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Former (or subsequent) names

PEARL GLOBAL LIMITED31/01/201802/12/2022
CITATION RESOURCES LTD12/09/201231/01/2018

Shareholder links

Our website ranking of ETR: rating 5
(5 out of 5)



Computershare Perth
Level 17, 221 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details

ISIN: AU000000PG13
Address: Suite 2, Level 2 1160 Hay Street West Perth WA 6005
Tel:  61 8 9431 9888Fax: 61 8 9431 9800

Date first listed: 02/11/2006

Sector: Commercial & Professional Services Industry Group: XEJ
Activities: Reclamation of waste rubber

News & Events

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The company has postponed its General Meeting from March 7, 2025, to March 21, 2025, due to the extended closing date of the Prospectus. The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. No other changes have been made to the notice or proxy form.


The company has extended the closing date for its Prospectus offers to 17 March 2025. The offers include the SPP Offer, which allows eligible shareholders to subscribe for up to $50,000 of New Shares, the Placement Offer, Management Offer, Proponent Offer, Advisor Offer, and Director Fee Share Offer.


The company has extended the end date of its DOCAs to 31 March 2025, marking the end date of the DOCAs, with the general meeting to effectuate the DOCAs now scheduled for 7 March 2025.


The company releases its updated notice of security consolidation or split.


The company has postponed its General Meeting from February 21, 2025, to March 7, 2025, due to the extended closing date of the Prospectus. The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom Teleconference.


The company has extended the closing date for its Prospectus offers to 3 March 2025. The offers include the SPP Offer, Placement Offer, Management Offer, Proponent Offer, Advisor Offer, and Director Fee Share Offer.


The company will release restricted securities from ASX escrow, including Ordinary Fully Paid Shares, on 12 January 2025, with the escrow period ending 5 business days later.


The company has received $3.79 million in cash for its 2023/2024 R&D Tax Incentive, covering eligible expenditure on its project "Commercial thermal desorption application to rubber waste".


The company has extended the end date of its DOCAs to 28 February 2025, following the receipt of reinstatement conditions from the ASX. The general meeting to effectuate the DOCAs is scheduled for 21 February 2025.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report.


The company releases its notice of security consolidation or split.


The company releases its prospectus offering eligible shareholders a SPP offer to subscribe for up to $50,000 of new shares at an issue price of $0.20 each, with one free option for every two subscribed shares, to raise up to $1.0 million before costs.


The company has entered into appointment documents with its existing directors after ratifying their appointments at the 2024 Annual General Meeting and receiving reinstatement conditions from the ASX.


The entities suspended for over three months failed periodic reports, the oldest outstanding report deadline, and their 2 year deadline for trading plans. If not met, they will be removed from the official list, usually after the first trading day.


The company will hold a general meeting on 21 February 2025 at 2:00pm AEDT (Sydney time) via the Zoom Teleconference .


The company has reached a settlement in the Supreme Court of Western Australia regarding the Entyr Limited v Eastman & Anor (CIV 1228 of 2021) case. The settlement, arising from a 2015 legal action against Citation Resources Limited, will be paid to Entyr by insurers Liberty Managing Agency Limited and Arch Underwriting at Lloyd's Limited.


The company has 228,576,364 of ETRO quoted options due to expiry on 31 December 2024. Each option entitles holders to one fully paid ordinary share, with an exercise price of $0.04. Payment is due by 5:00pm on 31 December 2024. No underwriting agreement exists for the ETRO Options.


The company has received confirmation from the ASX that its securities should be reinstated to official quotation, subject to certain reinstatement conditions.


The company lodges its notice of cessation of securities.


The company has extended the end date of its DOCAs to 31 January 2025, pending reinstatement conditions from the ASX. The actual date for Entyr's general meeting will be announced in a formal notice.


The company releases the results of its annual general meeting.


The company has entered into new offtake and tyre supply agreements, including a supply agreement with Austek Production Pty Ltd for rCB produced at its Stapylton facility, and a tyre supply agreement with an existing supplier. The company also achieved re accreditation as a tyre collector and recycler.


the Receivers and Managers appointed to the Company have officially retired as of 12 November 2024 (Richard Tucker, Anthony Miskiewicz, and David Johnstone of Korda Mentha were appointed as Receivers and Managers on 17 April 2024)


The company has extended the DOCA end date to 30 November 2024 due to ongoing reinstatement processes from the ASX. The actual date for Entyr's general meeting will be announced in a formal notice of meeting.


The company lodges the following: Appendix 4E, Annual Financial Report, Appendix 4G, and Corporate Governance Statement.


The company advises that its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at Thomson Geer, Level 29, Central Park Tower, 152-158 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000 on 28 November 2024 at 1:00pm AWST (Perth time).


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report.


ASX releases a notice regarding long-term suspended entities. The company's securities have been suspended for more than 3 months. If an entity does not meet the 1 or 2 year deadlines, it will be removed from the official list. The removal will usually take effect from the open of trading on the first trading day after the deadline date.


Given the ongoing processes required to seek and obtain reinstatement conditions from the ASX, the DOCA End Date has been further extended to 31 October 2024, with the ability for additional extensions to be agreed upon if necessary. Should Entyr be successful in obtaining reinstatement conditions from the ASX, the actual date for the general meeting of Entyr will be advised in a formal notice of meeting. The Company advises that there will be a delay in the lodgement of the Appendix 4E and its Annual Report for the financial year ended 30 June 2024. The Company now expects the Annual Report to be released no later than 31 October 2024.


The company has released its Deed of Company Arrangements for its subsidiaries, dated 16 May 2024. The DOCAs will be enforced once final conditions precedent are met, including resolutions at a general meeting relating to a share restructure. The DOCA end date has been extended to 31 August 2024, with the possibility of additional extensions. If successful, the actual date for Entyr's general meeting will be announced in a formal notice of meeting. Entyr will continue to keep the market informed of any developments.


Under Listing Rule 17.6, an entity (if not already suspended) that had not paid its annual listing fees by close of business on Wednesday, 21 August 2024 would have its securities suspended from Official Quotation before the commencement of trading on Thursday, 22 August 2024. The Company has failed to pay to ASX the annual listing fees for the year ending 30 June 2025, and each entity's securities are already suspended from quotation.


The company releases a notice of cessation of securities.


The company releases a cancellation notice of cessation of securities.


The company lodges its notice of cessation of securities.


Shareholders in this company should consider crystallising a capital loss in 2024/25 by selling their shares. This process is now much easier and quicker. It can be achieved online by entering transaction details here. While, this usually makes good economic sense we recommend you seek professional advice before buying or selling securities, your accountant is probably the best person.


Given the processes required to seek and obtain reinstatement conditions from the ASX, the DOCA End Date has been extended to 31 August 2024, with the ability for further extensions to be agreed. Should Entyr be successful in obtaining reinstatement conditions from the ASX, the actual date for the general meeting of Entyr will be advised in a formal notice of meeting.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report.


The Company has recommenced its tyre receivals operations at its Staplyton site in Queensland. Operations at Staplyton were temporarily suspended on 26 March 2024 due to the Company entering Voluntary Administration. Since that time, the Company has undertaken significant steps to address its issues. The Company has recommenced its tyre receivals business in anticipation of restarting full operations upon completion of its restructure, recapitalisation and ASX reinstatement to trading.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report.


The securities of the company have been suspended for more than three months. If an entity does not meet the 1 or 2 year deadlines, it will be removed from the official list. The removal will usually take effect from the open of trading on the first trading day after the deadline date.


A DOCA for Entyr and its subsidiaries has been released.


The company releases a notification of cessation of securities.


The company announces that the DOCAs were executed on 17 May 2024. Richard Hughes and Travis Anderson now act as Joint and Several Deed Administrators of the Companies. Having finalised the DOCAs, the ancillary transaction documents and all required initial condition precedents, control of the Group has transitioned to Avior Capital. Creditors should note that the Joint and Several Administrators are not liable for any debts incurred by the Company from 17 May 2024 being the date the Companies executed the DOCAs.


On 7 May 2024, Avior Capital proposed deeds of company arrangement in respect of the Group. At the meetings of the creditors of the Group held on 10 May 2024, the Proposals were approved by creditors. The Administrators and Avior Capital are working to finalise the deeds of company arrangement for the Group (and other ancillary transaction documents), which will set out the terms of the Proposals (DOCAs) and creditors' trust deeds.


The Administrators now announce the release of the second report to creditors, with the second meeting of creditors to be held by 10 May 2024.


On 17 April 2024, Richard Tucker, Anthony Miskiewicz and David Johnstone of Korda Mentha were appointed Receivers and Managers of Entyr Limited specifically over Entyr Limited's right, title and interest in the following: Any shares held by Entyr Limited; Any debts owed to Entyr Limited by any related entity; The Proceeding and any Claims of Entyr Limited which are the subject of the Proceeding; and The Books3 of Entyr Limited.


Mr Richard Hughes and Mr Travis Anderson of Deloitte Financial Advisory Pty Ltd have been appointed as Joint and Several Administrators.


The securities of Entyr Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.3, following the appointment of Richard Hughes and Travis Anderson as administrators of ETR.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Entyr Limited will be lifted immediately following the release by ETR of an announcement regarding a capital raising


The company releases an Investor Presentation.


The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities.


Firm commitments received for $7.0 million two-tranche placement and launch of $3 million Share Purchase Plan for eligible shareholders. Strong support from existing and new institutional and sophisticated investors and Entyr directors. Placement and SPP offer at $0.017 per ordinary share with attached 1 for 2 option exercisable at $0.04, expiring on 31 December 2024. Funds will be utilised to achieve full operating capacity at Stapylton, further progress the Company's expansion planning and support the Company's operations through to the final stage of commercialisation. Company now wholly focused on scaling processing volumes and securing further offtake contracts.


The securities of Entyr Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of ETR, pending the release of an announcement regarding a capital raising.


name changed from Pearl Global Limited



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    ASX, Legal & CGT Status

    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

    rss feeds

    Purchases Sales

    16/03/2023Teresa Dyson526,315$0.019$10,000
    11/01/2023Michael Barrett207,142$0.016$3,289
    01/12/2022Michael Barrett300,000$0.015$4,500
    27/05/2022Michael Barrett200,000$0.015$3,000
    05/05/2021Gary Foster70,000$0.062$4,370

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Sujana KarthikCFO, Company Secretary23/05/2024
    Kelly MeynNon Exec Director20/05/2024
    Adam GallagherNon Exec Director20/05/2024
    Dermott McVeighExecutive Director20/05/2024
    Phillip MacLeodCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    David WheeleyCEO01/02/202223/05/2024
    Christy HayesCFO24/07/202323/05/2024
    Mike BarryNon Exec Chairman17/08/202120/05/2024
    Teresa DysonNon Exec Director15/02/202320/05/2024
    Lindsay BarberNon Exec Director20/05/202220/05/2024
    Leeanne BondNon Exec Director15/02/202320/05/2024
    Andrew CookCFO21/04/202207/09/2023
    Alex MitchellCFO19/03/202124/07/2023
    Brian MummeNon Exec Director30/03/202015/02/2023
    Michael BarrettNon Exec Director06/08/201815/02/2023
    Brad MyttonDirector12/06/201924/08/2022
    Andrew DrennanManaging Director24/01/201827/09/2021
    Gary FosterDirector24/01/201827/09/2021
    Douglas SwanboroughCFO30/04/202019/03/2021
    Victor TurcoNon Exec Director24/01/201811/11/2019
    Bert HuysDirector19/01/201624/01/2018
    Anthony EastmanNon Exec Director20/03/201517/05/2016
    Peter LandauDirector07/02/201419/01/2016
    Brett MitchellExecutive Director24/11/201103/12/2015
    Michael CurnowNon Exec Director04/04/201222/03/2015
    Sophie RavenNon Exec Director13/12/201207/02/2014
    Domenic MartinoNon Exec Chairman09/10/200913/12/2012
    Alison CouttsNon Exec Director09/10/200904/04/2012

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.