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Computershare Brisbane
Level 1, 200 Mary Street Brisbane QLD 4000
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 7 3229 9860
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details

ISIN: AU000000ERA9
Address: Level 8, TIO Building 24 Mitchell Street Darwin City, NT, 0801
Tel:  +61 8 8924 3500Fax: +61 8 89243506

Date first listed: 19/11/1980

Sector: Energy Industry Group: XEJ
Activities: Exporting uranium oxide to fuel nuclear electricity utilities in Asia, Europe and North America

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The suspension of trading in the securities of Energy Resources of Australia Limited will be lifted immediately following the release by ERA of an announcement regarding the pro rata renounceable entitlement offer announced by the Company on 29 August 2024.


The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities.


The Company's Independent Board Committee has received a letter from Zentree Investments Limited and Packer & Co Limited: indicating that a Takeovers Panel application is being prepared, seeking a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in respect of the Entitlement Offer and requesting interim and final orders; and requesting that ERA amend the timetable for the Entitlement Offer so as to delay the "ex date" and commencement of trading of entitlements under the Entitlement Offer until such time as the Takeovers Panel determines whether to make the requested interim orders. The IBC does not agree that unacceptable circumstances exist in relation to the Entitlement Offer. The IBC has requested ASX to defer the Entitlement Offer timetable by five (5) trading days such that the ex-date for the Entitlement Offer will now take place on Monday 9 September 2024, instead of today. ASX has agreed to implement this proposal but requires one business day's notice to be able to implement such a change. Accordingly, ERA's shares are being placed in voluntary suspension today, whilst this proposal is processed.


The securities of Energy Resources of Australia Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of ERA, pending the release of an announcement regarding the pro rata renounceable entitlement offer announced by ERA on 29 August 2024. This includes the rights which were due to commence trading today.


The suspension of trading in the deferred line of securities of Energy Resources of Australia Limited will be lifted immediately, as indicated by the timetable announced in the company's announcement dated 20 January 2020 in relation to the renounceable entitlement offer announced on 15 November 2019.


The deferred line of securities of Energy Resources of Australia Limited (ASX Code: ERAN) will be suspended from quotation immediately, in accordance with Listing Rule 17.3, following the company's announcement dated 4 December 2019 in relation to the renounceable entitlement offer announced on 15 November 2019. The company's ordinary shares are not affected by the suspension.


listed entity carried for record purposes only



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Hi - I am trying to chase up Lost monies or shares or policies - I really don't know what I am chasing - all I can say is that my brother recently deceased and we have found amongst his paperwork a cheque from Energy Resources of Australia dated back to 30/11/87 cheque number 013832 which has never been banked - made out to himself (Ian Patrick Yxelman) and Noel Ernest Pilley.


We are trying to track down anything on my brother.


My name is: Deborrah McClelland and I can be contacted on:

20/09/2013 11:31:41

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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    25/02/2025Justin Carey-997$118.991$118,634
    03/12/2020Paul Dowd-750$108.110$81,083
    07/04/2015David P. Smith-2,383$0.024$56
    04/03/2014Peter Taylor-577$0.114$66
    05/08/2013Peter McMahon-5,000$0.012$60

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Richard DennisNon Exec Chairman, Independent Director23/11/2022
    David Pritchard-DaviesCFO16/12/2024
    Kenneth WyattIndependent Director19/12/2022
    Stuart GlennIndependent Director03/02/2023
    Justin CareyNon Exec Director07/08/2019
    Rosemary FagenNon Exec Director01/02/2022
    Alfie GriggNon Exec Director01/01/2024
    Stephanie SoCompany Secretary
    Thomas WilcoxCompany Secretary, General Counsel26/11/2013

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Brad WelshManaging Director, CEO04/10/202116/12/2024
    Richard PrestCFO, Company Secretary08/03/202116/12/2024
    Jacques Van TonderNon Exec Director31/05/202031/12/2023
    Peter MansellChairman, Independent Director26/10/201506/10/2022
    Shane CharlesIndependent Director26/10/201506/10/2022
    Paul DowdIndependent Director26/10/201506/10/2022
    Paul ArnoldManaging Director, CEO02/08/201704/10/2021
    Marcia HanrahanNon Exec Director29/05/202028/04/2021
    David BlanchCFO09/07/201808/03/2021
    Andrea SuttonNon Exec Director23/09/201331/05/2020
    Zara FisherNon Exec Director29/08/201607/08/2019
    Kevin McLeishNon Exec Director19/06/201830/10/2018
    James MayCFO01/06/201409/07/2018
    Sinead KaufmanNon Exec Director29/11/201719/06/2018
    Simon TrottNon Exec Director06/12/201528/11/2017
    Joanne FarrellNon Exec Director11/06/201431/08/2016
    Bruce CoxNon Exec Director27/11/201403/05/2016
    Peter McMahonNon Exec Chairman, Independent Director20/11/201220/06/2015
    Helen GarnettIndependent Director28/01/200520/06/2015
    David P. SmithNon Exec Director31/03/201520/06/2015
    Peter TaylorDirector14/02/200713/04/2015
    John PeglerIndependent Director30/07/200931/03/2015
    Helen NewellNon Exec Director20/11/201211/06/2014
    Steeve ThibeaultCFO, Company Secretary01/07/200930/05/2014
    Robert O'TooleCompany Secretary, General Counsel01/07/201026/11/2013
    Rob AtkinsonCEO, Director17/09/200823/09/2013
    David KlingnerChairman21/07/200408/02/2013
    Matthew CoulterDirector15/06/201020/11/2012
    Christopher SalisburyNon Exec Director31/01/200715/06/2010
    Richard CarterNon Exec Director18/11/199921/04/2010
    Charles LeneganNon Exec Director21/07/200513/01/2008
    Andrew LloydNon Exec Director18/10/200122/12/2006
    Harry Kenyon-SlaneyCEO29/01/200401/12/2006
    Preston ChiaroNon Exec Director21/10/200312/09/2006
    Stephen MannNon Exec Director30/01/200314/10/2005
    Hideki ToyomatsuNon Exec Director18/06/200314/10/2005
    Ron MatthewsAlternate Director05/03/200114/10/2005
    Brian HorwoodChairman17/05/200128/01/2005
    Brian HickmanNon Exec Director31/08/199725/10/2004
    Robert ClearyCEO15/07/199929/01/2004
    Andrew KiteAlternate Director23/07/200326/11/2003
    Gregory BoyceNon Exec Director29/11/200002/09/2003
    Barry CusackNon Exec Director15/08/200001/09/2003
    Andrew HardingAlternate Director24/07/200223/07/2003
    Wataru KinugawaNon Exec Director19/07/200118/06/2003
    Mochito MoriAlternate Director19/07/200118/06/2003
    Tsuneharu TakedaAlternate Director19/07/200118/06/2003
    Atsuhiko YonekawaAlternate Director19/07/200118/06/2003
    Koh TsuzukuAlternate Director19/07/200118/06/2003
    Jean-Luc NarcyAlternate Director16/03/200101/01/2003
    James MarlattNon Exec Director12/01/200001/03/2001
    Jeff HughesCompany Secretary18/04/2000

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.