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Our website ranking of CXM: rating 3
(3 out of 5)



Computershare Adelaide
Level 5, 115 Grenfell Street, Adelaide SA 5000
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 8 9473 2408 or 1300 534 987
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Company details

ISIN: AU000000CXM6
Address: Level 10 44 Waymouth Street ADELAIDE SA 5000
Tel:  +61 8 8213 3100Fax: +61 8 8231 4014

Date first listed: 19/07/2006

Sector: Materials Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: Mineral exploration

News & Events

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Shareholders in this company should consider crystallising a capital loss in 2024/25 by selling their shares. This process is now much easier and quicker. It can be achieved online by entering transaction details here. While, this usually makes good economic sense we recommend you seek professional advice before buying or selling securities, your accountant is probably the best person.


The company provides an update on its operations. Administrators cannot source funding for Ardmore Petroleum Project, putting it into care and maintenance. They seek urgent sale or recapitalization, resulting in job cuts.


FTI Consulting's voluntary administrators, John Park and Joanne Dunn, are preparing to sell Centrex Limited and its subsidiary, Agriflex Pty Ltd, with final offers expected by 25 March 2025.


The company has announced the closure of its Entitlement Offer due to the company's financial condition not being adequate for continued quotation. The Administrators have decided to close the Offer and refund all subscriptions to shareholders.


The company's securities were suspended on 19 December 2024, pending an announcement on logistics provider and lender negotiations and capital raising. The suspension was extended on 14 February 2025, 21 February 2025, and 28 February 2025. ASX determined CXM's financial condition is insufficient to warrant continued quotation, and the suspension will continue until compliance is confirmed.


John Park and Joanne Dunn of FTI Consulting are appointed as joint and several voluntary administrators.


The company requested a voluntary suspension from quotation, which was extended to 14 February 2025. The suspension was expected to remain until normal trading commences or the completion of a capital raising announcement. The company believes continued trading could harm the proposed raising and requests an extension to 25 March 2025.


The company has extended the Closing Date for its Entitlement Offer to 17 March 2025, allowing external investors and eligible shareholders to complete due diligence on the company.


The company requested a voluntary suspension from quotation on 19 December 2024, extended on 14 February 2025. The suspension was expected to remain until normal trading commences or the completion of a capital raising announcement. The company now requests a further extension to 12 March 2025, as continued trading could harm the proposed raising.


The company has extended the closing date for its Entitlement Offer to 5 March 2025, allowing external investors time to complete due diligence. The revised indicative timetable includes the announcement of results, placement of Appendix 2A, and quotation of shares.


The company has completed its scheduled shipment of 26,239t of beneficiated phosphate concentrate from Ardmore Rock Phosphate Mine, owned by subsidiary Agriflex. Train services between Mt. Isa and Townsville are expected to resume on 19th February 2025.


The company requests an extension to 5 March 2025, citing material prejudicial trading.


The company has extended the closing date for its Entitlement Offer to 5.00pm on 26 February 2025, allowing eligible shareholders more time to consider their entitlements. The revised indicative timetable includes announcements, securities placement, and quotes. Shareholders should read the Prospectus carefully and consult their professional advisers.


The company has announced scheduled shipment schedules for Ardmore Mine, including 25,000 tonnes of beneficiated phosphate concentrate in early February and 10,000 tonnes in March. The mine site is experiencing normal activities, with minor interruptions due to rainfall events.


The company confirmed that it transported 212,000t of beneficiated phosphate concentrate in Year 2, exceeding the 200,000t MVT commitment, resulting in no logistics penalties for the following year.


The company releases its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Report.


The company releases its Corporate Presentation for January 2025.


The prospectus includes a pro-rata entitlement offer to eligible shareholders, a shortfall offer, and a public offer. The Priority Offer consists of one New Share for every Share held, raising approximately $10.4 million. If there is a shortfall, the remaining New Shares and free attaching New Options will be available for subscription.


The company announced an Entitlement Offer, with an opening date of 28 January 2025 and a closing date of 19 February 2025, with the prospectus lodged on 21 January 2025.


Centrex is undertaking an Entitlement Offer to eligible shareholders to raise approximately $10.4 million subject to a minimum subscription condition of $9.0 million. Net proceeds will be used to fund plant upgrades and working capital. The launch of the Entitlement Offer follows the successful execution of strategic agreements with its logistic supplier, which has restructured its logistics trade debts thereby enhancing the company's working capital position. Following the successful completion of the Entitlement Offer, Centrex's pro forma net cash at 14 February 2025 is projected to be approximately $9.8 million, providing confidence to management to continue its execution of its strategy and to invest in potential high growth initiatives.


The company has secured strategic agreements with relevant counterparties, strengthening its working capital position and providing a robust foundation to complete the Stage 1.5 Expansion.


The company releases its application for quotation of securities.


The company has successfully shipped 11,116t of beneficiated phosphate concentrate from Ardmore Rock Phosphate Mine, owned by subsidiary Agriflex, and is targeting a 25,000t shipment in early February 2025.


The securities of Centrex Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of CXM, pending the release of announcements regarding negotiations with its logistics provider and lender and the completion of a capital raising.


name changed from Centrex Metals Limited CXM



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    ASX, Legal & CGT Status

    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

    rss feeds

    Purchases Sales

    23/05/2024Graham Chrisp500,500$0.049$24,517
    05/12/2023Graham Chrisp94,500$0.065$6,162
    21/12/2022Peter Hunt200,000$0.133$26,500
    07/02/2017James Hazel200,000$0.070$14,000
    27/10/2016David Klingberg10,544$0.068$717

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Peter HuntNon Exec Chairman, Independent Director16/12/2020
    Robert MencelManaging Director, CEO24/05/2021
    Allan ParkerNon Exec Director17/12/2019
    John SantichCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Graham ChrispNon Exec Director21/01/201005/09/2024
    Jason ChrispAlternate Director23/08/201904/08/2023
    Benjamin ChrispAlternate Director24/09/202004/08/2023
    Peter CoxNon Exec Director28/01/202011/12/2020
    Simon SlesarewichCEO03/04/201928/02/2020
    Chris IndermaurExecutive Director01/07/201728/01/2020
    David KlingbergNon Exec Director19/04/200517/12/2019
    Poh KiatNon Exec Director21/05/200807/11/2019
    James HazelNon Exec Director12/07/201020/09/2019
    Ben HammondCEO13/02/201303/04/2019
    Gavin BoschCFO29/01/200828/06/2018
    Bingqiang LuNon Exec Director18/09/201225/09/2015
    Chenggang GuoAlternate Director06/03/201525/09/2015
    John den DryverNon Exec Director01/03/201118/11/2014
    Jim WhiteFinance Director12/07/201030/06/2013
    Phillip StaveleyGeneral Manager01/07/201205/02/2013
    Xiaopeng YinNon Exec Director21/01/201027/08/2012
    Chaoying QiAlternate Director20/12/201127/08/2012
    Zhao HaimingAlternate Director27/08/201227/08/2012
    Geoffrey HillDirector20/10/200822/02/2011
    Liaowu GuoDirector05/11/200912/11/2010
    Gerard AndersonManaging Director, CEO11/04/200616/07/2010
    David LindhNon Exec Chairman23/03/200121/01/2010
    Norton JacksonNon Exec Director23/03/200128/11/2008

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.