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Former (or subsequent) names

CELLMID LIMITED20/11/200915/12/2021

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Automic Registry Pty Ltd
Tel : +61 (2) 8072 1400 or 1300 288 664 (within Australia)
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Company details

ISIN: AU000000CDY3
Address: Suite 204 Level 2, 55 Clarence Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Tel:  +612 9221 6830Fax: +612 9221 8535

Date first listed: 09/12/2005

Sector: Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology Industry Group: XHJ
Activities: Developer of products to treat various cancers and chronic inflammatory diseases

News & Events

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Shareholders in this company should consider crystallising a capital loss in 2024/25 by selling their shares. This process is now much easier and quicker. It can be achieved online by entering transaction details here. While, this usually makes good economic sense we recommend you seek professional advice before buying or selling securities, your accountant is probably the best person.


The company reported a net loss of $0.5m for the half-year ended 31 December 2024, a significant improvement from the previous year. The business restructure improved net operating cash flow, with an outflow of $0.3m in 2Q25. The company completed a transition to in-house solutions and new ERP systems, resulting in growth in sales.


The company will hold its general meeting on 3 April 2025, 10:00am (Sydney time) at Suite 204, Level 2, 55 Clarence Street Sydney NSW 2000.


The company releases its appendix 4D and half year report.


The company reported a total payment of $65k to related parties and associates for the 2Q25 Qtrly Activity Report, including wages, fees, and GST paid to former directors.


The company reports Roquefort Therapeutics has signed a binding share purchase agreement for the sale of Lyramid to Pleiades Pharma, following a previous term sheet with Pleiades.


The company lodges its Activity Statement and Appendix 4C.


The entities suspended for over three months failed periodic reports, the oldest outstanding report deadline, and their 2 year deadline for trading plans. If not met, they will be removed from the official list, usually after the first trading day.


The company receives additional information from the ASX for relisting its securities, including lodgement of quarterly activities report, audit reviewed financial position, sufficient operations, and issuing shares.


The company has received an update on Roquefort Therapeutics' announcement of a proposed sale of its midkine portfolio, including royalties from products using its intellectual property. The company is making further inquiries and is pursuing discussions with the ASX to end the suspension in trading.


The company has completed its restructuring program, aiming to return the company to profitability. The restructure includes in-housing third-party logistics and exiting the Chinese online sales channel. Total cost reductions are expected to exceed $2.5 million annually. Anagenics now has a clear strategy focused on profitability, strengthening royalty revenue streams, new brand releases, and pursuing accretive acquisitions.


The company releases the results of its annual general meeting.


The company lodges its 2024 AGM Presentation.


The company lodges its Q1 F25 Activity Statement and Appendix 4C.


The company is undergoing a restructuring program to reposition itself with a simplified business model, aiming for modest profitability. The company has disposed of a loss-making business and reduced liabilities. The restructuring includes reducing head count, replacing IT and ERP systems, and reducing overhead costs.


The company 2024 Annual General Meeting is scheduled for November 26, 2024, at Level 2, 55 Clarence Street Sydney NSW 2000, at 9.00 am (AEDT).


The company has completed the sale of Face MediGroup, as previously announced on October 2, 2024.


The company will release 13,157,895 fully paid ordinary shares from escrow on 11 October 2024, following a 12-month voluntary escrow period, as per ASX Listing Rule 3.10A.


The company's Board announces a restructuring update, focusing on business simplification and cost reduction. The company's exit from Face MediGroup and the removal of legacy expenses are part of a plan to achieve modest profitability.


The company releases its Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statement.


The Company has entered into an agreement for the sale of its Face MediGroup business to the co-founders of the business, Matthew Perry and Sarah Jane Perry, and their entities controlled by them. The transaction will see the Company fully exit the FMG business, with the purchasers taking on all assets, liabilities and business specific employees with their accrued entitlements, allowing the Company to reduce its operating costs and avoid significant further costs. The consideration comprises the assumption of FMG's liabilities and cancellation of the Company's obligation to pay approximately $670,000 to the co-founders by way of deferred consideration and loan repayment, supported by mutual releases given by each party. No cash consideration will be exchanged on settlement of this transaction. Completion of the transaction is expected to occur on 15 October 2024.


The company lodges its Annual Report to shareholders.


The Company is actively engaged with a number of third parties in relation to multiple restructuring workstreams for the business, including management and funding strategies for the ongoing business. Successful completion of the Restructuring is critical to the Company's continued financial sustainability. Discussions with third parties are progressing positively and constructively. In the Company's opinion, trading of its securities during this time is likely to materially prejudice its ability to complete the discussions with third parties. The Company's suspension will remain in place until the Company releases a further announcement regarding the Restructuring. Discussions are ongoing and it is difficult to predict a timetable for their conclusion. However, the Company is working towards finalising these matters as soon as practicable and is aiming to do so by Monday, 30 September 2024.


The securities of Anagenics Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of AN1, pending the release of an announcement regarding its proposed restructure and financing to fund the ongoing operations which are critical to its continued financial viability.


name changed from Cellmid Limited



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    ASX, Legal & CGT Status

    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

    rss feeds

    Purchases Sales

    11/03/2024Alexander Beard66,133$0.015$992
    08/03/2024Alexander Beard1,148,967$0.015$16,676
    05/10/2023Scott Greasley58,000$0.028$1,624
    04/10/2023Scott Greasley150,000$0.020$3,000
    14/09/2022Scott Greasley896,882$0.034$30,763

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Alexander BeardNon Exec Chairman15/02/2022
    Dominic BurgCOO01/07/2020
    Matthew DudekCFO28/02/2022
    Phillip ChristopherNon Exec Director05/11/2021
    Scott GreasleyExecutive Director08/07/2022
    Hemant AminCompany Secretary13/06/2024

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Karen MatthewsDirector, CEO14/02/202431/10/2024
    Martin CrossNon Exec Director16/10/201727/11/2023
    Dennis EckNon Exec Director26/03/201829/11/2022
    Maria HalaszManaging Director, CEO16/04/200728/02/2022
    Lee TamplinCompany Secretary28/02/2022
    Bruce GordonChairman, Independent Director01/07/201515/02/2022
    Sarah Eck-ThompsonAlternate Director21/10/202004/11/2021
    David KingNon Exec Chairman18/01/200831/12/2020
    Fintan WaltonNon Exec Director21/07/201530/11/2020
    Martin RogersNon Exec Director19/09/201230/06/2015
    Graeme KaufmanNon Exec Director27/08/201230/06/2015
    Robin BeaumontNon Exec Director12/10/200927/08/2012
    Koichiro KoikeDirector09/12/2010
    Stephanie WilliamsExecutive Director15/02/200826/08/2008
    Michael TavernerNon Exec Director08/10/200415/02/2008
    Michael VitaleChairman16/12/200418/01/2008
    Malcom CastleNon Exec Director23/02/200621/05/2007
    Llewellyn CasboltManaging Director16/12/200415/11/2006
    James DominguezChairman16/12/200409/03/2006

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.