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Our website ranking of DOW: rating 5
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Computershare Adelaide
Level 5, 115 Grenfell Street, Adelaide SA 5000
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 8 9473 2408 or 1300 534 987
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details

ISIN: AU000000DOW2
Address: Level 2, Triniti III, Triniti Business Campus, 39 Delhi Road, North Ryde, NSW, AUSTRALIA, 2113
Tel:  (02) 9468 9700Fax: (02) 9813 8915

Date first listed: 20/12/1990

Sector: Commercial Services & Supplies Industry Group: XNJ
Activities: Provides engineering and infrastructure management services to the public and private power, rail, road, telecommunications, mining and mineral processing sectors in Australia, New Zealand, Asia and the Pacific

News & Events

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Class Action - Slater & Gordon and litigation funder IMF announce a settlement of this action - terms are confidential but IMF say they will receive approx $6.7m by way of recovery of costs and commissions and make a profit of $5.8m


Class Action - Slater & Gordon has closed the client group and no longer accepting any new enquiries - the claim has not been issued yet (not expected to occur until at least May 2008 )


Class Action - Slater & Gordon are in the final stages of preparing the claim - it is unlikely that proceedings will be issued before March 2008


Class Action - Slater & Gordon is to launch a class action against Downer EDI Limited on behalf of shareholders who allege that the company failed to fully inform the Australian Stock Exchange about its financial position - they will allege that Downer EDI engaged in misleading or deceptive conduct when issuing its February profit guidance and there is also the strong possibility that the company acted in breach of its continuous disclosure obligations regarding the status of the Iluka contractual dispute (over the construction and development of the Douglas Mineral Sands Project in Victoria) and its financial impact


we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 4


name changed from Downer Group Limited



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    ASX, Legal & CGT Status

    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

    rss feeds

    Purchases Sales

    26/02/2025Sheridan Broadbent7,000$5.561$38,926
    26/02/2025Adelle Howse17,885$5.500$98,368
    25/02/2025Steve MacDonald18,004$5.541$99,766
    14/02/2025Peter Barker10,500$5.385$56,543
    06/09/2023Steve MacDonald11,848$4.200$49,762

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Mark MenhinnittChairman01/03/2022
    Peter TompkinsManaging Director, CEO01/02/2023
    Malcolm AshcroftCFO01/07/2023
    Sheridan BroadbentIndependent Director01/10/2023
    Teresa HandicottIndependent Director21/09/2016
    Peter BarkerIndependent Director01/07/2024
    Steve MacDonaldIndependent Director01/09/2023
    Adelle HowseNon Exec Director01/04/2022
    Robert ReganGeneral Counsel, Company Secretary01/01/2019
    Peter LyonsCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Nicole HollowsNon Exec Director21/06/201815/11/2024
    Peter WatsonIndependent Director22/05/201930/09/2023
    Michael FergusonCFO11/04/201630/06/2023
    Mark ChellewNon Exec Chairman, Independent Director01/09/202103/03/2023
    Grant FennManaging Director, CEO04/10/200927/02/2023
    Mark BinnsIndependent Director01/03/202231/01/2023
    Philip GarlingIndependent Director24/11/201130/06/2022
    Michael HardingNon Exec Chairman, Independent Director01/07/200830/09/2021
    Grant ThorneIndependent Director01/07/201013/07/2020
    Annabelle ChaplainIndependent Director01/07/200807/11/2019
    Eve HowellNon Exec Director16/01/201202/11/2017
    John HumphreyIndependent Director11/04/200105/11/2016
    Kevin FletcherCFO01/08/201010/04/2016
    Kerry SandersonNon Exec Director16/01/201230/09/2014
    Lucio Di BartolomeoIndependent Director22/06/200607/11/2012
    Chris RenwickDirector09/08/200409/12/2010
    Peter JollieNon Exec Chairman30/04/200403/11/2010
    Geoff KnoxManaging Director, CEO01/02/200830/07/2010
    Peter CoatesNon Exec Director30/10/200815/10/2009
    Barry O'CallaghanChairman01/02/2008
    Brent WaldronNon Exec Director, CEO01/08/200701/02/2008
    Stephen GilliesManaging Director01/01/199602/08/2007
    Tom LauDeputy Chairman15/03/199902/11/2005
    Charles ChanNon Exec Director19/10/2004
    Billy WongAlternate Director16/12/200210/10/2004
    Trevor KennedyNon Exec Director18/11/2003
    Michael KentNon Exec Director10/11/2003
    Gary LawrenceNon Exec Director10/11/2003
    Ross DunningNon Exec Director11/04/200127/10/2003
    Kenneth RocheNon Exec Director01/01/199727/10/2003
    William ShurniakNon Exec Director25/10/200124/04/2003

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.