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Link Market Services Limited
Level 12, 680 George Street Sydney NSW 2000
Tel : 61 1300 554 474
Fax : 02 9287 0303
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Company details

ISIN: AU000000AJM9
Address: Suite 5, 680 Murray Street, West Perth, WA, 6005
Tel:  +61 8 9488 5100Fax: +61 8 9488 5199

Date first listed: 08/01/2001

Sector: Materials Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: Mineral exploration and services business

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name changed to Morella Corporation Limited


The suspension of trading in the securities of Altura Mining Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Tuesday 14 December 2021, following the release by AJM of an announcement regarding the completion of a capital raising and confirmation of satisfaction of ASX's conditions for reinstatement.


The company releases the following: Pre-Reinstatement Disclosure, Distribution Schedule - Shares, Top 20 Holders List - Shares, Distribution Schedule - Quoted Options, Top 20 Holders List - Quoted Options.


The company releases a notice of application for quotation of securities.


The company releases an updated notice of proposed issue of securities.


The company releases a notification of cessation of securities.


The company releases a notice of application for quotation of securities.


The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities.


The company releases an updated notice of proposed issue of securities.


The company releases an updated notice of proposed issue of securities.


The company's pro-rata non-renounceable entitlement offer which opened on 19 November 2021 has now closed. The offer was very well supported by existing shareholders with a take up of entitlements plus strong offers for any shortfall shares resulting in the offer being significantly oversubscribed. The company received valid acceptances for 638,697,919 new shares ($3.19 million) as part of the entitlement offer and shortfall offer from a total of 1,601 shareholders. The offer was seeking to raise up to $2.0 million with the proceeds to be applied to the Mallina Lithium Project in Western Australia and the Fish Lake Valley Lithium Project in Nevada, USA.


The company releases the results of 2020 and 2021 Annual General Meetings.


The company releases an Investor Presentation.


The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities.


The company releases a Jobkeeper Payments Notice.


The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities.


1 for 8.5 pro-rata non-renounceable entitlement offer to raise approximately $2.0 million. New shares for issue at $0.005 per share. Proceeds from the equity raising will be used to accelerate the Company's investment in the Mallina Lithium Project and the Fish Lake Lithium Project.


The company releases a prospectus for a non-renounceable pro rata entitlement offer of New Shares at an issue price of $0.005 per New Share on the basis of one New Share for every 8.5 Shares held by Eligible Shareholders at the Record Date to raise up to approximately $2,000,000.


Formal Earn-in Agreement executed for Pilbara lithium portfolio. New corporate policies approved by the Board, with existing corporate policies updated. Amended loan terms to support re-quotation efforts.


The company's recapitalisation and requotation plans are proceeding in line with indicative timelines previously advised. The A$2 million entitlement offer via rights issue continues to progress. However the 1 November 2021 rights issue prospectus release date has not been met. The company does not expect that the change to the timetable will affect the restructure of the company, nor should it affect the requotation activities previously advised.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report and Cashflow.


The company's 2021 AGM will be held at 11.00 am AWST on 30 November 2021 virtually via online webcast


The company releases a letter to its shareholders regarding its AGM.


The company's 2020 AGM will be held at 10.45 am AWST on 30 November 2021 virtually via online webcast


The company lodges its Annual Report to shareholders.


Historical mapping, sampling, geophysical survey and RC drilling work reviewed and re-issued under Altura's Competent Person's authority. Mallina Lithium Project presenting as an excellent exploration opportunity in a Tier 1 lithium and mining jurisdiction. Exploration program with stratigraphic drilling scheduled for H1 2022.


The company releases an application for quotation of securities.


The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities.


A$6.5 million in Placement commitments received from select institutional and professional/sophisticated investors located in North America, Asia and Australia. Funds to provide a strong platform for accelerated evaluation of Mallina (Western Australia) and Fish Lake Valley (Nevada, USA) lithium projects. Funding assists the Company to work towards satisfying conditions for ASX re-quotation, targeted for completion in Q4 2021 (CY). New shares to be issued under combination of current placement capacity and shareholder approval at upcoming Annual General Meeting.


The company lodges the following: Annual Report to shareholders, Corporate Governance Statement, Appendix 4G.


Due diligence completed and condition precedent met for Fish Lake Valley Earn-in. Resource definition and direct lithium extraction technology development to progress in parallel. Formal submission to ASX for re-quotation. Changes to equity standby arrangement.


Exploration to commence on Pilbara lithium earn-in assets. Due diligence completed and conditions precedent met. Heritage agreements covering all relevant tenements in place or being finalised. Exploration to start immediately on the highly prospective Mallina tenement. Significant interest displayed from industry participants and down-stream converters.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Report.


The company lodges its December 2020 - Half Year Accounts.


The company lodges its Preliminary Financial Report 2020 Financial Year.


Historical reporting and continuous disclosure requirements up to date. December 2020 half-year accounts being finalised for release. Due diligence underway for both Fish Lake Valley and Sayona Pilbara tenements. Clear pathway forward to enable ASX requotation.


MVT has received redemption notices for 78,593 Notes (each with a face value of $100). Interest will be paid on the Notes to be redeemed for the period between 1 July 2021 and 10 July 2021 at the current rate of 8% per annum (pro rata). As previously announced, part of the Restructure Proposal involved a conditional placement of up to $15 million of new notes that will be issued if the Restructure Proposal is approved by noteholders. The conditional placement was oversubscribed. There will be 294,494 notes on issue if the Restructure Proposal is approved by noteholders.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Report.


Agreement with Sayona Mining to earn a 51% interest over its prospective lithium exploration portfolio in Western Australia. Altura will spend $1.5 million on exploration over three years to earn a 51% stake. The tenements cover an area of 1,095 km2 in the lithium rich Pilbara region, with direct access to established, world-class infrastructure. Altura intends to fast track an exploration campaign on the highly prospective Mallina tenement, which has been subject to significant sampling, mapping and study work over the past two years.


Sayona Mining Limited released an announcement. New drilling campaign underway at flagship Authier Lithium Project, Quebec, with goal of expanding lithium resource, reducing strip ratio and accelerating production to enhance profitability. Earn-in agreement reached with Altura Mining to expedite exploration at Sayona's lithium assets in Pilgangoora, Western Australia and facilitate company's focus on North America.


The company releases the following: Annual Report to shareholders, Appendix 4G, Corporate Governance Statement.


The company lodges its December 2020 Quarterly Activities/ Cash Flow Report.


The company releases a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - AJM.


Altura has been a shareholder in Lithium Corporation since 2012 and will now focus on upgrading its passive interest to active project involvement. Letter of Intent for Earn-in Option for 60% of Fish Lake Valley project. Fish Lake Valley is strategically located to support the North America lithium and electric vehicle market. Altura to leverage its established battery materials relationships to uplift value for both Lithium Corporation and Altura.


The company releases a Letter to Shareholders regarding the Post Administration Strategy.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities and Cash Flow Report September 2020.


The deed administration ended on 5 March 2021 and AJM has ceased to be subject to any form of external administration and AJM has reverted back to its Directors. This has resulted in the creation of a Creditors' Trust to deal with the claims of certain creditors of AJM.


A DOCA has now been effectuated and full control of the company has passed back to the directors. The DOCA has been formulated and financially supported by existing Altura director as a key step in the path to restoring shareholder value following the recent action resulting in the disposal of its 100% owned Altura Lithium Operations. The proponent of the DOCA has agreed to make a loan to the company. A creditors' trust has been established and Jeremy Joseph Nipps and Clifford Stuart Rocke of Cor Cordis have been appointed as trustees of the trust. The company is in the process of liaising with ASX to determine the conditions associated with the re-quotation of its securities and a further update with be provided in due course.


Under Listing Rule 17.6, any entity (if not already suspended) that has not paid its annual listing fees by close of business on Friday, 19 February 2021 will have its securities suspended from official quotation before the commencement of trading on Monday, 22 February 2021. The company has not paid the second instalment of its annual listing fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2021 but the securities are already suspended from official quotation.


AJM has not advised Kairos that it has expended the amount of $250,000 on the Tenements for the reporting year ending 9 May 2020, or that it has expended the sum in connection with exploration or mining on the Tenements. As a result of AJM failing to inform Kairos of its expenditure in breach of clause 5(c) of the Farm-In Agreement, Kairos has advised AJM by way of a notice of termination that: it considers that it is reasonable to assume that the $250,000 annual expenditure, for the year ending 9 May 2020, has not been met by AJM; and it therefore considers that there are reasonable grounds to terminate the Farm-In Agreement. Given that Kairos has not received indication that AJM disputed the aforementioned notice of termination, or, made payment in the amount of $1.25 million less any expenditure incurred under clause 6(a) of the Farm-In Agreement, on 19 February 2021, Kairos confirmed that the Farm-In Agreement had been terminated.


The ALO DOCA was effectuated on its terms on 20 January 2021. Accordingly, the Deed Administration ended on 20 January 2021 and ALO has ceased to be subject to any form of external administration and ALO is now a wholly owned subsidiary of PLS. This has resulted in the creation of the Altura Operations Creditors' Trust to deal with the claims of creditors of ALO. Effective 20 January 2021, both AJM and ALO also ceased to be subject to the appointment of Receivers and Managers. AJM remains subject to Voluntary Administration and the Administrators will shortly commence a process to seek recapitalisation and/or restructuring proposals, or sale offers for AJM and its remaining assets. The Administrators are required to convene the second meeting of creditors to determine AJMs future (unless extended by the court) by 24 February 2021.


Pilbara Minerals releases an announcement. Acquisition of Altura Lithium Project completed following cash payment of US$155 million (A$201 million) pursuant to the previously announced Share Sale Agreement to acquire all the shares in Altura Lithium Operations Pty Ltd. Deferred consideration representing approximately 69 million Pilbara Minerals' shares or cash equivalent will also be payable up to 12 months after completion. Completion of the transaction means Pilbara Minerals now has 100% ownership of its neighbouring Altura Project. Well-timed and cost-effective acquisition creates the largest, independent hardrock lithium mining and processing operation in the world, with available offtake capacity. Altura Project to remain on care and maintenance while work is undertaken to determine the future operating strategy, which will be subject to prevailing market conditions. Consolidation of the Altura Project (subject to recommencement of operations) with Pilbara Minerals' existing operation will deliver tangible synergies including economies of scale, operational flexibility, removal of duplicated services and the unlocking of sterilised Ore Reserves. Two processing plants provide a more resilient and flexible operation, with capacity to blend products to suit customer and market requirements and the ability to ramp-up in response to improving lithium market.


The approval by ALO creditors and execution of Pilbara Minerals' sponsored DOCA on 11 December 2020 satisfies an important pre-condition to the proposed acquisition of the neighbouring Altura Project for US$175 million. Acquisition to be largely funded through a A$240 million equity raising, comprising a A$119 million cornerstone placement (now complete) and a A$121 million fully-underwritten 1-for-7.6 non-renounceable entitlement offer (launching today), both at a fixed offer price of A$0.36 per share. The acquisition provides a unique opportunity to realise tangible operational synergies by consolidating the two neighbouring projects into a single integrated operation.


Pilbara Minerals Limited advises that the creditors of Altura Lithium Operations approved Pilbara Minerals' proposed DOCA at the second meeting of creditos held today. Having been approved by creditors, the DOCA has been signed by Pilbara Minerals, ALO, the Receivers and Clifford Rocke and Jeremy Nipps in their capacity as administrators of ALO and is now effective.


Execution of the Share Sale Agreement and submission of the DOCA Proposal occurred following a formal sale process run by the Receivers for the Altura Project. The acquisition by Pilbara Minerals is subject to a number of conditions precedent, including creditors approving the DOCA Proposal and completion after Pilbara Minerals' proposed A$240 million capital raising.


Pilbara Minerals has entered into a share sale agreement with the company and the administrators for the acquisition of shares in Altura Lithium Operations, which owns Altura's Pilgangoora Lithium Project, for US$175 million.


The administrators consider that it is necessary to allow the public process undertaken by the receivers and managers of the companies to market hte companies and their assets for sale and/or recapitalisation opportunities to conclude, which is unlikely to be before early December 2020. It was necessary to seek an extension from the Supreme Court of Western Australia to, inter alia, extend the period to convene the second meeting of the companies' respective creditors. An order was made on 16 November 2020 in respect of the companies which included that the date for convening the second meeting of creditors for: AJM is extended to 24 February 2021, and ALO is extended to 17 December 2020.


The administrators rely on the relief granted uner ASIC Corporations Instrument 2015/251, which provides a deferral of the company's financial reporting obligations to 26 April 2021. ASIC granted the company relief from section 250N of the Corporations Act 2001 to hold its 2020 AGM. ASIC has extended the time within which section 250N of the Act requires the company to hold its 2020 AGM to 31 March 2021.


The loan noteholders of the group have entered into an implementation agreement with Pilbara Minerals. The receivers and the group are not a party to the imiplementation agreement. The agreement provides Pilbara Minerals with a mechanism to potentially acquire the Altura Lithium Project through the purchase of the shares in ALO for approximately $175 million, subject to completion of the receivership process. Under this, in the absence of a competing proposal, the loan noteholders have agreed to vote in favour of the Pilbara Minerals proposed DOCA for ALO.


Pilbara Minerals Limited has entered into an implementation deed with the senior secured loan noteholders of Altura, which provides it with a path to potentially acquire the Altura Lithium Project through the purchase of the shares in Altura Lithium Operations for approximately US$175 million, subject to completion of the receivership process. ALO is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Altura Mining Limited and owns and operates the Altura Project.


Clifford Stuart Rocke and Jeremy Joseph Nipps of Cor Cordis were appointed Joint and Several Voluntary Administrators of Altura Mining Limited on 26 October 2020 by the company's first ranking secured creditor, BNY Trust Company of Australia as Trustee of Pilgangoora Security Trust.


Richard Tucker and John Bumbak of KordaMentha were appointed as Receivers and Managers of the Group on 26 October 2020 by the security agent, BNY Trust Company of Australia Ltd. The Receivers and Managers understand that Voluntary Administrators have also been appointed to the Group.


The company releases the results of resolution of its general meeting.


Commercial levels of production maintained with September quarterly production expected to be in the range of 43,000-45,000 wet metric tonnes (wmt). Four shipments, totalling approximately 48,000 dry metric tonnes (dmt) sold to long-term offtake partners. Discussions ongoing to optimise debt structure and strengthen overall balance sheet.


The company will hold a general meeting at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, 100 James Street, Northbridge, Perth, Western Australia on Friday 25 September 2020 commencing at 10.00am WST.


The loan note holders have agreed to defer all payments and waive key covenants under the facility until 31 October 2020. This waiver once again shows strong support from the lending group and will allow Altura to continue evaluating proposals with a primary focus on reducing financing costs. The company requests that its securities remain in suspension.


PKF Perth has been appointed as auditor of the company. This follows the resignation of PKF Brisbane Audit.


The company requests an extension of the voluntary suspension on its securities pending the finalisation of proposed changes to its current financing arrangements. An announcement is expected to be made before the commencement of trading on 25 August 2020.


The securities of Altura Mining Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of AJM, pending the release of an announcement regarding changes to its current financing arrangements.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Altura Mining Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by AJM of an announcement regarding a capital raising and refinancing transaction.


The company releases a notification of Proposed issue of Securities - AJM.


Altura's balance sheet strength is underpinned by new financing package with the following highlights: three-year extension of existing Loan Note Facility; Equity raise of $11.2 million bolsters working capital; $50 million standby equity funding secured.


The company requests an extension of the voluntary suspension currently in place on its securities pending the finalisation of a refinancing transaction. The company expects to be able to make an announcement to the market before the commencement of trading on 9 March 2020.


The company requests an extension of the voluntary suspension currently in place on its securities pending the finalisation of a refinancing transaction. The company's announcement is expected to be made before the commencement of trading on 2 March 2020.


The company requests am extension of the voluntary suspension currently in place on its securities pending the finalisation of a refinancing transaction. The announcement is expected to be made before the commencement of trading on 24 February 2020.


The company releases a presentation - Roskill Lithium Mine to Market Conference.


Altura has executed a Term Sheet with current lenders to extend the existing loan facility for an additional three years on favourable terms. Altura is undertaking an equity capital raising to further strengthen its balance sheet.


The company requests an extension of the voluntary suspension currently in place on its securities pending the finalisation of a refinancing transaction. The company expects to be able to make an announcement to the market before the commencement of trading on 17 February 2020.


The company requests an extension of the voluntary suspension of its securities pending the finalisation of a refinancing transaction. The company expects to be able to make an announcement before the commencement of trading on 10 February 2020.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report.


The company requests an extension of the voluntary suspension currently in place on its securities pending the finalisation of a refinancing transaction. The company expects to be able to make an announcement to the market before the commencement of trading on 3 February 2020.


The company is continuing to secure strong sales of lithium concentrate, having recently shipped a record cargo of 24,500 wet metric tonnes (wmt) to long-term offtake partner Ganfeng Lithium. The cargo of approximately 6% lithium concentrate departed Port Hedland last week on Clipper Kamoshio, bound for Zhenjiang, near Shanghai. Altura has now shipped a total of approximately 170,000 tonnes of lithium concentrate since commencing production at its Pilgangoora mine in July 2018.


The company requests an extension of the voluntary suspension of its securities pending the finalisation of a refinancing transaction. The announcement regarding this is expected to be made before the commencement of trading on 28 January 2020.


The securities of Altura Mining Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of AJM, pending the release of an announcement regarding a refinancing transaction.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Altura Mining Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by AJM of an announcement regarding a capital raising.


National and international institutional investors underpin A$23 million institutional Placement. Securities Purchase Plan for existing shareholders to participate in the capital raising up to A$5 million. Funds to be allocated towards final ramp-up push to nameplate production capacity.


The securities of Altura Mining Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of AJM, pending the release of an announcement regarding a capital raising.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Altura Mining Limited will be lifted immediately following receipt of an announcement regarding a capital raising.


The company has successfully completed a Placement to international institutional and sophisticated investors to raise A$26 million. Funds will be used to evaluate doubling production capacity of the Altura Lithium Project.


The securities of Altura Mining Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Altura Mining Limited will be lifted immediately following the release of an announcement regarding a capital raising


The company is pleased to announce that it is undertaking a capital raising to raise approximately $23 million before issue costs. The share issue comprises a Placement of $20 million to institutional investors, and an SPP offering to raise up to $3 million to existing shareholders.


The securities of Altura Mining Limited ("Company") will be suspended from official quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending release of an announcement.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Altura Mining Limited will be lifted immediately following the release of an announcement regarding a capital raising. ASX Code: AJM


The securities of Altura Mining Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from official quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: AJM


name changed from Haddington Resources Limited



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    ASX, Legal & CGT Status

    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

    rss feeds

    Purchases Sales

    26/11/2019Beng Kuan61,537$0.059$3,631
    27/02/2019James Brown-1,200,000$0.140$168,000
    09/10/2017Dan O'Neill-900,000$0.281$252,450
    17/06/2016Dan O'Neill-100,000$0.215$21,500
    21/06/2013James Brown276,038$0.093$25,566

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    James BrownManaging Director, CEO15/05/2010
    Alex CheesemanCEO16/04/2021
    Phil RobinsonCOO22/02/2019
    Allan BucklerNon Exec Director18/12/2008
    Beng KuanNon Exec Director28/11/2007
    Dan O'NeillNon Exec Director18/12/2008
    John LewisCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Xiaoyu DaiDirector10/09/201928/05/2021
    Paul MantellExecutive Director, CFO02/02/200908/04/2021
    Zhao TongNon Exec Director07/03/201718/04/2019
    Chris EvansCOO21/09/201724/01/2019
    John CaldonNon Exec Chairman02/10/200718/12/2008
    Colin McCavanaManaging Director19/08/199918/12/2008
    Dennis O'NeillNon Exec Director20/06/200618/12/2008
    Clair MedhurstNon Exec Director21/05/200218/12/2008
    David MasonOperations Director30/10/200728/11/2008
    James PearsonNon Exec Director30/08/200130/10/2007
    John TarrantNon Exec Director15/01/199928/11/2005
    Jacqueline TuckerNon Exec Director15/01/199921/05/2002

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.