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Download 2001 to 2024 name changes
deListed pulls all names for one company together so that shareholders can see the history of a company and its current status, all in one table. See below for links to all name changes. | |||
VANECK EMERGING INC OPPORTUNITIES ACTIVE ETF (MANAGED FUND) | EBND | 20 Mar 25 | VanEck Emerging Income Opportunities Active ETF |
VanEck Global Carbon Credits ETF (Synthetic) | XCO2 | 20 Mar 25 | Vaneck Global Carbon Credits Complex ETF |
VanEck Geared Australian Equal Weight Fund (Hedge Fund) | GMVW | 20 Mar 25 | Vaneck Geared Australian Equal Weight Complex ETF |
Global X USD High Yield Bond ETF (Currency Hedged) | USHY | 20 Mar 25 | Global X USD High Yield Bond (Currency Hedged) ETF |
Global X US Treasury Bond ETF (Currency Hedged) | USTB | 20 Mar 25 | Global X US Treasury Bond (Currency Hedged) ETF |
Global X USD Corporate Bond ETF (Currency Hedged) | USIG | 20 Mar 25 | Global X USD Corporate Bond (Currency Hedged) ETF |
IXUP LIMITED | IXU | 20 Mar 25 | DataWorks Group Limited |
ELLERSTON ASIA GROWTH FUND (HEDGE FUND) | EAFZ | 18 Mar 25 | Ellerston Asia Growth Fund Complex ETF |
SWITZER DIVIDEND GROWTH FUND (MANAGED FUND) | SWTZ | 18 Mar 25 | Switzer Dividend Growth Fund – Active ETF |
WCM QUALITY GLOBAL GROWTH FUND (QUOTED MANAGED FUND) | WCMQ | 18 Mar 25 | WCM Quality Global Growth Fund – Active ETF |
SUVO STRATEGIC MINERALS LIMITED | SUV | 18 Mar 25 | Green360 Technologies LImited |
LIVE VERDURE LTD | LV1 | 11 Mar 25 | Decidr Ai Industries Ltd |
LYCAON RESOURCES LTD | LYN | 06 Mar 25 | Solara Minerals Ltd |
FERTOZ LIMITED | FTZ | 27 Feb 25 | Canadian Phosphate Limited |
K-TIG LIMITED | KTG | 26 Feb 25 | Metal Powder Works Limited |
LABYRINTH RESOURCES LIMITED | LRL | 05 Feb 25 | Gorilla Gold Mines Ltd |
THE MARKET LIMITED | MKT | 03 Feb 25 | Gumtree Australia Markets Limited |
BLOCK INC. | SQ2 | 22 Jan 25 | ticker changed to XYZ |
PAN ASIA METALS LIMITED | PAM | 10 Jan 25 | Flagship Minerals Limited |
DOMINION MINERALS LIMITED | DLM | 08 Jan 25 | Invert Graphite Limited |
Many entities change their name and a large number of companies have had several changes of name. Generally the entity remains the same, it has just changed its name. Often the change of name is the result of business failure which leads to external administration and a capital restructuring or at least a change of activities. But it is still the same entity with pre-existing shareholders retaining an interest, albeit greatly diluted.
deListed pulls all names for one company together so that shareholders can see the history of a company and its current status, all in one table.
How does a company change its name?
To change its name a company must convene a meeting of members and pass a special resolution. At least 28 days notice must be given of a meeting of a listed company's members and the special resolution must be passed by at least 75% of the votes cast by members entitled to vote on the resolution.
The change of name takes effect when the Australian Securities and Investments Commission changes the details of the company's registration. We process a change of name only when ASX notifies the market of the change. Often ASX waits to receive all necessary documentation from the company before changing the name and the timing of the name change may also be affected by whether the company is suspended, undergoing a restructuring or seeking re-listing.
Companies that have changed their name
An average of almost 150 ASX-listed companies change their name ever year. You can download below a list of the previous names, ASX code, new name and code and date of change of all companies that have changed their name since 1 January 2001. Just click on the year (calendar year) you require or on ALL.
2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 |
2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 |
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
2022 | 2023 | 2024 | All (2001 to 2024) |