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12 March 2025
Name: | ATECH HOLDINGS LIMITED (ATH) (This company subsequently changed its name to FATFISH GROUP LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Status.) | ||||||||||||
Date of Listing: | 23 November 1995 | ||||||||||||
Subsequent Names: |
| ||||||||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status: (updated daily)
This company subsequently changed its name to FATFISH GROUP LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Stock Exchange Status.Legal Status: (updated monthly)
This company subsequently changed its name to FATFISH GROUP LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Legal Status.Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status: (updated at least quarterly)
This company subsequently changed its name and is now FATFISH GROUP LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Capital Gains Tax Status.
Updates, corrections, disagreements please email to
Further information: deListed and InvestoGain are operated by Investogain Pty Limited which is licensed by ASIC as an Australian Financial Services Licensee (AFSL 334036). deListed acquires only securities that it deems to be of little or no value, in circumstances where the holder is unable to sell their securities on-market in the normal manner. This service has been provided online via the company’s website since 2004.
Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
Disclaimer: The information provided above is to the best of our knowledge accurate as of today. But you should bear in mind that it is of a general nature and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Investogain Pty Limited accepts no liability for any loss arising from reliance on this information, including reliance on information that is no longer current.
FROM | TO | |
FATFISH GROUP LIMITED | 21/08/2020 | |
FATFISH BLOCKCHAIN LIMITED | 13/11/2018 | 21/08/2020 |
FATFISH INTERNET GROUP LTD | 18/07/2014 | 13/11/2018 |
ATECH HOLDINGS LIMITED | 12/04/1999 | 18/07/2014 |
Security Transfer Australia Pty Ltd
No longer operating
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the securities of this Company will be reinstated to Official Quotation from the commencement of trading on Tuesday, 22 July 2014 - it is noted that the company's securities have been suspended since 25 June 1998, more than 16 (sixteen) years ago - a period during which its assets were frittered away at huge loss to company shareholders | 18/07/2014 |
name changed to Fatfish Internet Group Ltd | 18/07/2014 |
The Directors of Atech Holdings Limited (ASX:ATH), to be renamed Fatfish Internet Group Limited (Company), are pleased to announce that the Company has now completed its capital raising of $3,459,572 under the Company's Replacement Prospectus dated 15 April 2014, the First Supplementary Prospectus dated 22 April 2014 and the Second Supplementary Prospectus dated 7 July 2014 (the "Prospectus") | 15/07/2014 |
second supplementary prospectus issued | 07/07/2014 |
for more than 10 years we have been calling on the directors of this company to return the cash holding to shareholders and wind the company up - the $2m or more the company had originally, has virtually gone - there is nothing to show for it - shareholders should be warned about throwing good money after bad - this is just another example of where the regulators need to show a bit of initiative | 16/05/2014 |
Atech Holdings Limited (ASX: ATH)("the Company) has lodged a Supplementary Prospectus with ASIC on this day | 22/04/2014 |
the Company invites applications for up to 20,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.20 per Share, together with 1 free attaching Option (exercisable at $0.25 on or before 31 December 2014 and otherwise on the terms and conditions set out DRAF T 1115199_1 9 in Section 13.3) for every Share issued, to raise up to $4,000,000. The Minimum Subscription is $2,000,000 worth of Shares and associated Options | 17/04/2014 |
the Company has been advised by ASIC it has revoked the STOP ORDER issued on 21 February 2014. The Company has addressed all issues in consultation with ASIC and filed a Replacement Prospectus with ASIC on this day - a copy of the Replacement Prospectus is available on the company website: | 16/04/2014 |
releases Half Year Accounts | 03/03/2014 |
issues a prospectus for an offer of 20m shares at 20 cents each | 11/02/2014 |
the resolutions put to the Annual General Meeting of shareholders held on 15 January 2014 were passed | 15/01/2014 |
an AGM is scheduled to be held at 1.00pm on Wednesday 15th January 2014 at: Level 1, 67 Greenhill Road, Wayville, SA 5034 | 17/12/2013 |
all resolutions put to the EGM were passed | 22/11/2013 |
a notice of meeting of shareholders of the company was despatched to shareholders today. The meeting is scheduled to be held at 1.00pm on Friday 22 November 2013 at: Level 1, 67 Greenhill Road, Wayville, SA 5034 | 16/10/2013 |
Atech Holdings Limited (ATH or Company) has entered into a conditional binding term sheet to acquire 100% of the fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of Singapore company, Fatfish Internet Pte. Ltd. (Fatfish) and its associate companies referred to as Fatfish Internet Group (FIG), from the co-founder, Mr Lau, Kin Wai and Navistar Capital Group Limited and their associates | 05/07/2013 |
releases 2012 Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 28/06/2013 |
motions considered at the AGM were carried on a show of hands | 10/12/2012 |
releases Annual Report to shareholders and provides Notice of meeting to be held on 10 December 2012 | 09/11/2012 |
releases half year accounts | 10/04/2012 |
at the Annual General Meeting of shareholders held today, all resolutions put to the meeting were passed unanimously by a show of hands | 30/11/2011 |
the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company will be held at: Heritage Room The Melbourne Hotel 942 Hay Street, Perth, Western Australia 6000 Commencing 1.00 pm (Perth time) on 30 November 2011 | 28/10/2011 |
releases financial reports | 12/10/2011 |
company has entered into a conditional agreement to acquire 60% of the capital of an Indonesian coal exploration company | 19/08/2011 |
Copper Ridge Ltd bought 3,272,454 Atech Holdings Ltd shares on May 20, 2011, becoming a substantial shareholder with 3,272,454 shares (14.66%) | 28/06/2011 |
company says it is in late stage discussions to identify proposals to enhance value to shareholders | 09/06/2011 |
releases Half Year Accounts and Preliminary Final Report | 28/02/2011 |
company advises it will no longer acquire Alpha Wealth Financial Services P/L | 22/02/2011 |
resolutions considered at today's meeting were passed | 29/10/2010 |
provides Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Form - to be held at 346 Kings Way, South Melbourne VIC 3205 on 29 October 2010 at 11.00am. | 28/09/2010 |
intends to acquire Alpha Wealth Financial Services P/L | 24/09/2010 |
releases Full Year Statutory Accounts | 09/09/2010 |
releases Preliminary Final Report | 25/08/2010 |
the Meeting of Shareholders has been postponed | 12/08/2010 |
a General Meeting of the Shareholders will be held at 346 Kings Way, South Melbourne VIC 3205 on 18 August 2010 at 11.00am - the purposes is to consider the Takeover Bid for Alpha Wealth Financial Services Pty Ltd | 20/07/2010 |
releases Half Yearly Report and Half Year Accounts | 22/02/2010 |
AGM will be on 27 Nov at Level 4, 150 Albert St South Melb at 10am | 23/10/2009 |
releases Full Year Accounts | 30/09/2009 |
company releases its Preliminary Final Report | 31/08/2009 |
company releases its Preliminary Final Report | 27/02/2009 |
company releases its Annual Report to shareholders | 13/10/2008 |
company announces that it today placed 2,912,000 shares at a price of 20c per share - the placement was facilitated by Alpha Wealth Financial Services Pty Ltd - $582,400 was raised through this placement and the funds are to be used firstly in payment of a fee of 2% of the amount raised to Alpha Wealth Financial Services P/L - the remaining funds will be used for business expansion | 05/09/2008 |
releases half yearly report | 25/03/2008 |
advises that resolutions 1 and 2 considered at the AGM on 23 November were passed - Resolution 2 regarding the re-appointment of Sue Borelli) was not passed | 05/12/2007 |
the company says it has not been able to complete the acquisition of the assets of a retirement village advised to the market on 21 November 2006 - further advices are expected shortly (do we take that to mean in another year?) | 22/11/2007 |
releases Annual Report - also notice of AGM which is to be held on 23 November | 12/11/2007 |
lodges Preliminary Final Report | 08/10/2007 |
company releases its Half Year Accounts and Preliminary Final Report | 24/04/2007 |
for at least four years this company has been "considering a number of proposals for utilising the shell (and the cash)" (our note dated 19/06/2003) - how long are directors going to continue to sit on their hands and take their fees? | 20/03/2007 |
the resolutions considered at the AGM were passed | 06/12/2006 |
company says it is still pursuing the deal to acquire the assets of a retirement village | 21/11/2006 |
appoints corporate advisers (Hindal Securities P/L) | 14/11/2006 |
releases Full Year Accounts | 04/10/2006 |
releases Preliminary Final Report | 14/09/2006 |
company provides an update regarding its agreement to acquire the assets of a retirement village - the update is virtually identical to the original release 4 months ago - what has happened in the interim apart from an agreement to extend the timetable for the due diligence process? - what steps is the board taking to achieve the re-quotation of the company's shares? | 06/09/2006 |
company advises it has entered into an agreement to acquire the assets of a retirement village | 03/05/2006 |
the company releases its Half Year Audit Review, Half Year Accounts for h/y ended 31/12/05 and Preliminary Final Report | 21/04/2006 |
company advises that it is close to finalising a Memorandum of Understanding to acquire a substantial business and properties | 30/03/2006 |
at the AGM on Friday all resolutions were passed except for the resolution to re-elect Stephen Adrian as a director | 28/11/2005 |
lodges preliminary final report | 04/10/2005 |
lodges preliminary final report - company makes a loss (albeit small) and has a net tangible asset backing of 12.15c per share - essentially that means shareholders money was doing nothing - directors, what about returning it to the shareholders?? | 22/04/2005 |
lodges financial report - at least there is evidence the board is considering options for the investment of the company's cash holding | 27/10/2004 |
lodges preliminary final report - not much change here - the company earns interest on cash deposits of about $2m and spends it on administration - shareholders could do a whole lot better with the money themselves | 31/08/2004 |
we would appreciate a contact number or email address for someone from within the company that can speak with authority about its activities | 12/05/2004 |
company reports a net tangible asset backing of 12 cents a share - it made a loss of $15,572 in the year to 31 Dec 03 and continues to seek investment opportunities | 22/04/2004 |
we understand this company has cash reserves of about $2m and no other significant assets or liabilities - at the last AGM, shareholders considered a resolution to wind the company up and voted to keep it going - the board is currently considering a number of proposals for utilising the shell (and the cash) and if something viable is found will presumably put it to shareholders for approval and then seek requotation | 19/06/2003 |
name changed from SEAA Corporation Limited | 12/04/1999 |
shares appear to have been suspended prior to the change of name | 12/04/1999 |
the securities of this Company will be reinstated to Official Quotation from the commencement of trading on Tuesday, 22 July 2014 - it is noted that the company's securities have been suspended since 25 June 1998, more than 16 (sixteen) years ago - a period during which its assets were frittered away at huge loss to company shareholders | 18/07/2014 |
name changed to Fatfish Internet Group Ltd | 18/07/2014 |
The Directors of Atech Holdings Limited (ASX:ATH), to be renamed Fatfish Internet Group Limited (Company), are pleased to announce that the Company has now completed its capital raising of $3,459,572 under the Company's Replacement Prospectus dated 15 April 2014, the First Supplementary Prospectus dated 22 April 2014 and the Second Supplementary Prospectus dated 7 July 2014 (the "Prospectus") | 15/07/2014 |
second supplementary prospectus issued | 07/07/2014 |
for more than 10 years we have been calling on the directors of this company to return the cash holding to shareholders and wind the company up - the $2m or more the company had originally, has virtually gone - there is nothing to show for it - shareholders should be warned about throwing good money after bad - this is just another example of where the regulators need to show a bit of initiative | 16/05/2014 |
Atech Holdings Limited (ASX: ATH)("the Company) has lodged a Supplementary Prospectus with ASIC on this day | 22/04/2014 |
the Company invites applications for up to 20,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.20 per Share, together with 1 free attaching Option (exercisable at $0.25 on or before 31 December 2014 and otherwise on the terms and conditions set out DRAF T 1115199_1 9 in Section 13.3) for every Share issued, to raise up to $4,000,000. The Minimum Subscription is $2,000,000 worth of Shares and associated Options | 17/04/2014 |
the Company has been advised by ASIC it has revoked the STOP ORDER issued on 21 February 2014. The Company has addressed all issues in consultation with ASIC and filed a Replacement Prospectus with ASIC on this day - a copy of the Replacement Prospectus is available on the company website: | 16/04/2014 |
releases Half Year Accounts | 03/03/2014 |
issues a prospectus for an offer of 20m shares at 20 cents each | 11/02/2014 |
the resolutions put to the Annual General Meeting of shareholders held on 15 January 2014 were passed | 15/01/2014 |
an AGM is scheduled to be held at 1.00pm on Wednesday 15th January 2014 at: Level 1, 67 Greenhill Road, Wayville, SA 5034 | 17/12/2013 |
all resolutions put to the EGM were passed | 22/11/2013 |
a notice of meeting of shareholders of the company was despatched to shareholders today. The meeting is scheduled to be held at 1.00pm on Friday 22 November 2013 at: Level 1, 67 Greenhill Road, Wayville, SA 5034 | 16/10/2013 |
Atech Holdings Limited (ATH or Company) has entered into a conditional binding term sheet to acquire 100% of the fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of Singapore company, Fatfish Internet Pte. Ltd. (Fatfish) and its associate companies referred to as Fatfish Internet Group (FIG), from the co-founder, Mr Lau, Kin Wai and Navistar Capital Group Limited and their associates | 05/07/2013 |
releases 2012 Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 28/06/2013 |
motions considered at the AGM were carried on a show of hands | 10/12/2012 |
releases Annual Report to shareholders and provides Notice of meeting to be held on 10 December 2012 | 09/11/2012 |
releases half year accounts | 10/04/2012 |
at the Annual General Meeting of shareholders held today, all resolutions put to the meeting were passed unanimously by a show of hands | 30/11/2011 |
the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company will be held at: Heritage Room The Melbourne Hotel 942 Hay Street, Perth, Western Australia 6000 Commencing 1.00 pm (Perth time) on 30 November 2011 | 28/10/2011 |
releases financial reports | 12/10/2011 |
company has entered into a conditional agreement to acquire 60% of the capital of an Indonesian coal exploration company | 19/08/2011 |
Copper Ridge Ltd bought 3,272,454 Atech Holdings Ltd shares on May 20, 2011, becoming a substantial shareholder with 3,272,454 shares (14.66%) | 28/06/2011 |
company says it is in late stage discussions to identify proposals to enhance value to shareholders | 09/06/2011 |
releases Half Year Accounts and Preliminary Final Report | 28/02/2011 |
company advises it will no longer acquire Alpha Wealth Financial Services P/L | 22/02/2011 |
resolutions considered at today's meeting were passed | 29/10/2010 |
provides Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Form - to be held at 346 Kings Way, South Melbourne VIC 3205 on 29 October 2010 at 11.00am. | 28/09/2010 |
intends to acquire Alpha Wealth Financial Services P/L | 24/09/2010 |
releases Full Year Statutory Accounts | 09/09/2010 |
releases Preliminary Final Report | 25/08/2010 |
the Meeting of Shareholders has been postponed | 12/08/2010 |
a General Meeting of the Shareholders will be held at 346 Kings Way, South Melbourne VIC 3205 on 18 August 2010 at 11.00am - the purposes is to consider the Takeover Bid for Alpha Wealth Financial Services Pty Ltd | 20/07/2010 |
releases Half Yearly Report and Half Year Accounts | 22/02/2010 |
AGM will be on 27 Nov at Level 4, 150 Albert St South Melb at 10am | 23/10/2009 |
releases Full Year Accounts | 30/09/2009 |
company releases its Preliminary Final Report | 31/08/2009 |
company releases its Preliminary Final Report | 27/02/2009 |
company releases its Annual Report to shareholders | 13/10/2008 |
company announces that it today placed 2,912,000 shares at a price of 20c per share - the placement was facilitated by Alpha Wealth Financial Services Pty Ltd - $582,400 was raised through this placement and the funds are to be used firstly in payment of a fee of 2% of the amount raised to Alpha Wealth Financial Services P/L - the remaining funds will be used for business expansion | 05/09/2008 |
releases half yearly report | 25/03/2008 |
advises that resolutions 1 and 2 considered at the AGM on 23 November were passed - Resolution 2 regarding the re-appointment of Sue Borelli) was not passed | 05/12/2007 |
the company says it has not been able to complete the acquisition of the assets of a retirement village advised to the market on 21 November 2006 - further advices are expected shortly (do we take that to mean in another year?) | 22/11/2007 |
releases Annual Report - also notice of AGM which is to be held on 23 November | 12/11/2007 |
lodges Preliminary Final Report | 08/10/2007 |
company releases its Half Year Accounts and Preliminary Final Report | 24/04/2007 |
for at least four years this company has been "considering a number of proposals for utilising the shell (and the cash)" (our note dated 19/06/2003) - how long are directors going to continue to sit on their hands and take their fees? | 20/03/2007 |
the resolutions considered at the AGM were passed | 06/12/2006 |
company says it is still pursuing the deal to acquire the assets of a retirement village | 21/11/2006 |
appoints corporate advisers (Hindal Securities P/L) | 14/11/2006 |
releases Full Year Accounts | 04/10/2006 |
releases Preliminary Final Report | 14/09/2006 |
company provides an update regarding its agreement to acquire the assets of a retirement village - the update is virtually identical to the original release 4 months ago - what has happened in the interim apart from an agreement to extend the timetable for the due diligence process? - what steps is the board taking to achieve the re-quotation of the company's shares? | 06/09/2006 |
company advises it has entered into an agreement to acquire the assets of a retirement village | 03/05/2006 |
the company releases its Half Year Audit Review, Half Year Accounts for h/y ended 31/12/05 and Preliminary Final Report | 21/04/2006 |
company advises that it is close to finalising a Memorandum of Understanding to acquire a substantial business and properties | 30/03/2006 |
at the AGM on Friday all resolutions were passed except for the resolution to re-elect Stephen Adrian as a director | 28/11/2005 |
lodges preliminary final report | 04/10/2005 |
lodges preliminary final report - company makes a loss (albeit small) and has a net tangible asset backing of 12.15c per share - essentially that means shareholders money was doing nothing - directors, what about returning it to the shareholders?? | 22/04/2005 |
lodges financial report - at least there is evidence the board is considering options for the investment of the company's cash holding | 27/10/2004 |
lodges preliminary final report - not much change here - the company earns interest on cash deposits of about $2m and spends it on administration - shareholders could do a whole lot better with the money themselves | 31/08/2004 |
we would appreciate a contact number or email address for someone from within the company that can speak with authority about its activities | 12/05/2004 |
company reports a net tangible asset backing of 12 cents a share - it made a loss of $15,572 in the year to 31 Dec 03 and continues to seek investment opportunities | 22/04/2004 |
we understand this company has cash reserves of about $2m and no other significant assets or liabilities - at the last AGM, shareholders considered a resolution to wind the company up and voted to keep it going - the board is currently considering a number of proposals for utilising the shell (and the cash) and if something viable is found will presumably put it to shareholders for approval and then seek requotation | 19/06/2003 |
name changed from SEAA Corporation Limited | 12/04/1999 |
shares appear to have been suspended prior to the change of name | 12/04/1999 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
Donald Low | Non Exec Chairman | 08/04/2008 |
George Karafotias | Director, Company Secretary | 21/02/2011 |
Jeffrey Yuen | Director | 12/10/2011 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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