafter, the Company's then directors will be responsible for seeking to have the suspension of the Company's shares lifted. | 12/06/2024 |
The company notifies ASIC of the appointment or cessation of a director or company secretary. | 12/06/2024 |
The administrator provides a supplementary report of new developments and additional information. | 24/05/2024 |
A copy of the company's minutes documenting key decisions about the company's administration are lodged with ASIC. | 11/04/2024 |
The administrator provides creditors with a detailed analysis of the company's financial position and options for its future. | 20/03/2024 |
A copy of the company's minutes documenting key decisions about the company's administration (where the administration is not under S.436E or S.439A) are lodged with ASIC. | 12/03/2024 |
The administrator provides creditors and stakeholders with a detailed update on the company's financial situation, assets, and activities. | 19/02/2024 |
The company notifies ASIC of the appointment or cessation of a director or company secretary. | 14/02/2024 |
The administrator provides creditors and stakeholders with a detailed update on the company's financial situation, assets, and activities. | 13/02/2024 |
The administrator provides creditors and stakeholders with a detailed update on the company's financial situation, assets, and activities. | 12/02/2024 |
The company releases a report to shareholders regarding the following: voluntary administrator appointments, the EGMs that did not push through, shareholder communications and the extension of convening periods for second meetings of creditors and investigations. | 31/01/2024 |
On 17 January 2024, the Voluntary Administrators applied to the Federal Court of Australia seeking orders, pursuant to section 439A(6) of the Corporations Act, to extend the convening period to 20 March 2024. This has been granted. | 17/01/2024 |
The Extraordinary General Meetings that will be convened for Friday, 22 December 2023 at 9:00am and 19 January 2024 at 10:00am have been cancelled. | 20/12/2023 |
The securities of Epsilon Healthcare Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.3. The securities will remain suspended until ASX is satisfied with EPN's ongoing compliance with the Listing Rules. | 18/12/2023 |
Ian James Purchas and Hugh Armenis of SV Partners were appointed as Joint and Several Administrators. | 17/12/2023 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Epsilon Healthcare Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by EPN of an announcement regarding a partnership agreement with The Valens Company Inc. | 09/09/2021 |
The Valens Company, a leading Canadian manufacturer of cannabis products, has entered into a Binding Heads of Agreement for a long term exclusive partnership with Epsilon, for access to Epsilon's GMP Manufacturing Facility in Southport, Queensland (the Southport Facility). Epsilon's Southport Facility is the largest cannabis extraction facility in the Southern Hemisphere with TGA and EU GMP capability. Marks the first GMP manufactured products to be sold through Valens in Australia and provides Valens with the capability to deliver GMP grade products to Latin America, Europe, UK, and Asia-Pacific. Valens to fund all operational and capital expenditure of the Southport Facility in return for preferential access for up to 85% of the operational capacity of the Southport Facility over the next five years, with options to extend for a further six years. Valens to provide operational and management consultancy at the Southport Facility to bring their industry leading intellectual property, technology and team to the Southport Facility taking advantage of Epsilon's GMP Manufacturing capability. Valens will utilise the Epsilon Southport Facility for all production of medicinal cannabis products for sale in Australian or New Zealand, including through its distribution relationship with Cannvalate. First products manufactured under the partnership expected to be delivered in the coming weeks. Epsilon to acquire AlternaMed Pty Ltd from Cannvalate, including its portfolio of provisional patent applications for three novel cannabinoid therapeutic clinical assets with potential for Schedule 3 medicine development and access to a Sigma Pharmaceuticals storage facility controlled by Cannvalate. | 09/09/2021 |
The securities of Epsilon Healthcare Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of EPN, pending the release of an announcement regarding the execution of binding agreements to secure a long term corporate partnership. | 08/09/2021 |
name changed from THC Global Group Limited | 25/02/2021 |
The company lodges its appendix 4E. | 28/02/2025 |
The company releases its updated and amended December 2023 Quarterly Activities Report. | 28/02/2025 |
The company has executed the DOCA for its subsidiary, Epsilon Clinics Pty Ltd, effective 19 February 2025, extinguishing creditors' claims. | 26/02/2025 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report and Quarterly Activities Report. | 31/01/2025 |
The entities suspended for over three months failed periodic reports, the oldest outstanding report deadline, and their 2 year deadline for trading plans. If not met, they will be removed from the official list, usually after the first trading day. | 22/01/2025 |
The company lodges its application for quotation of securities. | 27/12/2024 |
The company cancels its release of its notice regarding its unquoted securities. | 27/12/2024 |
The company lodges its notice regarding unquoted securities. | 24/12/2024 |
The company has secured commitments for a placement of up to 45 million shares at $0.016 per share to institutional investors. The placement will provide key capital as the company recovers from voluntary administration. | 19/12/2024 |
The company releases a presentation for its company update. | 19/12/2024 |
The company releases a letter to shareholders. It emerged from voluntary administration on June 24, 2024, and is now on a solid path to recovery and future growth. The DOCA was approved, and the new board of directors was appointed. The company has worked hard to re-engage with existing clients and grow its business, focusing on delivering value to customers, shareholders, and employees. | 16/12/2024 |
ASX releases a notice regarding long-term suspended entities. The company's securities have been suspended for more than 3 months. If an entity does not meet the 1 or 2 year deadlines, it will be removed from the official list. The removal will usually take effect from the open of trading on the first trading day after the deadline date. | 18/10/2024 |
The company has completed the DOCA for its Epsilon Pharma & Clinics subsidiaries, ending Voluntary Administration. | 08/10/2024 |
The company notifies ASIC of the appointment or cessation of a director or company secretary. | 27/08/2024 |
Under Listing Rule 17.6, an entity (if not already suspended) that had not paid its annual listing fees by close of business on Wednesday, 21 August 2024 would have its securities suspended from Official Quotation before the commencement of trading on Thursday, 22 August 2024. The Company has failed to pay to ASX the annual listing fees for the year ending 30 June 2025, and each entity's securities are already suspended from quotation. | 22/08/2024 |
Epsilon Healthcare launches the Epsilon Pharmacy brand. Epsilon Pharmacy to provide Business to Consumer (B2C) dispensing and information services. New Pharmacy brand to sit as a subsidiary of Epsilon Healthcare and beside its other current and emerging subsidiary entities. Brand alignment which commenced in late 2023, to provide launching platform for new future subsidiary verticals. | 02/08/2024 |
ASIC is advised that the administrator has completed their duties and the administration process has concluded. | 24/07/2024 |
The company notifies ASIC of a change in the name or address of its directors or company secretary. | 19/07/2024 |
A copy of the company's minutes documenting key decisions about the company's administration (where the administration is not under S.436E or S.439A) are lodged with ASIC. | 16/07/2024 |
The securities of the company have been suspended for more than three months. If an entity does not meet the 1 or 2 year deadlines, it will be removed from the official list. The removal will usually take effect from the open of trading on the first trading day after the deadline date. | 10/07/2024 |
The company notifies ASIC of the appointment or cessation of a director or company secretary. | 08/07/2024 |
Pursuant to the Deed of Company Arrangement, which was executed on 24 June 2024, Epsilon Healthcare came out of Voluntary Administration. | 04/07/2024 |
The company notifies ASIC of a change in its registered address. | 04/07/2024 |
At the adjourned second meeting of the Company's creditors held on 31 May 2024, the creditors of the Company resolved, inter alia, that the Company execute a DOCA propounded by Alan Beasley and Peter Giannopoulos. The creditors in Pharma and Clinics also passed resolutions to execute deeds of company arrangement proposed by Messrs Beasley and Giannopoulos, which proposals were interdependent. On 24 June 2024, the DOCA was executed by the Company. Deeds of company arrangement were entered into by Pharma and Clinics. Upon the execution of the DOCA, control and stewardship of the Company has reverted to the Company's directors. | 27/06/2024 |
ASIC is notified of the appointment or replacement of an administrator of the Deed of Company Arrangement. | 25/06/2024 |
A copy of the Deed of Company Arrangement is lodged with ASIC. | 25/06/2024 |
A copy of the company's minutes documenting key decisions about the company's administration are lodged with ASIC. | 14/06/2024 |
At the adjourned second meeting of the Company's creditors held on 31 May 2024 pursuant to section 439A of the Corporations Act, the creditors of the Company resolved, inter alia, that the Company execute a deed of company arrangement. In this regard, at the adjourned second meeting of the Company's creditors: two competing deeds of company arrangement were propounded by, on the one hand, Messrs Xiao (Josh) Cui and Stuart Cameron and, on the other hand, Messrs Alan Beasley and Peter Giannopoulos; and the Company's creditors resolved, inter alia, that the Company execute the deed of company arrangement propounded by Messrs Beasley and Giannopoulos. The creditors in Pharma and Clinics also passed resolutions to execute deeds of company arrangement proposed by Messrs Beasley and Giannopoulos, which proposals were interdependent. The Voluntary Administrators are currently in the process of preparing the relevant documents to give effect to the DOCA, with a view to executing same on or before 24 June 2024. Following the execution of the DOCA (on or before 24 June 2024), control and stewardship of the Company will revert to the Company's then directors. Thereafter, the Company's then directors will be responsible for seeking to have the suspension of the Company's shares lifted. | 12/06/2024 |
The company notifies ASIC of the appointment or cessation of a director or company secretary. | 12/06/2024 |
The administrator provides a supplementary report of new developments and additional information. | 24/05/2024 |
A copy of the company's minutes documenting key decisions about the company's administration are lodged with ASIC. | 11/04/2024 |
The administrator provides creditors with a detailed analysis of the company's financial position and options for its future. | 20/03/2024 |
A copy of the company's minutes documenting key decisions about the company's administration (where the administration is not under S.436E or S.439A) are lodged with ASIC. | 12/03/2024 |
The administrator provides creditors and stakeholders with a detailed update on the company's financial situation, assets, and activities. | 19/02/2024 |
The company notifies ASIC of the appointment or cessation of a director or company secretary. | 14/02/2024 |
The administrator provides creditors and stakeholders with a detailed update on the company's financial situation, assets, and activities. | 13/02/2024 |
The administrator provides creditors and stakeholders with a detailed update on the company's financial situation, assets, and activities. | 12/02/2024 |
The company releases a report to shareholders regarding the following: voluntary administrator appointments, the EGMs that did not push through, shareholder communications and the extension of convening periods for second meetings of creditors and investigations. | 31/01/2024 |
On 17 January 2024, the Voluntary Administrators applied to the Federal Court of Australia seeking orders, pursuant to section 439A(6) of the Corporations Act, to extend the convening period to 20 March 2024. This has been granted. | 17/01/2024 |
The Extraordinary General Meetings that will be convened for Friday, 22 December 2023 at 9:00am and 19 January 2024 at 10:00am have been cancelled. | 20/12/2023 |
The securities of Epsilon Healthcare Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.3. The securities will remain suspended until ASX is satisfied with EPN's ongoing compliance with the Listing Rules. | 18/12/2023 |
Ian James Purchas and Hugh Armenis of SV Partners were appointed as Joint and Several Administrators. | 17/12/2023 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Epsilon Healthcare Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by EPN of an announcement regarding a partnership agreement with The Valens Company Inc. | 09/09/2021 |
The Valens Company, a leading Canadian manufacturer of cannabis products, has entered into a Binding Heads of Agreement for a long term exclusive partnership with Epsilon, for access to Epsilon's GMP Manufacturing Facility in Southport, Queensland (the Southport Facility). Epsilon's Southport Facility is the largest cannabis extraction facility in the Southern Hemisphere with TGA and EU GMP capability. Marks the first GMP manufactured products to be sold through Valens in Australia and provides Valens with the capability to deliver GMP grade products to Latin America, Europe, UK, and Asia-Pacific. Valens to fund all operational and capital expenditure of the Southport Facility in return for preferential access for up to 85% of the operational capacity of the Southport Facility over the next five years, with options to extend for a further six years. Valens to provide operational and management consultancy at the Southport Facility to bring their industry leading intellectual property, technology and team to the Southport Facility taking advantage of Epsilon's GMP Manufacturing capability. Valens will utilise the Epsilon Southport Facility for all production of medicinal cannabis products for sale in Australian or New Zealand, including through its distribution relationship with Cannvalate. First products manufactured under the partnership expected to be delivered in the coming weeks. Epsilon to acquire AlternaMed Pty Ltd from Cannvalate, including its portfolio of provisional patent applications for three novel cannabinoid therapeutic clinical assets with potential for Schedule 3 medicine development and access to a Sigma Pharmaceuticals storage facility controlled by Cannvalate. | 09/09/2021 |
The securities of Epsilon Healthcare Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of EPN, pending the release of an announcement regarding the execution of binding agreements to secure a long term corporate partnership. | 08/09/2021 |
name changed from THC Global Group Limited | 25/02/2021 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
28/09/2023 | Alan Beasley | 50,000 | $0.031 | $1,563 |
22/09/2023 | Alan Beasley | 2,543,822 | $0.027 | $67,434 |
12/09/2023 | Alan Beasley | 1,931,156 | $0.024 | $47,200 |
30/06/2023 | Alan Beasley | 2,675,022 | $0.021 | $54,984 |
07/09/2020 | Gary Radcliff | 44,900 | $0.240 | $10,776 |
Alan Beasley | Deputy Chairman, Non Exec Director | 04/05/2017 |
Daniel Sanghera | Interim CEO | 21/11/2023 |
Mark Audet | CFO, Company Secretary | 30/11/2022 |
Zoe Hutchings | Director | 11/06/2024 |
Peter Giannopoulos | Director | 23/05/2023 |
Richard Legge | Company Secretary | 20/08/2024 |
Marcelo Mora | Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Josh Cui | Company Secretary | 28/10/2022 | 08/07/2024 |
Stuart Cameron | Non Exec Director | 27/10/2022 | 11/06/2024 |
John Few | Non Exec Director | 30/11/2023 | 13/02/2024 |
Wilson Min | Director | 15/12/2023 | 13/02/2024 |
Sonny Didugu | COO | 02/09/2020 | 31/12/2022 |
Simon Rowe | Non Exec Director | 02/08/2021 | 03/11/2022 |
Steven Xu | Non Exec Chairman | 12/01/2018 | 01/11/2022 |
Nicholas Marshall | CFO | 18/06/2021 | 28/10/2022 |
Patrick Xu | Director | 03/06/2022 | 21/09/2022 |
Rob Jenny | Executive Director | 02/08/2021 | 07/08/2022 |
Jarrod White | Interim CEO | 16/08/2017 | 21/07/2022 |
Lou Cattelan | Director | 15/03/2018 | 29/07/2021 |
Mark Fortugno | CFO | 15/01/2019 | 18/06/2021 |
Gary Radcliff | Non Exec Director | 15/03/2018 | 05/03/2021 |
Kenneth Charteris | CEO | 11/07/2018 | 02/09/2020 |
Ian Mutton | Chairman | 04/05/2017 | 15/03/2018 |
Mary Verschuer | Non Exec Director | 04/05/2017 | 15/03/2018 |
Hamish Macdonald | Non Exec Director | 04/05/2017 | 15/03/2018 |
Peter Wallace | Non Exec Director | 04/05/2017 | 15/03/2018 |
David Radford | CEO | 19/10/2017 | 14/03/2018 |
John Hall | Executive Director | 04/05/2017 | 19/10/2017 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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