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ISIN: AU000000AKN5
Address: C/- HopgoodGanim Level 8, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle St, Brisbane, Qld 4000
Tel:  +61 7 3211 9013Fax: +61 7 3010 9001

Date first listed: 29/10/2007

Sector: Materials Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: Exploration for and development of minerals in Australia and overseas

News & Events

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The suspension of trading in the securities of AuKing Mining Limited will be lifted immediately following the release by AKN of an announcement regarding notices received from the Tanzanian Mining Commission revoking two of the five prospecting licences that comprise the Manyoni uranium project.


On Monday, 20 February 2023 AuKing received notices from the Tanzanian Mining Commission advising proposed revocation of two of the five Prospecting Licences held by AuKing subsidiary 92U Tanzania Limited at Manyoni. The basis for these notices was cited as "due to a flexicadastre system malfunction that led to double allocation of mineral rights over the same area". After receipt of these notices AuKing took immediate action on Tuesday morning, 21 February 2023 to enter a trading halt with ASX, pending clarification of the matter. AuKing's PLs were issued by the Commission on 26 January 2023. Subsequently, two further PLs were issued by the Commission to another group on 3 February 2023 over the exact same area. Efforts to resolve the double allocation of mineral rights have been unsuccessful and AuKing will now lodge a formal Appeal with the Tanzanian Minister of Minerals. The proposed exploration and drilling program will continue but with focus directed to extending uranium resources on the other three PLs at Manyoni. An independent consulting geologist was recently commissioned by AuKing to review the historical exploration and drilling data for the Manyoni uranium project. This review has identified various zones across the Manyoni project area with potential to significantly increase the known resources. Ven Capital has committed to ensuring completion of the $2.2M T2 placement at 10c per share and as approved by AuKing shareholders on 16 December 2022.


The securities of AuKing Mining Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of AKN, pending the release of an announcement regarding the proposed cancellation of two recently granted prospecting licences in the Manyoni region.


The securities of AuKing Mining Limited will be placed in trading halt at the request of AKN, pending it releasing an announcement. Unless ASX decides otherwise, the securities will remain in trading halt until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Thursday, 23 February 2023 or when the announcement is released to the market.


The company lodges the following: Annual Report to shareholders, Corporate Governance Statement 2023 and Appendix 4G.


Recent completion by AuKing of 100% interest in five Prospecting Licence (PL) areas at the Manyoni uranium project in central Tanzania. Historical exploration and drilling activities at Manyoni resulted in a mineral resource estimate of 92Mt (@ 100ppm cutoff) containing 29 million pounds of U3O8. AuKing's holdings incorporate almost all the historical estimated 2010 Manyoni uranium resources. Exploration program including 2000m of near surface drilling to start in March when wet season eases. Key aims of the program include upgrading the historical resource estimate and establishing Manyoni on a near-term production pathway.


AuKing Mining Limited confirms the issue of 65,000,000 fully ordinary shares and 40,000,000 unlisted $0.20 30 September 2025 options, pursuant to the acquisition of 92 U Pty Ltd - which holds interests in prospective uranium and copper licences in Tanzania - as announced on 19 October 2022.


The company releases a notification regarding unquoted securities.


The company releases a notice of application for quotation of securities.


AuKing Mining Limited advises that it has completed the purchase of various prospective uranium and copper licences in Tanzania. Project work on the key Manyoni and Mkuju projects will commence immediately.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report and Quarterly Cashflow Report.


The company releases a notification regarding unquoted securities.


AuKing to commence a scoping study for the development of a consolidated base metal mining hub. Cazaly's Bommie Porphyry Copper and Mount Angelo. Copper-Zinc deposits to be included in the scoping study. The collective substantial deposits are located within a 15km radius


AuKing has commenced a Scoping Study to assess the development of an open-pit and underground mining operation at the Sandiego deposit , Koongie Park Project. Potential contribution of sulphide ores from the nearby Emull deposit to be considered in the Study process. Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed with Cazaly Resources to include their Mt Angelo North and Bommie deposits (situated nearby to Sandiego) in the Study as additional mining feedstock options. Study findings likely by March 2023.


The company releases the results of its EGM.


Subject to shareholder approval at an extraordinary general meeting this week, the proposed acquisition of Tanzanian uranium and copper interests is due for completion before 31 December 2022. Significant exploration activities planned at both the Manyoni and Mkuju uranium projects in in early 2023. Manyoni activities will involve a two-staged program involving an initial data review and reporting of a 2012 JORC resource and followed up with a detailed drilling and exploration program across the prospective areas. Mkuju activities will comprise a systematic program of field spectrometer analysis and auger drilling over a significant area of the tenure.


The company releases a supplementary announcement retracting the metal equivalents disclosures that appeared in the previous announcement.


Independent maiden JORC 2012 Inferred and Indicated Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) for the Emull deposit - 10.8Mt @ 0.28% Cu, 0.44% Zn, 0.1% Pb and 5.4g/t Ag (CuEq 0.51%). Combined with the existing Koongie Park resource estimate of 8.9Mt @ 1.01% Cu, 3.67% Zn, 0.16g/t Au, 32g/t Ag and 0.77% Pb1 , total metal content now comprises: 120,100 tonnes of copper; 373,400 tonnes of zinc; 46,000 ounces of gold; 11 million ounces of silver and 78,700 tonnes of lead.


The company has completed an Unmarketable Parcel Sale Facility for holders of parcels with a market value of less than $500 worth of fully paid, ordinary shares in AKN. A total of 979 shareholders with an aggregate of 466,280 shares participated in the Facility. The shares were sold at a price of 10 cents each by the Company's Broker, Vert Capital Pty Ltd.


The company releases a letter to its shareholders regarding its egm.


The company's extraordinary general meeting will be held on 16 December 2022 at 9:30am (Brisbane time) at Level 7, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street Brisbane, Queensland.


Further reverse circulation drilling has identified additional copper mineralisation at the Emull deposit, part of the Koongie Park Project. Drilling designed to expand known mineralisation identified in historic and recent drilling programs. Emull initial resource estimate due by the end of 2022.


The company releases its presentation to Noosa Mining Conference.


The company releases its IMARC Conference Presentation.


The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report and Quarterly Activities Report.


Completion of a combined 7,438m reverse circulation (RC) and diamond drilling program confirms further zones of copper mineralization "“ both to the north of Sandiego near water bore hole ASWB001, and also in the deeper sulphide zones at Sandiego. No significant results from drilling at Cosmo "“ further assessment required there. Awaiting assays from further drilling recently completed at Emull "“ to be reported shortly.


The company confirms the issue of 13,740,000 fully ordinary shares pursuant to tranche 1 of the placement at $0.10 per share to sophisticated and professional investors as part of the capital raising program announced on 19 October 2022.


The company releases a notice of application for quotation of securities.


The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities.


A 100% interest acquired in six projects in Tanzania "“ four prospective for uranium (Mkuju, Manyoni, Itigi and Magaga) and the other two prospective for copper (Mpanda and Karema). The uranium projects are either nearby or include areas subject to significant prior exploration and development up until 2012/2013. The Mpanda copper project is approx. 10kms away from the historic Mukwamba copper mine that operated between 1930 and 1960. Two-staged funding exercise proposed for exploration. The 10c issue price for the T1 and T2 placements represents a 17% premium to AKN's 30 day VWAP. These funds will be utilised (together with existing cash reserves) towards further exploration and development of the company's flagship Koongie Park Project, initial exploration and data review of the Tanzanian projects, and working capital.


The securities of AuKing Mining Limited will be placed in trading halt at the request of AKN, pending it releasing an announcement. Unless ASX decides otherwise, the securities will remain in trading halt until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Wednesday, 19 October 2022 or when the announcement is released to the market.


The company releases its updated results from the Onedine metallurgy testwork program. The updated version includes a JORC Table 1.


AuKing Mining has reported outstanding copper recoveries up to 90% from its metallurgical testwork at the Onedin deposit at its Koongie Park Project in Western Australia's Halls Creek region. These latest results s follow the completion of a further stage of testwork at Onedin. Important findings about recoveries on the near-surface oxide ores include the following: Excellent copper (Cu) recoveries (> 90%) from certain ores utilising ammonia leaching; Cu and zinc (Zn) recoveries are not generally affected by particle size; In zones of greater iron (Fe) concentration, Cu recoveries improve over time; Higher-grade Zn zones are amenable to ammonia leaching, whereas in the lower-grade Zn zones the mineral is observed to be locked in the weathered Fe lattice and more difficult to recover; and Heap leaching appears to be the most likely metallurgical recovery process for these Onedin materials.


The company has established an Unmarketable Parcel Sale Facility for holders of parcels with a market value of less than $500 worth of fully paid, ordinary shares in AKN.


The company releases its New World Metals Investment Series Presentation.


AuKing Mining Limited today announced it has acquired a further 5% participating interest in the Company's Koongie Park Joint Venture with Astral Resources. AKN's interest in the KPJV now stands at 80% and AAR at 20%.


First nine holes of 13-hole reverse circulation drilling program over 2,418m confirms discovery of significant near-surface copper mineralisation at Cosmo prospect, south-west of the Onedin deposit, within the Koongie Park Project, Western Australia. Cosmo is situated 500m south-west of the main Onedin deposit area but has been largely unexplored. Further drilling planned for this prospect later in 2022. Diamond drilling at the downhole electromagnetic conductor targets near Onedin has identified a significant zone of sulphide mineralisation at depth that creates potential for an underground development option, subject to further drilling.


1,094m eight-hole reverse circulation drilling program confirms wide, near surface, copper and zinc sulphide mineralisation at Emull, within the Koongie Park Project, Western Australia. Drilling results are consistent with the significant historic exploration conducted by Northern Star Resources (2004-2009). Emull mineralisation remains open at depth and along strike. Significant magnetic features also exist to the north-west and to the south-west of the main mineralised zone. Potential for a shallow, bulk tonnage, open pit operation at Emull "“ representing a pivotal change in AKN's potential mining development strategy at Koongie Park. Further drilling now planned at Emull before the end of 2022.


The company lodges its Half Yearly Report and Accounts.


The company lodges the following: Quarterly Activities Report and Quarterly Cashflow Report.


The company has completed its 4,334m reverse circulation (RC) drilling program across 28 holes at its flagship Koongie Park Copper/Zinc Project in Western Australia's Halls Creek Region.


The company releases a notification regarding unquoted securities.


The company confirms the issue on 27 June 2022 of 1,053,572 fully paid ordinary shares and 632,143 $0.25 AKNO options pursuant to part settlement of Tranche 2 of the placement to sophisticated and professional investors along with the issue of 10,000,000 $0.25 AKNO options to the advisors of the capital raise program as announced on 20 April 2022.


The company releases a notice of application for quotation of securities.


The company releases its presentation to Gold Coast Investment Showcase Conference.


Drilling activities at Koongie Park commenced on 24 May 2022 and since that time a total of 2694 metres of reverse circulation (RC) drilling across 16 holes has been completed. A total of 14 holes have been drilled at the Onedin South prospect. Preliminary visual observations and pXRF analysis have indicated the presence of mineralization in these Onedin South drill holes, but full details will not be known until assay results are received. Testwork on the Onedin oxide and transition ores is continuing and two significant results have been achieved. The placement has almost been finalised. In the current difficult market conditions, a total of 5,946,428 shares have been placed at an issue price of 14c per share (total proceeds $832,500 received) together with the issue of 3,567,856 free attaching options. AKN's Board considers it is a significant achievement to complete the placement at 14c per share and represents a strong show of support for AKN and its project activities. The balance of the placement (1,053,572 shares/ $147,500 proceeds) is expected to be completed shortly.


The company confirms the issue of on 20 June 2022 of 499,469 fully paid ordinary shares and 299,681 $0.25 AKNO options pursuant to part settlement of Tranche 2 of the placement to sophisticated and professional investors as part of the capital raising program.


The company releases a notice of application for quotation of securities.


The company confirms the issue on 15 June 2022 of 5,446,959 fully paid ordinary shares and 3,268,175 $0.25 AKNO options pursuant to part settlement of Tranche 2 of the placement to sophisticated and professional investors as part of the capital raising program announced on 20 April 2022.


The company releases an application for quotation of securities.


The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities.


The company issues 6,274,137 $0.25 AKNO options pursuant to tranche 1 of the placement to sophisticated and professional investors as part of the capital raising program.


The company releases a notice of application for quotation of securities.


The company releases the results of its AGM.


On 25 May 2022 AKN received a notice from Vert Capital exercising its rights to terminate the Underwriting Agreement in accordance with Clause 10. AKN will not issue the Shortfall shares at the present time, however, as disclosed in the Offer Prospectus dated 20 April 2022, the Directors of AKN reserve the right to place any of the remaining Shortfall shares at the same price of $0.14 cents per share (together with attaching options) for a three (3) month period after close of the Offer. A condition precedent under the AAR Acquisition Agreement allowed for AKN to withdraw in the event of AKN not successfully completing a minimum $7M capital raising by 16 May 2022 . AKN and AAR agreed to extend the date for satisfaction (or waiver) of the Condition Precedent until 27 May 2022. AKN has given notice to AAR that it will not satisfy the Condition Precedent and, as a result, the AAR Acquisition Agreement will be immediately terminated without any further effect. As a result of termination of that agreement, the issue of shares to AAR will now not proceed and accordingly, Resolution 8 will be withdrawn from the list of Resolutions to be considered the AGM.


Drilling at Koongie Park has commenced. Features of the proposed drilling included strong conductive sources "offset" from known areas of mineralisation at Onedin and Sandiego that were identified from downhole geophysics surveys completed earlier this year.


The 1 for 3 non-renounceable entitlement offer to existing shareholders closed at 5pm on 16 May 2022. Total subscriptions for the offer are as follows: the final number of shares available under the offer waws 25,197,379; acceptances were received for a total of 2,691,644 new shares (including applications for additional shares) from 62 shareholders raising $376,830.16; and the net shortfall under the offer was 22,505,735 shares - $3,150,802.90.


The company releases a notice of application for quotation of securities.


A condition precedent under the AAR Acquisition Agreement allowed for AKN to withdraw in the event of AKN not successfully completing a minimum $7M capital raising. This condition was required to be satisfied (or waived by AKN) by yesterday, 16 May 2022. By mutual agreement AKN and AAR have agreed to extend the date for satisfaction of this condition until Friday, 27 May 2022.


The initial testwork on the samples at Onedin established: the existence of secondary carbonate species in the Onedin mineralized zone; and the potential to achieve recovery rates for the Cu, Zn and other minerals that are hosted within those carbonates. Stage 1 of the Onedin testwork program is being conducted in conjunction with Perth-based Simulus Laboratories. AKN previously lodged an R&D Tax Incentive application with AusIndustry in respect of the Onedin metallurgical testwork program. That application has since achieved registration and, subject to final processing from Australian Taxation Office, a refund in excess of $550,000 is expected in relation to research works completed during AKN's 2021 Financial Year.


Downhole geophysics survey completed on certain holes drilled during the 2021 program at both Onedin and Sandiego. DHEM identified strong conductive sources "offset" from known areas of mineralisation at Onedin and Sandiego "“ indicating potential to discover significant extensions to existing resources. Planned 2022 Koongie Park drill program is a combination of RC and diamond drilling targeting the following high priority areas: Onedin DHEM extension; Sandiego DHEM extension; Onedin South geophysical anomalies; Sandiego 700m water bore target zone; Emull; and Magnetic anomaly identified in 2021 on E80/4960. Total estimated drilling of 7,500m expected for a budgeted expenditure of $1.5M "“ first drilling to commence late May 2022. Ultra-fine soil sampling program planned across the 12km area of PGE-prospective area near to Pantoro's Lamboo PGE Deposit ~900-1200 samples to be taken for assay and assessment prior to a potential drilling program later in the year. Preliminary pXRF results from RC drilling and ongoing assay results to be reported over the coming weeks and months.


The company's AGM will be held on 31 May 2022 at 9.30am (Brisbane time) at Level 7 Waterfront Place 1 Eagle St, Brisbane.


The company confirms the issue of 18,822,412 fully ordinary shares pursuant to tranche 1 of the placement at $0.14 per share to sophisticated and professional investors as part of the capital raising program announced on 20 April 2022. The company also provides a Section 708A notice.


The company releases a notice of application for quotation of securities.


The company lodges the following: Quarterly Activities Report and Quarterly Cashflow Report.


Assay results received from historic (pre-2010) drill core samples from the Sandiego deposit at Koongie Park. Results are consistent with the cobalt mineralisation previously reported at Sandiego and confirm the potential for a cobalt resource that is very complementary to the existing copper/zinc/silver mineralisation at Sandiego. These results ensure that the extent of cobalt mineralisation at Sandiego will be a continued focus of exploration activities. Existing Koongie Park JORC 2012 resources of 8.9Mt at 1.01% Cu, 3.67% Zn, 0.77% Pb, 0.16g/t Au, and 26g/t Ag* do not include provision for any cobalt mineralisation.


The company releases a notice to its shareholders in relation to the entitlement offer.


The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities.


The company issues a prospectus for a non-renounceable rights issue to Eligible Shareholders of One (1) New Share for every Three (3) Shares held at an issue price of $0.14 per New Share (together with free-attaching options exercisable at $0.25 on or before 30 June 2023 to be issued on the basis of One (1) option for every Three (3) New Shares issued) to raise approximately $3,527,517.


The company releases a notice to ineligible shareholders in relation to the non-renounceable pro rata accelerated entitlement offer of one new fully paid ordinary share for every three existing shares held on the Record Date at an issue price of $0.14 per New Share.


Capital raise program for total of $7.1 million by way of a placement and an underwritten Entitlement Offer to existing shareholders. Firm commitments have been received by AKN for an initial placement at 14c per share to sophisticated and professional investors to raise approximately $3.61M. The placement was managed by lead manager Vert Capital. The Placement is in two tranches "“ first tranche of 18.822M shares to be settled shortly and the balance 7m shares after shareholder approval at AKN's AGM scheduled for late May 2022. The Placement price is 14c per share and represents a 12.5% discount to the last AKN trading price on 13 April 2022 and a 23.5% discount to the 15-day VWAP (18.3c). A pro-rata non-renounceable Rights Issue on the basis of one (1) new share for every three (3) shares held follows the Placement and is on the same terms as the Placement, to raise a maximum of $3.51M. Vert Capital has agreed to underwrite any shortfall of applications under the Rights Issue. Funds raised, after costs, will be used by AKN for: further drilling and exploration at Onedin, Sandiego and Emull deposits; acquisition of the remaining 25% interest in the Koongie Park JV and 100% of the PGE rights across the Koongie Park tenure package; working capital purposes. Drilling at Koongie Park is scheduled to commence in late May.


The securities of AuKing Mining Limited will be placed in trading halt at the request of AKN, pending it releasing an announcement. Unless ASX decides otherwise, the securities will remain in trading halt until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Wednesday, 20 April 2022 or when the announcement is released to the market.


Upgraded resource estimate for Koongie Park has been established as follows: 8.9Mt @ 1.01% Cu, 3.67% Zn, 0.16g/t Au, 32g/t Ag and 0.77% Pb. Represents a 30% increase on the previously published resource estimate for the project. Upgrade follows the completion of 2021 drilling program - AKN engaged CSA Global to prepare an update to the existing JORC (2012) Mineral Resource Estimate for the Onedin and Sandiego deposits. Confidence in the existing Koongie Park Mineral Resource Estimate is now 97% in the Indicated classification. No provision made for cobalt and molybdenum discoveries in the updated resource estimate, pending additional drilling. Enhanced understanding of the structural geology around the Onedin and Sandiego deposits developed. High priority areas for expansion of existing resources and potential discovery of new VMS-style mineralised "shoots" near the two major deposits identified. Access approval granted for the proposed drilling at the Emull prospect "“ subject to final heritage survey clearance, drilling at Emull is expected to commence within the next 4-5 weeks.


The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities.


Agreement has been signed with Anglo Australian Resources NL to acquire AAR's: 25% interest in the Koongie Park JV; and PGE rights across the Koongie Park tenure package. Acquisition involves purchase price of A$6M payable in three tranches. AKN aims to fund the purchase price from the proceeds of a combined proposed rights issue to existing shareholders and a strategic private placement to sophisticated investors, details of which will be made available shortly. The Koongie Park tenures include areas adjoining Pantoro Limited's Lamboo PGE Deposit where outstanding platinum group element results have been reported and where PNR plans a further 20,000m of drilling during this year. Historic soil sampling on nearby Koongie Park tenures have also demonstrated anomalous zones of platinum, palladium, nickel and cobalt, providing confidence that the PNR mineralisation could extend into the AKN ground.


Trading in the securities of the entity will be temporarily paused pending a further announcement.


The company releases its presentation to Brisbane Mining Conference.


The company confirms the issue of the following securities: 300,000 fully paid ordinary shares (AKN) at $0.165 per share and 4,000,000 options (AKNO) in the Company exercisable at $0.25 per share on or before 30 June 2023. The company also releases a 708A notice.


The company releases an application for quotation of securities.


The company releases the results of its meeting.


The company releases a notice of application for quotation of securities.


Assay results obtained from the final three drill holes from the drilling program at Onedin conducted in Q4 CY2021. Latest assays provide very strong confirmation of high-grade copper, zinc, silver and other mineralisation across the known mineralised zone at Onedin.  Following completion of the drill program and reporting, AKN's focus is to conduct the Onedin metallurgical testwork program which has the intention of establishing economic metal recoveries.


Assay results obtained from additional three drill holes from drilling program at Onedin conducted in Q4 CY2021. These results confirm a significant high-grade deposit with final Onedin assays due within the next week. Upon receipt of all assays, Onedin metallurgical testwork program will commence with the intention of establishing economic metal recoveries. Latest assays provide strong confirmation of high-grade mineralisation to the south of drill hole AORD004 which reported 105m of 1.94% Cu and 55g/t Ag from 46m, including 16.6m at 10.2% Cu and 316g/t Ag.


First assay results obtained from AKN's drilling program at Onedin conducted in November/December 2021. High-grade, near surface copper and silver, and other mineral intersections identified at drill hole AORD004. AORD004 is one of seven (7) diamond drill holes drilled at Onedin as part of the proposed metallurgical testwork program. Assay results for AORD004 provide strong confirmation of high-grade mineralisation to the north of drill hole AOWB003 which reported 124m @ 1.03% Cu, 1.08% Zn, 1.54% Pb & 50g/t Ag from 8m. More anomalous zones of molybdenum in AORD004 "“ consistent with the strong Mo intervals previously reported at drill holes AOWB003 and AORC004. Remaining assays from the Onedin drilling program are expected to be received and reported within the next week.


The following securities will be released from escrow: Fully paid Ordinary Shares 833,333 (1 March 2022); Fully paid Ordinary Shares 833,334 (3 March 2022); Fully paid Ordinary Shares 333,334 (4 March 2022); Fully paid Ordinary Shares 333,333 (10 March 2022); Fully paid Ordinary Shares 100,000 (11 March 2022); Fully paid Ordinary Shares 66,666 (12 March 2022).


The company releases a letter to its shareholders regarding the EGM.


The company's general meeting will be on 11 March 2022 at 9.30am (Brisbane time) at Level 2 Christie Centre 320 Adelaide Street Brisbane QLD 4000.


The company lodges the following: Full Year Statutory Accounts, Corporate Governance Statement, Appendix 4G and Proactive Investors Webinar Presentation


AKN has now completed the Second Earn-in Milestone under their Koongie Park Joint Venture agreement with Anglo Australian Resources NL.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report and Quarterly Cashflow Report.


The Board of AKN advises that it has resolved to reduce the share capital of the Company by an amount of $46,097,623 in accordance with s258F of the Corporations Act 2001.


AKN has completed the First Earn-in Milestone under their Koongie Park Joint Venture agreement with Anglo Australian Resources NL.


Most recent assay results representing near-surface and deeper drilling at Sandiego. Discovery of new near-surface ore grade copper mineralisation ~ 700m north of known Sandiego deposit. Further high-grade copper zones intersected at Sandiego, extending the known mineralisation at depth. Current diamond drilling at Onedin to obtain samples for metallurgical testwork commencing in late December/ early 2022. Assay results from these drill holes expected in December. 7,500m combined RC and diamond drill program ~ 75% complete. Drilling to continue into mid-December.


The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities.


Vert Capital acted as lead manager in relation to the placement and was entitled to a fee of 6% of the placement funds raised namely, $148,500. The Company has reached agreement with Vert Capital that in lieu of payment in cash of one-third (1/3) of the lead manager fee ($49,500), shares would be issued by the Company at the same price as the Placement "“ 16.5c per share. A total of 300,000 shares will be issued to Vert Capital as a result. Because the Company currently has no existing capacity to issue further securities under the ASX Listing Rules, these additional shares will not be issued to Vert Capital until approved by AKN shareholders at the next available general meeting, which is likely to be held in early 2022 and by 31 May 2022 at the latest.


The company confirms the issue of 15,000,000 fully ordinary shares pursuant to the placement at $0.165 per share to sophisticated and professional investors announced on 17 November 2021.


The company releases an application for quotation of securities.


The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities.


AKN receives binding commitments to raise $2.47M through a strongly supported share placement at 16.5c per share. A total of 15M new shares will be issued under the placement which was managed by Perth-based Vert Capital. The placement funds (less costs) enable AKN to enter into commitments with drilling companies to carry out further drilling activities from March/April 2022. News flow to continue from existing drilling program at Koongie Park (Sandiego and Onedin deposits). AKN also formally commits to ESG principles in conjunction with technology platform, Socialsuite.


The securities of AuKing Mining Limited will be placed in trading halt at the request of AKN, pending it releasing an announcement. Unless ASX decides otherwise, the securities will remain in trading halt until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Wednesday, 17 November 2021 or when the announcement is released to the market.


The company releases a presentation to the Noosa Mining Conference.


Additional assay results representing both near-surface drilling at Onedin and deeper drilling at Sandiego. Wide zones of high grade copper, zinc, and other mineral intersections. Identified elevated zones of REE lanthanides (>1,000ppm) in Sandiego drill holes ASRD002 and ASRD003. Further cobalt mineralisation identified in both the Sandiego drill holes ASRD002 and ASRD003. 7,500m combined RC and diamond drill program ~ 65% complete. Drilling to continue into November/early December, with ongoing assays reported until the end of year.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report.


The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report.


The company releases a response to ASX Aware Query.


First assay results obtained drilling program at Koongie Park. High-grade, near surface copper, zinc, silver, and other mineral intersections across all holes drilled. 7,500m combined RC and diamond drill program ~ 50% complete.Drilling to continue into November, with ongoing assays reported until the end of year.


The company lodges its Half Year Accounts.


AKN's first drilling program at Koongie Park commenced on Tuesday, 3 August. A minimum 7,000m combined RC and diamond drill program to test mineralisation at depths of between 130m and 900m. 30 target holes identified at highly prospective across the Sandiego and Onedin deposits. Existing Koongie Park JORC 2012 resources of 6.8Mt at 1.3% Cu, 4.1% Zn, 0.3g/t Au and 26g/t Ag. Drilling campaign duration of three months with first assays expected in September.


The company releases the results of its AGM.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report.


The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report.


The company releases an Investor Presentation.


AKN's first drill program at Koongie Park to commence at the end of July. AKN to undertake a minimum 7,000m combined RC and diamond drill program to test mineralisation at depths of between 130m and 900m. 30 target holes identified at highly prospective Sandiego and Onedin deposits. The program is designed to: improve geological interpretation and resource confidence; test potential mineralised extensions at depth and along strike; obtain fresh samples to conduct metallurgical testwork (especially near-surface ores at Onedin). Previous drilling at Koongie Park, includes multiple excellent high grade intercepts. Previous exploration results have been used to assist targeting the proposed AKN drilling program. Program duration of three months with first assays expected in early September.


The company releases a corrected version of its notice of AGM and proxy form.


The company's AGM will be held on 30 July 2021 at 9.30am at Level 8, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane.


Reinstatement to official quotation on ASX following completion of public offer to raise ~$7m through the issue of 35m shares and 17.5m options exercisable at 25c (expiring June 2023). Total issued shares of 60.2M shares, creating a market capitalisation of $12M and enterprise value of $5M upon reinstatement of official quotation. Capital raising was oversubscribed and provides financial flexibility to progress the 75% earn-in of Koongie Park. Approximately 22% of the total issued shares will be subject to escrow restriction of between 12 and 24 months. Koongie Park copper/zinc project is situated in the highly mineralised Halls Creek region of WA and comprises two mining and eight exploration licences covering 500km2. Existing JORC 2012 resources of 6.36Mt at 1.3% Cu, 4.1% Zn, 0.3g/t Au and 26g/t Ag. Koongie Park tenures are highly prospective for discovery of further Volcanic Massive Sulphide deposits and extensions. Clear strategy in place for development and an active works campaign to commence immediately.


securities reinstated to quotation


The suspension of trading in the securities of AuKing Mining Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Tuesday, 15 June 2021, following AKN's re-compliance with Chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules.


The company has now satisfied the final requirements of ASX under Chapter 1 and 2 of the Listing Rules and confirm that re-listing of the AKN shares and options will take place at 10am on Tuesday, 15 June 2021. All conditions precedent in respect of the Koongie Park Project Agreement with Anglo Australian Resources NL have been satisfied.


Anglo Australian Resources has now received payment of the final $900,000 from AuKing Mining Limited with respect to the Koongie Park Project Agreement announced on 25 June 2020. AuKing has earned a 25% participating interest in the Koongie Park Joint Venture. AuKing has the opportunity to earn up to a 75% interest in the Joint Venture by funding exploration and project development studies.


The company releases the following: Appendix 1A Listing Application, Appendix 1A Information Form and Checklist, Information Form and Checklist Annexure 1 (Mining Entities), Updated Constitution, Pre-Quotation Disclosure, Updated Pro-forma Statement of Financial Positon, Satisfaction of Koongie Park Transaction Conditions, Top 20 (shares), Top 20 (Options), Distribution Schedule (Shares), Distribution Schedule (Options), Technical Memo on Applicability of AmmLeach to Koongie Park.


The securities of Auking Mining Limited are expected to be reinstated to Official Quotation at the commencement of trading at 10:00 AM AEST on Tuesday, 15 June 2021, following its re-compliance with Chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules. AKN raised $7 million pursuant to the offer under its prospectus dated 9 March 2021 as supplemented by the First Supplementary Prospectus dated 19 March 2021, the Second Supplementary Prospectus dated 23 April 2021, the Third Supplementary Prospectus dated 4 May 2021, the Fourth Supplementary Prospectus dated 31 May 2021 and the Fifth Supplementary Prospectus dated 3 June 2021 ("˜Prospectus') by the issue 35,000,000 shares at an issue price of $0.20 per share and 17,500,000 quoted options exercisable at $0.25 per option expiring on Friday, 30 June 2023.


Excellent progress has been made with the various outstanding matters associated with the Koongie Park transaction. Subject to the Company satisfying the final requirements of ASX under Chapter 1 and 2 of the Listing Rules, it is currently expected that re-listing of the AKN shares and options will take place on 15 June 2021. One of the resolutions approved by shareholders related to the consolidation of the Company's issued capital on the basis that every two hundred (200) shares be consolidated into one (1) share. Consolidation is now complete. Post consolidation the Company had on issue a total of 4,663,199 ordinary shares. The Company has also issued all other shares that were approved for issue at the EGM. The public offer has now closed welloversubscribed. AKN has been fortunate to secure applications in excess of the maximum $7m and will issue the full 35m shares and 17.5m free-attaching options. AKN is working on a range of proposed exploration activities to be implemented at Koongie Park as soon as possible after ASX re-admission. Significantly, negotiations and preparations are being finalized to allow for AKN to commence a substantial drilling program in and around the two primary deposits, Onedin and Sandiego.


The company releases a fifth supplementary prospectus in relation to the public offer and copper/zinc transaction.


The company releases the fourth supplementary prospectus. The company will extend the closing date of the public offer until this Thursday, 3 June 2021, while it obtains ASX's requested independent report.


The company releases an Appendix 2A.


The company releases a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - AKN.


The company releases the Results of its Meeting.


The company releases a notice of consolidation. Shareholders get 1 share for every 200 presently owned.


The company releases a third supplementary prospectus to confirm that agreement has been reached by AKN with various parties where the material agreements were due to lapse on either 29 or 30 April 2021. These included the Koongi Park earn-in agreement with Anglo Australian Resources, the JCHX loan agreement and respective long-term convertible note agreements.


The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report.


The company releases a supplementary prospectus.


The general meeting of shareholders has been convened to be held at 9.30am on Friday, 21 May 2021 both virtually (online) and in person at Level 7, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane.


The company releases a letter to its shareholders regarding the EGM.


The company releases a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - AKN.


The company releases an Corporate Governance Statement 2021.


The company releases an Appendix 4G.


The company lodges its Annual Report to shareholders.


The compay releases a supplementary prospectus in relation to the public offer of up to 35,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares at an issue price of 20c per share to raise up to $7million lodged on 9 March 2021.


The company releases a letter to its shareholders regarding the public offer and Koongie Park copper/zinc transaction.


The Prospectus is being issued in connection with the Company's proposed acquisition (by way of earn-in) of up to a 75% interest in the Koongie Park copper/zinc project near Halls Creek in north-eastern Western Australia. The Prospectus is a re-compliance prospectus for the purposes of satisfying Chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules and to satisfy the ASX requirements for re-admission to the Official List following a change in the nature and scale of the Company's activities. The Company proposes to shortly issue a Notice of Meeting for an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, with the Company aiming to hold this meeting on or around 16 April 2021.


The company releases a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - AKN.


A prospectus was lodged with ASIC in relation to a public offer of up to 35,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares at an issue price of 20c per Share to raise up to $7million, with a minimum subscription of $6million (30,000,000 shares). The offer includes free-attaching options exercisable at 25c on or before 30 June 2023, to be issued on the basis of one option for every two shares issued.


The company issues a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - AKN.


The company releases details on the issue of 230,000 convertible notes in the company at an issue price of $1 per note to private sophisticated investors. When combined with the notes recently issued on the same terms, the company has raised a total of $750,000. Notes term - 31 December 2021. Interest payable - 10% per annum, payable quarterly in arrears. Convertibility - automaticaly, on completion of the company's proposed capital raising, as part of the proposed ASX relisting of AKN's shares - at an issur price of 12c per share; at the election of the holder, notes may be converted at a 55% discount to the proposed 20c issue price to be offered to the public under the company's prospectus.


The company lodges its Half Year Report and Accounts 30 June 2020.


The company releases a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - AKN.


The company releases a notice on the issue of 520,000 convertible notes in the company at an issue price of $1 per note to clients of Novus Capital Limited, including a large institutional investor. Novus Capital is the company's lead manager for the proposed minimum $6 million capital raising of the company. The convertible note terms are similar to the company's existing issued notes and are summarized as follows: total funds raised - $520,000; notes term - 31 December 2021; and interest payable - 10% per annum, payable quarterly in arrears. Funds raised from the issue of these convertible notes will be used for ongoing operating costs and costs associated with the Koongie Park earn-in agreement and the company's recompliance activities including a prospectus capital raising, shareholder meeting and other actions as may be required by ASX.


Under Listing Rule 17.6, any entity (if not already suspended) that has not paid its annual listing fees by close of business on Friday, 19 February 2021 will have its securities suspended from official quotation before the commencement of trading on Monday, 22 February 2021. The company has not paid the second instalment of its annual listing fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2021 but the securities are already suspended from official quotation.


In principle advice has been received from the ASX, following which AKN intends to proceed with its proposed Koongie Park copper/zinc transaction with Anglo Australian NL and capital raising. AKN will be required to meet all of the requirements for re-admission to ASX and re-quotation set out in Chapters 1 and 2 of the Listing Rules to ASX's satisfaction. AKN now intends to proceed with the issue of a prospectus for the proposed raising of a minimum of $6M, with provision to accept over-subscriptions for a further $1M, in order to raise sufficient funds to enable AKN to carry out its earn-in obligations at Koongie Park. AKN will be making provision for a priority entitlement under the capital raising for existing shareholders who wish to participate in the raising. AKN has engaged CSA Global to prepare an Independent Technical Report for inclusion in the prospectus document.


The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report.


The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report.


The company has signed a mandate with Sydneybased Novus Capital Limited as the Lead Manager for its upcoming capital raising and proposed re-quotation on the ASX. Novus will lead and co-ordinate all funds raised for the AKN capital raising and will continue to provide corporate advisory services after that activity is completed. AKN is proposing to raise a minimum of $6M, with provision to accept oversubscriptions for a further $1M, in order to raise sufficient funds to enable AKN to carry out its earn-in obligations at the Koongie Park copper/zinc project in northeastern Western Australia. AKN intends to commence the capital raising in October/early November 2020.


The company lodges its Preliminary Half Year Accounts.


The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report.


The company releases the results of its meeting.


The company releases a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - AKN.


The company has issued 150,000 convertible notes in the company at an issue price of $1 per note to a sophisticated private investor. The convertible note terms are identical to the company's existing issued notes. The funds raised from the issue of these convertible notes will be used for ongoing operating costs and costs associated with the Koongie Park earn-in agreement and the company's re-compliance activities including a prospectus capital raising, shareholder meeting and other actions as may be required by ASX.


CSA Global has been appointed to act as independent technical specialist for the company in relation to the Koongie Park project.


The company's AGM will be held on Thursday, 30 July 2020 at 9.30am (Brisbane time) at Level 7 Waterfront Place 1 Eagle St, Brisbane.


Anglo Australian Resources releases an announcement regarding entering into a binding term sheet with AuKing Mining in respect of the Koongie Park Base Metals Project in the Kimberley region of WA. AuKing can earn up to a 75% interest in the Koongie Park Project by making a $1m cash payment to Anglo Australian and spending $3m on exploration via two earn-in periods over an aggregate three-year period.


AKN has entered into an agreement withAnglo Australian Resources NL to earn up to a 75% interest in the Koongie Park copper/zinc project, situated 25kms south-west of Halls Creek in northern Western Australia. Koongie Park is already a significant undeveloped base metals project with publicly reported JORC 2004 resources containingcopper, zinc, gold and silver. Koongie Park has been the subject of extensive exploration drilling and feasibility studies, focussing on deeper sulphide resources as the near-surface oxides could not be processed. As part of the transaction, AKN will engage the services of a group that licences the Ammleach ammoniacal leaching process. AKN can earn up to a total 75% Koongie Park project interest by incurring $4M of expenditure over a period of 3 years. That funding is intended to be sufficient to carry out necessary processing testwork and establish the commercial feasibility study for the development of a mine at Koongie Park.


The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report.


The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report.


The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report.


The securities of AuKing Mining Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately, following receipt of an announcement regarding a transaction that will result in a change of its activities. AKN's securities will remain suspended until it has complied with Chapters 1 and 2 of the Listing Rules under Listing Rule 11.1.3 and AKN's operations are adequate to warrant the continued quotation of its securities under Listing Rule 12.1.


name changed from Chinalco Yunnan Copper Resources Ltd



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Can anyone explain what happens to existing shareholdings. With the new raising, are shares in the old vehicle now worthless?

26/03/2021 20:06:47

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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

    rss feeds

    Purchases Sales

    31/05/2022Peter Tighe500,000$0.100$50,000
    28/04/2014Paul Williams90,000$0.035$3,147
    22/04/2014Paul Williams110,000$0.031$3,450
    23/08/2011Jason Beckton74,560$0.200$14,932

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Peter TigheNon Exec Chairman12/03/2021
    Paul WilliamsManaging Director, CEO06/03/2013
    Paul MarshallCFO, Company Secretary07/01/2007
    Kylie PrendergastDirector19/12/2024
    Nick HardingDirector19/12/2024
    Mark FisherDirector19/12/2024

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    ShiZhou YinNon Exec Director09/06/202119/12/2024
    Asimwe KabungaNon Exec Chairman19/10/202203/06/2024
    Park WeiNon Exec Director05/06/202329/05/2024
    Anna Nahajski-StaplesNon Exec Chairman, Independent Director01/10/202205/04/2023
    Ian HodkinsonNon Exec Director12/03/202105/04/2023
    Mark ElliottNon Exec Chairman12/03/202101/10/2022
    Huaisheng PengNon Exec Chairman06/12/201612/03/2021
    Qinghai WangNon Exec Director16/03/201612/03/2021
    Zewen YangExecutive Director01/08/200712/03/2021
    Zhihua YaoNon Exec Chairman23/12/201006/12/2016
    Xiancheng WangNon Exec Director16/03/201606/12/2016
    Richard HatcherExecutive Director12/12/201228/08/2013
    Jason BecktonNon Exec Director31/07/200706/03/2013
    Norman ZillmanNon Exec Chairman27/01/199812/12/2012
    Liang ZhongCo-Chairman23/12/2010
    Chao YangNon Exec Chairman24/11/2009
    Stanley ElliottNon Exec Director30/05/200624/11/2009
    Shaolu ZouChairman01/08/200730/01/2008
    Yu WeipingNon Exec Director01/08/200730/01/2008

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.