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12 March 2025
Name: | AGRI ENERGY LIMITED (AAE) (This company subsequently changed its name to PROVINCE RESOURCES LTD. You should refer to that name for Status.) | |||||||||||||||
Date of Listing: | 09 February 1994 | |||||||||||||||
Subsequent Names: |
| |||||||||||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status: (updated daily)
This company subsequently changed its name to PROVINCE RESOURCES LTD. You should refer to that name for Stock Exchange Status.Legal Status: (updated monthly)
This company subsequently changed its name to PROVINCE RESOURCES LTD. You should refer to that name for Legal Status.Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status: (updated at least quarterly)
This company subsequently changed its name and is now PROVINCE RESOURCES LTD. You should refer to that name for Capital Gains Tax Status.
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Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
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FROM | TO | |
SCANDIVANADIUM LTD | 01/11/2018 | 11/11/2020 |
ASSEMBLEBAY LIMITED | 19/02/2016 | 01/11/2018 |
SIROCCO ENERGY LTD | 20/12/2012 | 19/02/2016 |
AGRI ENERGY LIMITED | 25/01/2007 | 20/12/2012 |
AUSTRALIAN ETHANOL LIMITED | 07/12/2004 | 25/01/2007 |
INDCOR LIMITED | 23/05/2001 | 07/12/2004 |
CREST MAGNESIUM NL | 28/08/1998 | 23/05/2001 |
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name changed to Sirocco Energy Ltd | 20/12/2012 |
company advises that the Sudanese Ministry of Petroleum has extended the lodgement date for the US$6,000,000 security bond for Block 14 Sudan, of which Sirocco is contributing approximately US$2,500,000, to 31 December 2012. Further details with respect to the security bond are contained in the prospectus announced by the Company on 30 November 2012 | 11/12/2012 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 23 | 04/12/2012 |
The securities of Agri Energy Ltd (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately pending the outcome of resolutions at the Company" annual general meeting regarding a change in the nature and scale of activities. If the Company" shareholders approve a change in nature and scale of activities, the securities will remain suspended pending compliance with Chapters 1 and 2 of the Listing Rules. Security Code: AAE | 30/11/2012 |
releases a Prospectus | 30/11/2012 |
securities reinstated | 10/09/2012 |
The securities of Agri Energy Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation from the commencement of trading on Friday 7 September 2012, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement | 06/09/2012 |
securities to be reinstated to quotation on Monday 2nd May | 29/04/2011 |
securities of Agri Energy Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, re announcement regarding Triton Petroleum | 28/04/2011 |
securities to be reinstated to quotation on Monday 1st Feb (note there has been a consolidation of shares at the rate of 1 for 15) | 28/01/2010 |
the Company advises that the 333,333 Options exercisable at $6.75 on or before 19 January 2010 have expired | 20/01/2010 |
the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of Agri Energy Limited will be held at Level 1, 33 Ord St, West Perth, Western Australia on 29 January 2010 at 9.00am (Western Standard Time) | 18/12/2009 |
the Directors advise that the offers pursuant to the Prospectus dated 24 November 2009 have closed. The Directors have accepted applications for: 1. 40,000,000 ordinary shares under the Investment Group Offer; 2. 360,000,000 ordinary shares under the General Offer; 3. 98,500,000 options under the Option Offer; and 4. 1,500,000 options under the Trustee Offer. The Company will now proceed to issue and allot the securities | 18/12/2009 |
releases Annual Report to shareholders | 11/12/2009 |
the company advises that the 756,666 Options exercisable at $6.75 on or before 30 November 2009 have expired | 01/12/2009 |
issues the prospectus | 24/11/2009 |
the Company advises that it has been granted a waiver to Listing Rule 14.7 to permit the Company to issue and allot: 1. Up to 72,000,000 shares and 20,000,000 options exercisable at $0.005 and expiring 31 December 2013 ("Options") to Gary Steinepreis, or his nominee(s). 2. Up to 27,000,000 shares and 10,000,000 Options to Bevan Tarratt, or his nominee(s). 3. Up to 11,500,000 shares and 5,000,000 Options to Patrick Burke, or his nominee(s). 4. Up to 72,000,000 shares and 20,000,000 to David Steinepreis, or his nominee(s). 5. Up to 12,000,000 shares and 5,000,000 Options to Ascent Capital Holdings Pty Limited, or its nominee(s), as approved by shareholders on 1 October 2009, by no later than 3 months of shareholder approval | 17/11/2009 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 15 | 06/10/2009 |
releases a Timetable for the reorganisation of capital | 02/10/2009 |
company is removed from external administration | 01/10/2009 |
provides an Amendment to Indicative Timetable in Notice of Meeting | 24/09/2009 |
company responds to ASX queries | 16/09/2009 |
a General Meeting is to be held on Thursday, 1 October 2009 at 4pm at the Institute of Chartered Accountants Level 3, 600 Bourke Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 to consider a Recapitalisation Proposal | 31/08/2009 |
a Copy of a Deed of Company Arrangement is lodged with ASIC | 23/12/2008 |
Ken Stout of Boutique Corporate Advisory is appointed Administrator following the filing in the US for Chapter 7 bankruptcy for the group's principal asset Baetrice Biodiesel LLC - this never augurs well for shareholders but it will be a month or so before a clearer picture emerges | 12/09/2008 |
releases prelim final report | 01/09/2008 |
the Company remains in suspension of its securities as efforts continue to liquidate assets and reduce outflow of limited corporate funds | 04/06/2008 |
releases its quarterly cash report to 31 March 2008 showing a deficit at operating level for the quarter of $230k and $1824k balance remaining | 30/04/2008 |
the company provides an update of its activities | 28/03/2008 |
the Company remains in voluntary suspension during efforts to overcome development and investment issues of the Beatrice Biodiesel Project - executives have recently returned from the United States continuing discussions with project financiers and investors - the Company will be providing a market update over the next few days | 19/03/2008 |
securities of Agri Energy Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company - the request is based on concerns that the Company may not practicably be able to keep the market fully informed during a series of interrelated negotiations to finance the Group's business, particularly the United States operation and the Beatrice Biodiesel Project in Nebraska | 13/02/2008 |
suspension of trading in the securities of Agri Energy Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following receipt of an announcement providing an update on the Company's activities | 07/01/2008 |
the securities of Agri Energy Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement by the Company | 24/12/2007 |
name changed from Australian Ethanol Limited | 25/01/2007 |
name changed to Sirocco Energy Ltd | 20/12/2012 |
company advises that the Sudanese Ministry of Petroleum has extended the lodgement date for the US$6,000,000 security bond for Block 14 Sudan, of which Sirocco is contributing approximately US$2,500,000, to 31 December 2012. Further details with respect to the security bond are contained in the prospectus announced by the Company on 30 November 2012 | 11/12/2012 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 23 | 04/12/2012 |
The securities of Agri Energy Ltd (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately pending the outcome of resolutions at the Company" annual general meeting regarding a change in the nature and scale of activities. If the Company" shareholders approve a change in nature and scale of activities, the securities will remain suspended pending compliance with Chapters 1 and 2 of the Listing Rules. Security Code: AAE | 30/11/2012 |
releases a Prospectus | 30/11/2012 |
securities reinstated | 10/09/2012 |
The securities of Agri Energy Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation from the commencement of trading on Friday 7 September 2012, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement | 06/09/2012 |
securities to be reinstated to quotation on Monday 2nd May | 29/04/2011 |
securities of Agri Energy Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, re announcement regarding Triton Petroleum | 28/04/2011 |
securities to be reinstated to quotation on Monday 1st Feb (note there has been a consolidation of shares at the rate of 1 for 15) | 28/01/2010 |
the Company advises that the 333,333 Options exercisable at $6.75 on or before 19 January 2010 have expired | 20/01/2010 |
the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of Agri Energy Limited will be held at Level 1, 33 Ord St, West Perth, Western Australia on 29 January 2010 at 9.00am (Western Standard Time) | 18/12/2009 |
the Directors advise that the offers pursuant to the Prospectus dated 24 November 2009 have closed. The Directors have accepted applications for: 1. 40,000,000 ordinary shares under the Investment Group Offer; 2. 360,000,000 ordinary shares under the General Offer; 3. 98,500,000 options under the Option Offer; and 4. 1,500,000 options under the Trustee Offer. The Company will now proceed to issue and allot the securities | 18/12/2009 |
releases Annual Report to shareholders | 11/12/2009 |
the company advises that the 756,666 Options exercisable at $6.75 on or before 30 November 2009 have expired | 01/12/2009 |
issues the prospectus | 24/11/2009 |
the Company advises that it has been granted a waiver to Listing Rule 14.7 to permit the Company to issue and allot: 1. Up to 72,000,000 shares and 20,000,000 options exercisable at $0.005 and expiring 31 December 2013 ("Options") to Gary Steinepreis, or his nominee(s). 2. Up to 27,000,000 shares and 10,000,000 Options to Bevan Tarratt, or his nominee(s). 3. Up to 11,500,000 shares and 5,000,000 Options to Patrick Burke, or his nominee(s). 4. Up to 72,000,000 shares and 20,000,000 to David Steinepreis, or his nominee(s). 5. Up to 12,000,000 shares and 5,000,000 Options to Ascent Capital Holdings Pty Limited, or its nominee(s), as approved by shareholders on 1 October 2009, by no later than 3 months of shareholder approval | 17/11/2009 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 15 | 06/10/2009 |
releases a Timetable for the reorganisation of capital | 02/10/2009 |
company is removed from external administration | 01/10/2009 |
provides an Amendment to Indicative Timetable in Notice of Meeting | 24/09/2009 |
company responds to ASX queries | 16/09/2009 |
a General Meeting is to be held on Thursday, 1 October 2009 at 4pm at the Institute of Chartered Accountants Level 3, 600 Bourke Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 to consider a Recapitalisation Proposal | 31/08/2009 |
a Copy of a Deed of Company Arrangement is lodged with ASIC | 23/12/2008 |
Ken Stout of Boutique Corporate Advisory is appointed Administrator following the filing in the US for Chapter 7 bankruptcy for the group's principal asset Baetrice Biodiesel LLC - this never augurs well for shareholders but it will be a month or so before a clearer picture emerges | 12/09/2008 |
releases prelim final report | 01/09/2008 |
the Company remains in suspension of its securities as efforts continue to liquidate assets and reduce outflow of limited corporate funds | 04/06/2008 |
releases its quarterly cash report to 31 March 2008 showing a deficit at operating level for the quarter of $230k and $1824k balance remaining | 30/04/2008 |
the company provides an update of its activities | 28/03/2008 |
the Company remains in voluntary suspension during efforts to overcome development and investment issues of the Beatrice Biodiesel Project - executives have recently returned from the United States continuing discussions with project financiers and investors - the Company will be providing a market update over the next few days | 19/03/2008 |
securities of Agri Energy Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company - the request is based on concerns that the Company may not practicably be able to keep the market fully informed during a series of interrelated negotiations to finance the Group's business, particularly the United States operation and the Beatrice Biodiesel Project in Nebraska | 13/02/2008 |
suspension of trading in the securities of Agri Energy Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following receipt of an announcement providing an update on the Company's activities | 07/01/2008 |
the securities of Agri Energy Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement by the Company | 24/12/2007 |
name changed from Australian Ethanol Limited | 25/01/2007 |
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Gregory Channon | Managing Director | |
Dougal Ferguson | Finance Director, Company Secretary | 01/12/2011 |
Patrick Burke | Director | 23/07/2009 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Glenn Whiddon | Director | 18/08/2011 | 27/11/2012 |
Gary Steinepreis | Director | 22/06/2009 | 11/06/2012 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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