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Boardroom Pty Ltd
Level 8, 210 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Tel : +61 2 9290 9600 or 1300 737 760
Fax : +61 2 9279 0664 or 1300 653 459
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details

ISIN: AU000000ALL7
Address: Building A, Pinnacle Office Park, 85 Epping Road, NORTH RYDE, NSW, AUSTRALIA, 2113
Tel:  (02) 9013 6000Fax: (02) 9013 6276

Date first listed: 09/07/1996

Sector: Consumer Services Industry Group: XDJ
Activities: Provider of gaming solutions, including software, systems and hardware

News & Events

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The company releases Corporate Governance Statement


The company releases 2018 Annual Report


Class Action - the company confirms that under the terms of the settlement, the Group will incur a net cost after expenses and tax of approximately $40 million, which will be funded from cash and available facilities and this outcome, which represents the equivalent of approximately 9 cents per issued share, has no impact on the Group's operational and strategic objectives or its financial strength or capital management policy - the final net cost will be recognised in the Company's 2008 full year result - litigation funder IMF received revenue of $35.4m and made a profit of $24m


Class Action - IMF announces that the case it funded against Aristocrat has "conditionally settled" - Aristocrat says "the settlement agreement is subject to Court approval and other conditions - under the terms of the proposed settlement, the Group would incur a net cost after expenses and tax of up to $40 million, which will be funded from cash and available facilities - this outcome, which represents the equivalent of between 8 cents and 9 cents per issued share, has no impact on the Group's operational and strategic objectives or its financial strength or capital management polic"


Class Action - the shareholder class action case finished today - both sides apparently agreed the Aristocrat share price was inflated above its true value because Aristocrat overstated its profits - according to one report, working out how the market would have reacted if Aristocrat had made timely disclosure is the big challenge - Justice Stone is expected to hand down her decision early next year


Class Action - a report in the Herald says the examination of witnesses is expected to be completed by Wednesday (October 24), with the case likely to be completed by the end of the week - the action commenced October 4 in the Federal Court before Justice Margaret Stone


Class Action - reports in the Sydney Morning Herald that the company has conceded in the Federal Court that it overstated profits from its foray into the South American poker machine business in 2001 and the first half of 2002, and should have corrected bullish statements about its full-year result for 2002


Class Action - we understand Aristocrat has now filed its evidence in reply (to the evidence filed by the Applicant in March - see note immediately below) and the matter is listed to commence trial on 24 September 2007


Class Action - in March, the Applicant filed its evidence in the class action - as part of that evidence the Applicant filed three expert reports including an expert report from Ferrier Hodgson stating that Aristocrat had overstated its profit after tax result for the year 2001 by $10m, it overstated its first-half 2002 result by $9m and that as at 29 October 2002, Aristocrat did not have reasonable grounds to maintain its 2002 profit forecast


Class Action - during the past 3 months Maurice Blackburn Cashman has continued to prepare its evidence for trial - Aristocrat has made a number of admissions in relation to the Applicant's claim in both its defence and the particulars provided - in early December, the Applicant served an extensive Notice to Admit on Aristocrat with respect to admissions made by Aristocrat in the Randall proceedings and with respect to facts surrounding the upfront recognition of revenue and profit on a number of South American transactions


Class Action - the Court orders that the Applicant is to send by ordinary mail to each Group Member a copy of an opt out notice informing each Group Member of the nature of the proceedings and their right to opt out of that proceeding - the Court orders required that Notice is to be sent on or before 9 November 2006 and that if a Group Member wishes to opt out of the proceedings they would do so by 4:00 pm on 8 December 2006 (in accordance with those orders the opt out notices were forwarded to all Group Members)


Class Action - the Respondents defence has been received and the lawyers are currently seeking further particulars - also we understand the Court will consider the proposed Opt out application on 12 October 2006 (this is the process whereby group members are advised of their right to 'opt out' of the proceedings if they so choose)


Class Action - the Statement of Claim has been amended to claim losses incurred by shareholders who purchased shares between 19 February 2002 (previously 20 September 2002) and 26 May 2003 - the amendment arises out of various statements, forecasts and announcements made by the company during that period


Class Action - since February, MBC has been preparing the Applicant evidence for the case, in particular arranging the Applicants expert evidence - they have also successfully obtained orders requiring the company's auditors, to produce further documents relating to its audit of Aristocrat Leisure Ltd for 2001 and 2002 - most recently they have been preparing ammendments to the Applicants Statement of Claim that will significantly expand the period to which the class action relates and the basis on which liability is claimed - MBC expect to finalise those ammendments shortly


Class Action - the action returned before her Honour on 10 February 2006 - the Applicant applied to amend the class definition to delete the requirement that a group member must retain Maurice Blackburn Cashman to be a part of the class - this amendment was made to deal with her Honours concerns expressed in her reasons of 20 October 2005 - this application was successful and the class definition amended so that the case now applies to any person who acquired shares in Aristocrat during the period 20 September 2002 to 26 May 2003 and who suffered loss as a consequence of Aristocrat alleged conduct - this now allows the class action to proceed - significantly this has the effect that the case now applies to all persons who fall within the class as redefined, whether or not they take any positive step to participate in the case


Class Action - Stone J has now handed down her reasons regarding the section 33N hearing on 20 October 2005 (regarding the validity of the class definition) - she has indicated that the class definition can be ammended to meet a number of concerns and has invited MBC to make submissions as to the form of Orders to be made - this allows MBC the opportunity to recast the class definition in a way that meets her honours concerns - MBC is currently considering the various alternative approaches including defining the class by list - - MBC report that otherwise the matter is proceeding very well and the evidence they have obtained both through discovery and otherwise is very strong on liability


Aristocrat makes a return of capital to shareholders of 21 cents a share - shareholders should reduce the cost base and reduced cost base of each share by 21 cents - for each share that had a cost base of less than 21 cents, the difference was a capital gain in 2005-06


Class Action - judgement is still awaited as to the validity of the class definition whereby a group member must retain MBC


we understand that on or about this date the company made a capital return of 21 cents per share


Class Action - a hearing today as to the validity of the class definition whereby a group member must retain MBC


Class Action - the judge holds that IMF/ILF and MBC had to produce some documents pursuant to the subpoena (see note of 26/04/05 below), although significantly reducing the category of documents to be produced


Class Action - we understand that the hearing on 20 April dealt with whether Aristocrats subpoenas to MBC and IMF should be set aside (Aristocrat subpoenaed both MBC and IMF/ILF to produce documents relating to the relationship between the funder and clients and the funder and MBC) - the parties are awaiting the court's decision


Class Action - we understand that the principal issue of late has concerned the "discover" of paper documents and some 40,000 documents have been received and reviewed by Maurice Blackburn Cashman - the other main development is that the presiding judge and the respondent have raised issues with the class definition - these issues will be heard by the Court on 20 & 21 April 2005


Class Action - according to a release by IMF (Australia) Limited, it is funding action against the company with a maximum claim value of $130m and it expects the case to be completed by 31 December 2005


Class Action - over the past two to three months there have been challenges to the pleadings and the respondents defence has been received - orders for discovery have been obtained and relevent documents are being received - the respondent has been found to have taken an unreasonably narrow interpretation of their obligation to discover documents relating to the termination of Mr Randall as part of the preliminary discovery - they have been ordered to provide the relevant documents


Class Action - former Aristocrat CEO Des Randall loses his $12million damages claim against the company, the court finding that he failed in terms of performance of his contractual obligations - this result will help the shareholders involved in the class action against Aristocrat - this action alleges misleading and deceptive conduct over the company's profitability in 2002


the case has now been transferred to the Federal Court in Sydney - at the directions hearing on 7 April 2004, the Court ordered that Aristocrat was to provide initial discovery of a number of categories of documents central to the case - those documents were discovered by Aristocat on 10 May 2004 - at a further directions hearing on 11 May 2004, Aristocrat was ordered to provide its' Defence to the Statement of Claim by 11 June 2004


at the first directions hearing today the Court ordered that Aristocrat provide certain documents by May 6 - at a further hearing on May 11 the company will seek assurances that its legal costs will be paid by shareholders if they should lose their case


class action - seeking update since 10 mar 04


company is not delisted nor is it suspended - it appears here for the purpose of keeping shareholders informed of developments with a class action


Maurice Blackburn Cashman Lawyers confirm it has filed a class action writ against the company alleging market forecasts were false and misleading and that it failed to disclose all material information in a timely manner


former CEO, Des Randall, serves the company with a statement of claim demanding $12 million damages of order and a bonus of $900,000 plus interest and other alleged entitlements


we understand that on or about this date the company split its shares 4 for 1



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    29/07/2024Trevor Croker-82,374$52.905$4,357,955
    05/12/2023Neil Chatfield1,500$39.214$58,822
    30/12/2022Neil Chatfield2,000$30.840$61,679
    08/12/2022Neil Chatfield2,000$33.807$67,614
    25/11/2022Arlene Tansey2,000$35.560$71,120

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Neil ChatfieldChairman07/02/2018
    Trevor CrokerManaging Director, CEO01/03/2017
    Moti MalulCEO26/04/2024
    Sally DenbyCFO15/04/2022
    Natasha ChandNon Exec Director03/12/2024
    Bill Lance Jr.Non Exec Director04/01/2023
    Arlene TanseyNon Exec Director21/07/2016
    Sylvia CouderNon Exec Director22/09/2016
    Pat RamseyNon Exec Director28/10/2016
    Philippe EtienneNon Exec Director07/11/2019
    Kathleen ConlonDirector22/02/2014
    Emma LeskeCompany Secretary14/01/2025
    Anne TuckerCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Jennifer AumentNon Exec Director01/08/202316/02/2024
    Julie Cameron-DoeCFO31/01/201815/04/2022
    Stephen MorroNon Exec Director15/12/201022/02/2020
    Ian BlackburneChairman12/01/200921/02/2019
    Toni KorsanosCFO14/07/200931/03/2018
    David BanksNon Exec Director12/07/201131/03/2018
    Rosalind DubsNon Exec Director15/06/200922/02/2018
    Jamie OdellManaging Director, CEO01/02/200928/02/2017
    Roger DavisNon Exec Director07/06/200527/02/2017
    Lewis FlockNon Exec Director29/11/201119/02/2014
    Sally PitkinDirector20/06/200503/05/2011
    Bill BakerDirector30/07/199804/01/2011
    David SimpsonNon Exec Chairman13/02/200417/12/2010
    Penelope MorrisNon Exec Director13/02/200428/04/2010
    Simon KellyCFO, Finance Director15/07/200331/07/2009
    Paul OneileManaging Director, CEO01/12/200329/09/2008
    Alan SteelmanNon Exec Director27/05/199929/04/2008
    John PascoeChairman20/12/200108/07/2004
    John DuckerNon Exec Director21/10/199904/05/2004
    David CrearyCEO04/04/200329/02/2004
    Lionel JeyarajCFO01/07/200001/09/2003
    Peter DraneyNon Exec Director21/10/199915/04/2003
    Desmond RandallCEO30/07/199803/04/2003
    Stephen CohnExecutive Director, Company Secretary17/12/199730/12/2002

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.